2018-03-12 19:27:11 -07:00
import numpy as np
2018-03-17 06:09:15 -07:00
from .float import _f, _0, _1
2018-03-06 16:52:26 -08:00
from .layer import Layer
from .loss import Loss
from .optimizer import Optimizer
from .ritual import Ritual
from .learner import Learner
from .parametric import Dense
from .regularizer import Regularizer
class AddSignClip(Optimizer):
# paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.07417
# with heavy-handed gradient clipping of my own concoction.
def __init__(self, lr=0.01, mu=0.9, alpha=1.0, clip=1.0):
self.mu = _f(mu)
self.alpha = _f(alpha)
self.clip = _f(clip)
def reset(self):
self.accum = None
def compute(self, dW, W):
if self.accum is None:
self.accum = np.zeros_like(dW)
self.accum[:] = self.accum * self.mu + dW
signed = np.sign(dW) * np.sign(self.accum)
2018-03-23 22:26:02 -07:00
# signed *= decay
2018-03-06 16:52:26 -08:00
inter = dW * (self.alpha + signed)
total_norm = np.linalg.norm(inter)
# based on softplus.
inter /= np.log(1 + np.exp(total_norm / self.clip - 1)) + 1
return -self.lr * inter
class PowerSignClip(Optimizer):
# paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.07417
# with heavy-handed gradient clipping of my own concoction.
def __init__(self, lr=0.01, mu=0.9, alpha=np.e, clip=1.0):
self.mu = _f(mu)
self.alpha = _f(alpha)
self.use_exp = np.isclose(self.alpha, _f(np.e))
self.clip = _f(clip)
def reset(self):
self.accum = None
def compute(self, dW, W):
if self.accum is None:
self.accum = np.zeros_like(dW)
self.accum[:] = self.accum * self.mu + dW
signed = np.sign(dW) * np.sign(self.accum)
2018-03-23 22:26:02 -07:00
# signed *= decay
2018-03-06 16:52:26 -08:00
if self.use_exp:
inter = dW * np.exp(signed)
inter = dW * np.power(self.alpha, signed)
total_norm = np.linalg.norm(inter)
# based on softplus.
inter /= np.log(1 + np.exp(total_norm / self.clip - 1)) + 1
return -self.lr * inter
2018-03-06 16:53:40 -08:00
class L1L2avg(Regularizer):
def __init__(self, l1=0.0, l2=0.0):
self.l1 = _f(l1)
self.l2 = _f(l2)
def forward(self, X):
f = _0
if self.l1:
f += np.average(self.l1 * np.abs(X))
if self.l2:
f += np.average(self.l2 * np.square(X))
return f
def backward(self, X):
df = np.zeros_like(X)
if self.l1:
df += self.l1 / len(X) * np.sign(X)
if self.l2:
df += self.l2 / len(X) * 2 * X
return df
2018-03-06 16:54:48 -08:00
class NoiseInjector(Layer):
def __init__(self, scale=1.0, uniform=False, absolute=False,
forwards=True, backwards=False):
self.scale = _f(scale)
self.uniform = bool(uniform)
self.absolute = bool(absolute)
self.forwards = bool(forwards)
self.backwards = bool(backwards)
def forward(self, X):
s = self.scale
if self.uniform:
self.noise = np.random.uniform(-s, s, size=X.shape)
self.noise = np.random.normal(0, s, size=X.shape)
if not self.forwards:
return X
if self.absolute:
return X + np.abs(self.noise)
return X + self.noise
def forward_deterministic(self, X):
return X
def backward(self, dY):
if not self.backwards:
return dY
if self.absolute:
return dY + np.abs(self.noise)
return dY + self.noise
class NoiseMultiplier(Layer):
def __init__(self, scale=1.0, uniform=False,
forwards=True, backwards=True):
self.scale = _f(scale)
self.uniform = bool(uniform)
def forward(self, X):
s = self.scale
if self.uniform:
self.noise = np.exp(np.random.uniform(-s, s, size=X.shape))
self.noise = np.exp(np.random.normal(0, s, size=X.shape))
if not self.forwards:
return X
return X * self.noise
def forward_deterministic(self, X):
return X
def backward(self, dY):
if not self.backwards:
return dY
return dY * self.noise
2018-03-06 16:58:17 -08:00
class LookupLearner(Learner):
per_batch = True
def __init__(self, optim, epochs=1, rates=(1,), lerp=False):
self.rates = tuple(rates)
self.lerp = bool(lerp)
self.per_batch = self.lerp
super().__init__(optim, epochs, rates[0])
def rate_at(self, epoch):
if self.lerp:
ind = min(max(int(epoch), 1), len(self.rates) - 1)
t = _f(epoch % 1)
a = _f(self.rates[ind-1])
b = _f(self.rates[ind])
return (_1 - t) * a + t * b
ind = min(int(epoch), len(self.rates) - 1)
return _f(self.rates[ind])