local unset="unset" return { [0x000]="?", [0x001]="Various Gameplay Objects", [0x002]="Various Field Objects", [0x003]="Various Dungeon Objects", [0x004]="Anju's Grandma", [0x005]="Octorok", [0x006]="Guay", [0x007]="Madame Dotour", [0x008]="Great Fairy & Spiral Beam of Light", [0x009]="Wallmaster", [0x00A]="Dodongo", [0x00B]="Keese", [0x00C]="Treasure Chest", [0x00D]="Madame Aroma", [0x00E]="Shabom", [0x00F]="Cucco", [0x010]="Fierce Deity Link", [0x011]="Child Link", [0x012]="Tektite", [0x013]="Mr. Barten", [0x014]="Peahat", [0x015]="Anju in Wedding Dress", [0x016]="Sun Mask", [0x017]="Dinolfos", [0x018]="Wedding Dress Mannequin", [0x019]="Child Zelda Early", [0x01A]="No Display Lists or Textures to Render ???", [0x01B]=unset, [0x01C]="Kafei", [0x01D]="Death Armos", [0x01E]=unset, [0x01F]=unset, [0x020]="Skulltula/Skullwalltula/Gold Skulltula Token", [0x021]=unset, [0x022]="Takkuri", [0x023]=unset, [0x024]=unset, [0x025]=unset, [0x026]=unset, [0x027]=unset, [0x028]=unset, [0x029]=unset, [0x02A]="Bomb Flower", [0x02B]=unset, [0x02C]=unset, [0x02D]=unset, [0x02E]=unset, [0x02F]=unset, [0x030]="Armos & Armos Statue", [0x031]="Deku Baba & Wilted Deku Baba", [0x032]=unset, [0x033]=unset, [0x034]=unset, [0x035]=unset, [0x036]=unset, [0x037]=unset, [0x038]=unset, [0x039]=unset, [0x03A]=unset, [0x03B]=unset, [0x03C]=unset, [0x03D]=unset, [0x03E]="Blue Warp", [0x03F]="Piece of Heart & Heart Container (Verify ???)", [0x040]="Mad Scrub", [0x041]=unset, [0x042]=unset, [0x043]=unset, [0x044]=unset, [0x045]=unset, [0x046]=unset, [0x047]=unset, [0x048]=unset, [0x049]=unset, [0x04A]=unset, [0x04B]=unset, [0x04C]=unset, [0x04D]=unset, [0x04E]=unset, [0x04F]=unset, [0x050]=unset, [0x051]="Red & Blue Bubbles", [0x052]="Gomess & ???", [0x053]=unset, [0x054]=unset, [0x055]=unset, [0x056]=unset, [0x057]=unset, [0x058]=unset, [0x059]=unset, [0x05A]=unset, [0x05B]=unset, [0x05C]="Moveable Blocks & Elevators - Stone Tower Temple (Verify ???)", [0x05D]="Composer Brothers", [0x05E]=unset, [0x05F]="Flagpole", [0x060]=unset, [0x061]="Trees & Plants", [0x062]=unset, [0x063]=unset, [0x064]="Blade Trap", [0x065]=unset, [0x066]=unset, [0x067]=unset, [0x068]=unset, [0x069]=unset, [0x06A]="Beamos", [0x06B]=unset, [0x06C]=unset, [0x06D]=unset, [0x06E]=unset, [0x06F]=unset, [0x070]="Rock With Beam of Light", [0x071]=unset, [0x072]=unset, [0x073]=unset, [0x074]=unset, [0x075]="Redeads & Gibdos", [0x076]="Mountain Village Objects (Verify ???)", [0x077]="Golden Gauntlets Rock - J 1.0 Only", [0x078]=unset, [0x079]=unset, [0x07A]=unset, [0x07B]=unset, [0x07C]=unset, [0x07D]="Child Epona", [0x07E]=unset, [0x07F]=unset, [0x080]="Golden Torch Stand", [0x081]=unset, [0x082]=unset, [0x083]=unset, [0x084]="Ring of Light (Verify ???)", [0x085]=unset, [0x086]="Small Key (Verify ???)", [0x087]="Mirror Shield Light Ray", [0x088]="Gear & Twisting Path to Clock