[actor_spawn]: 0x800BAE14 [object_spawn]: 0x8012F2E0 [object_index]: 0x8012F608 [max_actor_no]: 0x2B1 [global_context]: 0x803E6B20 [buttons_offset]: 0x14 [actor_spawn_offset]: 0x1CA0 [object_spawn_offset]: 0x17D88 [link_actor]: 0x803FFDB0 [actor_x]: 0x24 [actor_y]: 0x28 [actor_z]: 0x2C [actor_horiz_angle]: 0x32 [link_save]: 0x801EF670 [rupees_offset]: 0x3A [upgrades_offset]: 0xB8 [upgrades_2_offset]: 0xBA [dlist_offset]: 0x2B0 [SetTextRGBA]: 0x800859BC [SetTextXY]: 0x80085A2C [SetTextString]: 0x800860D8 [TxtPrinter]: 0x80085FE4 [InitTxtStruct]: 0x80086010 // unused here; we set it up inline [DoTxtStruct]: 0x8008606C [UpdateTxtStruct]: 0x800860A0 .include "spawn.asm" [whatever]: 0x807D0000 // stupid hack since i can't store/restore PC (not yet!) .org @whatever push 5, ra lhu t0, 0(a1) andi t0, t0, 0x07FF bnei t0, 0x0C5, + // skip if not title screen actor nop jal 0x800BB2D0 // original code nop +: jpop 5, ra .org 0x800B9430 // part of scene actor loading routine jal @whatever .org 0x8012FC18 // scene command 0x0B (objects) // don't load any objects manually, // since spawn.asm handles that automatically jr nop