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2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# imports
import numpy as np
nf = np.float32
nfa = lambda x: np.array(x, dtype=nf)
ni = np.int
nia = lambda x: np.array(x, dtype=ni)
from collections import defaultdict
# Loss functions
class Loss:
def mean(self, r):
return np.average(self.f(r))
def dmean(self, r):
d = self.df(r)
return d / len(d)
class SquaredHalved(Loss):
def f(self, r):
return np.square(r) / 2
def df(self, r):
return r
# Optimizers
class Optimizer:
def __init__(self, alpha=0.1):
self.alpha = nfa(alpha)
def reset(self):
def compute(self, dW, W):
return -self.alpha * dW
def update(self, dW, W):
W += self.compute(dW, W)
# the following optimizers are blatantly ripped from tiny-dnn:
# https://github.com/tiny-dnn/tiny-dnn/blob/master/tiny_dnn/optimizers/optimizer.h
class Adam(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, alpha=0.001, b1=0.9, b2=0.999, b1_t=0.9, b2_t=0.999, eps=1e-8):
self.alpha = nf(alpha) # learning rate
self.b1 = nf(b1) # decay term
self.b2 = nf(b2) # decay term
self.b1_t_default = nf(b1_t) # decay term power t
self.b2_t_default = nf(b2_t) # decay term power t
self.eps = nf(eps)
def reset(self):
self.mt = None
self.vt = None
self.b1_t = self.b1_t_default
self.b2_t = self.b2_t_default
def compute(self, dW, W):
if self.mt is None:
self.mt = np.zeros_like(W)
if self.vt is None:
self.vt = np.zeros_like(W)
# decay
self.b1_t *= self.b1
self.b2_t *= self.b2
self.mt = self.b1 * self.mt + (1 - self.b1) * dW
self.vt = self.b2 * self.vt + (1 - self.b2) * dW * dW
return -self.alpha * (self.mt / (1 - self.b1_t)) \
/ np.sqrt((self.vt / (1 - self.b2_t)) + self.eps)
# Abstract Layers
_layer_counters = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
class Layer:
def __init__(self):
self.parents = []
self.children = []
self.input_shape = None
self.output_shape = None
kind = self.__class__.__name__
global _layer_counters
_layer_counters[kind] += 1
self.name = "{}_{}".format(kind, _layer_counters[kind])
self.size = None # total weight count (if any)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
# methods we might want to override:
def F(self, X):
raise NotImplementedError("unimplemented", self)
def dF(self, dY):
raise NotImplementedError("unimplemented", self)
def do_feed(self, child):
def be_fed(self, parent):
def make_shape(self, shape):
assert shape is not None
if self.output_shape is None:
self.output_shape = shape
return shape
# TODO: rename this multi and B crap to something actually relevant.
def multi(self, B):
assert len(B) == 1, self
return self.F(B[0].T).T
def dmulti(self, dB):
if len(dB) == 1:
return self.dF(dB[0].T).T
dX = None
for dY in dB:
if dX is None:
dX = self.dF(dY.T).T
dX += self.dF(dY.T).T
return dX
# general utility methods:
def compatible(self, parent):
if self.input_shape is None:
# inherit shape from output
shape = self.make_shape(parent.output_shape)
if shape is None:
return False
self.input_shape = shape
if np.all(self.input_shape == parent.output_shape):
return True
return False
def feed(self, child):
if not child.compatible(self):
fmt = "{} is incompatible with {}: shape mismatch: {} vs. {}"
raise Exception(fmt.format(self, child, self.output_shape, child.input_shape))
return child
def validate_input(self, X):
2017-01-09 04:35:28 -08:00
assert X.shape[1:] == self.input_shape, (str(self), X.shape[1:], self.input_shape)
2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
def validate_output(self, Y):
2017-01-09 04:35:28 -08:00
assert Y.shape[1:] == self.output_shape, (str(self), Y.shape[1:], self.output_shape)
2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
def forward(self, lut):
assert len(self.parents) > 0, self
#print(" forwarding", self)
B = []
for parent in self.parents:
# TODO: skip over irrelevant nodes (if any)
X = lut[parent]
#print("collected parent", parent)
Y = self.multi(B)
return Y
def backward(self, lut):
assert len(self.children) > 0, self
#print(" backwarding", self)
dB = []
for child in self.children:
# TODO: skip over irrelevant nodes (if any)
dY = lut[child]
#print(" collected child", child)
dX = self.dmulti(dB)
return dX
# Final Layers
class Sum(Layer):
def multi(self, B):
return np.sum(B, axis=0)
def dmulti(self, dB):
#assert len(dB) == 1, "unimplemented"
return dB[0] # TODO: does this always work?
