local insert = table.insert local data = require "lips.data" local util = require "lips.util" local overrides = require "lips.overrides" local Token = require "lips.Token" local Lexer = require "lips.Lexer" local Dumper = require "lips.Dumper" local Muncher = require "lips.Muncher" local Preproc = require "lips.Preproc" local Parser = util.Class(Muncher) function Parser:init(writer, fn, options) self.fn = fn or '(string)' self.main_fn = self.fn self.options = options or {} self.dumper = Dumper(writer, fn, options) end function Parser:directive() local name = self.tok self:advance() local function add(...) self.dumper:add_directive(self.fn, self.line, ...) end if name == 'ORG' then add(name, self:number().tok) elseif name == 'ALIGN' or name == 'SKIP' then if self:is_EOL() and name == 'ALIGN' then add(name, 0) else local size = self:number().tok if self:is_EOL() then add(name, size) else self:optional_comma() add(name, size, self:number().tok) end self:expect_EOL() end elseif name == 'BYTE' or name == 'HALFWORD' then add(name, self:number().tok) while not self:is_EOL() do self:advance() self:optional_comma() add(name, self:number().tok) end self:expect_EOL() elseif name == 'WORD' then -- allow labels in word directives add(name, self:const().tok) while not self:is_EOL() do self:advance() self:optional_comma() add(name, self:const().tok) end self:expect_EOL() elseif name == 'INC' then -- noop, handled by lexer elseif name == 'ASCII' or name == 'ASCIIZ' then local bytes = self:string() for i, number in ipairs(bytes.tok) do add('BYTE', number) end if name == 'ASCIIZ' then add('BYTE', 0) end self:expect_EOL() elseif name == 'INCBIN' then self:error('unimplemented') elseif name == 'FLOAT' then self:error('unimplemented') else self:error('unknown directive') end end function Parser:format_in(informat) local args = {} for i=1,#informat do local c = informat:sub(i, i) local c2 = informat:sub(i + 1, i + 1) if c == 'd' and not args.rd then args.rd = self:register() elseif c == 's' and not args.rs then args.rs = self:register() elseif c == 't' and not args.rt then args.rt = self:register() elseif c == 'D' and not args.fd then args.fd = self:register(data.fpu_registers) elseif c == 'S' and not args.fs then args.fs = self:register(data.fpu_registers) elseif c == 'T' and not args.ft then args.ft = self:register(data.fpu_registers) elseif c == 'X' and not args.rd then args.rd = self:register(data.sys_registers) elseif c == 'Y' and not args.rs then args.rs = self:register(data.sys_registers) elseif c == 'Z' and not args.rt then args.rt = self:register(data.sys_registers) elseif c == 'o' and not args.offset then args.offset = Token(self:const()):set('signed') elseif c == 'r' and not args.offset then args.offset = Token(self:const('relative')):set('signed') elseif c == 'i' and not args.immediate then args.immediate = self:const(nil, 'no label') elseif c == 'I' and not args.index then args.index = Token(self:const()):set('index') elseif c == 'k' and not args.immediate then args.immediate = Token(self:const(nil, 'no label')):set('negate') elseif c == 'K' and not args.immediate then args.immediate = Token(self:const(nil, 'no label')):set('signed') elseif c == 'b' and not args.base then args.base = self:deref() else error('Internal Error: invalid input formatting string') end if c2:find('[dstDSTorIikKXYZ]') then self:optional_comma() end end return args end function Parser:format_out_raw(outformat, first, args, const, formatconst) local lookup = { [1]=self.dumper.add_instruction_j, [3]=self.dumper.add_instruction_i, [5]=self.dumper.add_instruction_r, } local out = {} for i=1,#outformat do local c = outformat:sub(i, i) if c == 'd' then out[#out+1] = self:token(args.rd) elseif c == 's' then out[#out+1] = self:token(args.rs) elseif c == 't' then out[#out+1] = self:token(args.rt) elseif c == 'D' then out[#out+1] = self:token(args.fd) elseif c == 'S' then out[#out+1] = self:token(args.fs) elseif c == 'T' then out[#out+1] = self:token(args.ft) elseif c == 'o' then out[#out+1] = self:token(args.offset) elseif c == 'i' then out[#out+1] = self:token(args.immediate) elseif c == 'I' then out[#out+1] = self:token(args.index) elseif c == 'b' then out[#out+1] = self:token(args.base) elseif c == '0' then out[#out+1] = self:token(0) elseif c == 'C' then out[#out+1] = self:token(const) elseif c == 'F' then out[#out+1] = self:token(formatconst) end end local f = lookup[#outformat] if f == nil then error('Internal Error: invalid output formatting string') end f(self.dumper, self.fn, self.line, first, out[1], out[2], out[3], out[4], out[5]) end function Parser:format_out(t, args) self:format_out_raw(t[3], t[1], args, t[4], t[5]) end function Parser:instruction() local name = self.tok local h = data.instructions[name] self:advance() if h == nil then error('Internal Error: undefined instruction') elseif overrides[name] then overrides[name](self, name) elseif h[2] == 'tob' then -- TODO: or h[2] == 'Tob' then local lui = data.instructions['LUI'] local addu = data.instructions['ADDU'] local args = {} args.rt = self:register() self:optional_comma() if self.tt == 'OPEN' then args.offset = 0 args.base = self:deref() else -- NUM or LABELSYM local lui_args = {} local addu_args = {} local o = self:const() args.offset = self:token(o) if not o.portion then args.offset:set('portion', 'lower') end if not o.portion and (o.tt == 'LABELSYM' or o.tok >= 0x80000000) then lui_args.immediate = Token(o):set('portion', 'upperoff') lui_args.rt = 'AT' self:format_out(lui, lui_args) if not self:is_EOL() then addu_args.rd = 'AT' addu_args.rs = 'AT' addu_args.rt = self:deref() self:format_out(addu, addu_args) end args.base = 'AT' else args.base = self:deref() end end self:format_out(h, args) elseif h[2] ~= nil then local args = self:format_in(h[2]) self:format_out(h, args) else self:error('unimplemented instruction') end self:expect_EOL() end function Parser:tokenize(asm) self.i = 0 local routine = coroutine.create(function() local lexer = Lexer(asm, self.main_fn, self.options) lexer:lex(coroutine.yield) end) local tokens = {} while true do local ok, a, b, c, d = coroutine.resume(routine) if not ok then a = a or 'Internal Error: lexer coroutine has stopped' error(a) end assert(a, 'Internal Error: missing token') local t = Token(c, d, a, b) insert(tokens, t) if t.tt == 'EOF' and t.fn == self.main_fn then break end end local preproc = Preproc(self.options) self.tokens = preproc:process(tokens) assert(#self.tokens > 0, 'Internal Error: no tokens after preprocessing') end function Parser:parse(asm) self:tokenize(asm) self:advance() while true do if self.tt == 'EOF' then if self.fn == self.main_fn then break end self:advance() elseif self.tt == 'EOL' then -- empty line self:advance() elseif self.tt == 'DIR' then self:directive() elseif self.tt == 'LABEL' then self.dumper:add_label(self.tok) self:advance() elseif self.tt == 'INSTR' then self:instruction() else self:error('unexpected token (unknown instruction?)') end end return self.dumper:dump() end return Parser