package.path = package.path..";./?/init.lua" local assemble = require "lips" local cereal = require "serialize" local argparse = require "argparse" local function inject(args) args.offset = args.offset or 0 local f =, 'r+b') if not f then print("file not found:", args.output) return end local state = {} for _, import in ipairs(args.import) do local new_state = cereal.deserialize(import) for k, v in pairs(new_state) do state[k] = v end end local function write(pos, b) if args.extra_rom and args.extra_ram and pos >= args.extra_ram then pos = pos - args.extra_ram + args.extra_rom elseif pos >= args.offset then pos = pos - args.offset end if pos >= 1024*1024*1024 then print("you probably don't want to do this:") print(("%08X %02X"):format(pos, b)) return end f:seek('set', pos) f:write(string.char(b)) end assemble(args.input, write, {unsafe=true, offset=args.offset, labels=state}) if args.export then cereal.serialize(args.export, state) end f:close() end local function parsenum(s) if s:sub(1, 2) == '0x' then return tonumber(s, 16) elseif s:sub(1, 1) == '0' then return tonumber(s, 8) else return tonumber(s) end end local ap = argparse("patch", "patch a binary file with assembly") -- TODO: option to dump hex or gs codes when no output is given ap:argument("input", "input assembly file") ap:argument("output", "output binary file") ap:option("-o --offset", "offset to pass to lips", "0"):convert(parsenum) ap:option("-i --import", "import state file(s) containing labels"):count("*") ap:option("-e --export", "export state file containing labels") --ap:option("-s --state", "--import and --export to this file") -- TODO: replace this with a lua table import of associated addresses ap:option("--extra-rom", "dumb stuff"):convert(parsenum) ap:option("--extra-ram", "dumb stuff"):convert(parsenum) local inject_args = ap:parse() inject(inject_args)