class Input(Layer):
def __init__(self, shape):
assert shape is not None
self.shape = tuple(shape)
self.input_shape = self.shape
self.output_shape = self.shape
def F(self, X):
return X
def dF(self, dY):
2017-01-09 04:35:28 -08:00
#self.dY = dY
2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
return np.zeros_like(dY)
class Affine(Layer):
def __init__(self, a=1, b=0):
self.a = nf(a)
self.b = nf(b)
def F(self, X):
return self.a * X + self.b
def dF(self, dY):
return dY * self.a
class Relu(Layer):
def F(self, X):
self.cond = X >= 0
return np.where(self.cond, X, 0)
def dF(self, dY):
return np.where(self.cond, dY, 0)
2017-01-09 04:35:28 -08:00
class GeluApprox(Layer):
# refer to https://www.desmos.com/calculator/ydzgtccsld
def F(self, X):
from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid
self.a = 1.704 * X
self.sig = sigmoid(self.a)
return X * self.sig
def dF(self, dY):
return dY * self.sig * (1 + self.a * (1 - self.sig))
2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
class Dense(Layer):
def __init__(self, dim):
self.dim = ni(dim)
self.output_shape = (dim,)
self.size = None
def init(self, W, dW):
ins, outs = self.input_shape[0], self.output_shape[0]
self.W = W
self.dW = dW
self.coeffs = self.W[:self.nW].reshape(outs, ins)
self.biases = self.W[self.nW:].reshape(outs, 1)
self.dcoeffs = self.dW[:self.nW].reshape(outs, ins)
self.dbiases = self.dW[self.nW:].reshape(outs)
2017-01-09 04:35:28 -08:00
# he_normal initialization
2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
s = np.sqrt(2 / ins)
self.coeffs.flat = np.random.normal(0, s, size=self.nW)
self.biases.flat = 0
def make_shape(self, shape):
if len(shape) != 1:
return False
self.nW = self.dim * shape[0]
self.nb = self.dim
self.size = self.nW + self.nb
return shape
def F(self, X):
self.X = X
Y = self.coeffs.dot(X) \
+ self.biases
return Y
def dF(self, dY):
dX = self.coeffs.T.dot(dY)
self.dcoeffs[:] = dY.dot(self.X.T)
self.dbiases[:] = np.sum(dY, axis=1)
return dX
# Model
class Model:
def __init__(self, x, y):
assert isinstance(x, Layer), x
assert isinstance(y, Layer), y
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.ordered_nodes = self.traverse([], self.y)
2017-01-09 04:35:28 -08:00
node_names = ' '.join([str(node) for node in self.ordered_nodes])
print('{} nodes: {}'.format(len(self.ordered_nodes), node_names))
2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
def make_weights(self):
self.param_count = 0
for node in self.ordered_nodes:
if node.size is not None:
self.param_count += node.size
self.W = np.zeros(self.param_count, dtype=nf)
self.dW = np.zeros(self.param_count, dtype=nf)
offset = 0
for node in self.ordered_nodes:
if node.size is not None:
end = offset + node.size
node.init(self.W[offset:end], self.dW[offset:end])
offset += node.size
#print(self.W, self.dW)
def traverse(self, nodes, node):
if node == x:
return [node]
for parent in node.parents:
if parent not in nodes:
new_nodes = self.traverse(nodes, parent)
for new_node in new_nodes:
if new_node not in nodes:
if nodes:
return nodes
def forward(self, X):
lut = dict()
input_node = self.ordered_nodes[0]
output_node = self.ordered_nodes[-1]
lut[input_node] = input_node.multi(np.expand_dims(X, 0))
for node in self.ordered_nodes[1:]:
lut[node] = node.forward(lut)
return lut[output_node]
def backward(self, error):
lut = dict()
input_node = self.ordered_nodes[0]
output_node = self.ordered_nodes[-1]
lut[output_node] = output_node.dmulti(np.expand_dims(error, 0))
for node in reversed(self.ordered_nodes[:-1]):
lut[node] = node.backward(lut)
#return lut[input_node] # meaningless value
return self.dW
def load_model(self, fn):
# seemingly compatible with keras models at the moment
import h5py
f = h5py.File(fn)
loadweights = {}
def visitor(name, obj):
if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset):
loadweights[name.split('/')[-1]] = nfa(obj[:])
denses = [node for node in self.ordered_nodes if isinstance(node, Dense)]
for i in range(len(denses)):
a, b = i, i + 1
b_name = "dense_{}".format(b)
denses[a].coeffs = loadweights[b_name+'_W'].T
denses[a].biases = np.expand_dims(loadweights[b_name+'_b'], -1)
def save_model(self, fn, overwrite=False):
raise NotImplementedError("unimplemented", self)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Config
from dotmap import DotMap
config = DotMap(
fn = 'ml/cie_mlp_min.h5',
batch_size = 64,
res_width = 12,
res_depth = 3,
res_block = 2, # normally 2
res_multi = 4, # normally 1
2017-01-09 04:35:28 -08:00
activation = 'gelu',
2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
optim = 'adam',
nesterov = False, # only used with SGD or Adam
momentum = 0.33, # only used with SGD
epochs = 6, # 6
LR = 1e-2,
restarts = 3, # 3
LR_halve_every = 2,
LR_restart_advance = 3,
init = 'he_normal',
loss = 'mse',
parallel_style = 'batchless',
# toy CIE-2000 data
from ml.cie_mlp_data import rgbcompare, input_samples, output_samples, x_scale, y_scale
def read_data(fn):
data = np.load(fn)
inputs, outputs = data['inputs'], data['outputs']
except KeyError:
# because i'm bad at video games.
inputs, outputs = data['arr_0'], data['arr_1']
return inputs, outputs
inputs, outputs = read_data("ml/cie_mlp_data.npz")
valid_data = read_data("ml/cie_mlp_vdata.npz")
valid_inputs, valid_outputs = valid_data
# Our Test Model
x = Input(shape=(input_samples,))
y = x
last_size = input_samples
2017-01-09 04:35:28 -08:00
activations = dict(relu=Relu, gelu=GeluApprox)
activation = activations[config.activation]
2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
for blah in range(config.res_depth):
size = config.res_width
if last_size != size:
y = y.feed(Dense(size))
assert config.parallel_style == 'batchless'
skip = y
merger = Sum()
2017-01-09 04:35:28 -08:00
z_start = skip.feed(activation())
2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
for i in range(config.res_multi):
z = z_start
for i in range(config.res_block):
if i > 0:
2017-01-09 04:35:28 -08:00
z = z.feed(activation())
2017-01-09 03:37:35 -08:00
z = z.feed(Dense(size))
y = merger
last_size = size
if last_size != output_samples:
y = y.feed(Dense(output_samples))
model = Model(x, y)
training = config.epochs > 0 and config.restarts >= 0
if not training:
assert config.optim == 'adam'
if config.nesterov:
assert False, "unimplemented"
optim = Adam()
assert config.loss == 'mse'
loss = SquaredHalved()
LR = config.LR
LRprod = 0.5**(1/config.LR_halve_every)
# Training
def measure_loss():
predicted = model.forward(inputs / x_scale)
residual = predicted - outputs / y_scale
err = loss.mean(residual)
print("train loss: {:10.6f}".format(err))
predicted = model.forward(valid_inputs / x_scale)
residual = predicted - valid_outputs / y_scale
err = loss.mean(residual)
print("valid loss: {:10.6f}".format(err))
for i in range(config.restarts + 1):
if i > 0:
assert inputs.shape[0] % config.batch_size == 0, \
"inputs is not evenly divisible by batch_size" # TODO: lift this restriction
batch_count = inputs.shape[0] // config.batch_size
for e in range(config.epochs):
indices = np.arange(len(inputs))
shuffled_inputs = inputs[indices] / x_scale
shuffled_outputs = outputs[indices] / y_scale
cumsum_loss = 0
for b in range(batch_count):
bi = b * config.batch_size
batch_inputs = shuffled_inputs[ bi:bi+config.batch_size]
batch_outputs = shuffled_outputs[bi:bi+config.batch_size]
predicted = model.forward(batch_inputs)
dW = model.backward(np.ones_like(predicted))
residual = predicted - batch_outputs
# TODO: try something like this instead?
#err_dW = np.dot(loss.dmean(residual), np.expand_dims(dW, 0))
err_dW = loss.df(residual) * dW / len(residual)
err_dW = np.sum(err_dW, axis=0)
optim.alpha = LR * LRprod**e
optim.update(err_dW, model.W)
# note: we don't actually need this for training, only monitoring.
cumsum_loss += loss.mean(residual)
print("avg loss: {:10.6f}".format(cumsum_loss / batch_count))
LR *= LRprod**config.LR_restart_advance
#if training:
# model.save_weights(config.fn, overwrite=True)
# Evaluation
a = (192, 128, 64)
b = (64, 128, 192)
X = np.expand_dims(np.hstack((a, b)), 0) / x_scale
P = model.forward(X) * y_scale
print("truth:", rgbcompare(a, b))
print("network:", np.squeeze(P))