Tower", [0x089]=unset, [0x08A]="Boss Doors", [0x08B]=unset, [0x08C]=unset, [0x08D]=unset, [0x08E]="Shellblade", [0x08F]="Music Note", [0x090]="Recovery Heart", [0x091]="Compass", [0x092]="Boss Key", [0x093]=unset, [0x094]="Deku Nuts", [0x095]=unset, [0x096]="Heart Container Boss Lair", [0x097]="Quivers", [0x098]="Bomb Bags", [0x099]="Gorman Bros.", [0x09A]=unset, [0x09B]=unset, [0x09C]=unset, [0x09D]="No Display Lists or Textures to Render ???", [0x09E]="Bottle", [0x09F]="Deku Stick", [0x0A0]="Dungeon Map & Stone of Agony", [0x0A1]="Various Gorons/Medigoron Goron Powder Keg Shop/Don Gero", [0x0A2]="Ruto", [0x0A3]=unset, [0x0A4]="Magic Jars", [0x0A5]="Bomb", [0x0A6]=unset, [0x0A7]="Cremia", [0x0A8]="Wallets", [0x0A9]=unset, [0x0AA]=unset, [0x0AB]="Like Like", [0x0AC]=unset, [0x0AD]=unset, [0x0AE]=unset, [0x0AF]="Arrow Bundles", [0x0B0]="Bombchu", [0x0B1]=unset, [0x0B2]=unset, [0x0B3]="Hero's Shield", [0x0B4]="Hookshot", [0x0B5]="Ocarina of Time", [0x0B6]="Bottle of Milk", [0x0B7]="Romani", [0x0B8]=unset, [0x0B9]=unset, [0x0BA]=unset, [0x0BB]="Exploding Metal Spike Trap", [0x0BC]="Frog", [0x0BD]=unset, [0x0BE]=unset, [0x0BF]="Hero's Bow", [0x0C0]="Lens of Truth", [0x0C1]="Potions", [0x0C2]="Part-Timer", [0x0C3]="Mirror Shield", [0x0C4]=unset, [0x0C5]=unset, [0x0C6]="Magic Beam (Verify ???)", [0x0C7]="Fish in Bottle", [0x0C8]=unset, [0x0C9]=unset, [0x0CA]=unset, [0x0CB]="Biggoron's Sword", [0x0CC]=unset, [0x0CD]=unset, [0x0CE]=unset, [0x0CF]=unset, [0x0D0]="Zora", [0x0D1]=unset, [0x0D2]="Horse Jumping Fence", [0x0D3]=unset, [0x0D4]=unset, [0x0D5]="No Display Lists or Textures to Render ???", [0x0D6]="No Display Lists or Textures to Render ???", [0x0D7]="Mamamu Yan", [0x0D8]="Iron Knuckle", [0x0D9]="Bearded Man - Ocarina of Time", [0x0DA]="Thin Woman in Blue Dress - Ocarina of Time", [0x0DB]=unset, [0x0DC]=unset, [0x0DD]="Anju's Broom", [0x0DE]="Shikashi", [0x0DF]="Bomb Shop Owner's Mother", [0x0E0]="Anju's Umbrella", [0x0E1]=unset, [0x0E2]="Anju", [0x0E3]="Bank Teller/Juggler/Sakon/Bomb Shop Bag", [0x0E4]="Freezard", [0x0E5]="Carpenter Boss's Wife - Ocarina of Time", [0x0E6]="Gerudo Lieutenant", [0x0E7]="Swamp Shooting Gallery Minigame Points", [0x0E8]=unset, [0x0E9]=unset, [0x0EA]=unset, [0x0EB]=unset, [0x0EC]="Stone Hookshot Target Pillar", [0x0ED]="Dampé's House Elevator & Long Row of Blocks", [0x0EE]="Magic Bean Plant", [0x0EF]="Snowball & Rolling Boulder", [0x0F0]="Mutoh", [0x0F1]="Carpenter", [0x0F2]="Cucco Chick", [0x0F3]="No Display Lists or Textures to Render ???", [0x0F4]="Bean Seller", [0x0F5]="Grog", [0x0F6]=unset, [0x0F7]="Sun Switch", [0x0F8]="Grass", [0x0F9]="Pot", [0x0FA]=unset, [0x0FB]=unset, [0x0FC]="Square Signpost", [0x0FD]="Kaepora Gaebora", [0x0FE]="Marine Researcher", [0x0FF]="Guru-Guru", [0x100]="Keaton Mask", [0x101]=unset, [0x102]="Captain's Hat", [0x103]="Bunny Hood", [0x104]="Mask of Truth", [0x105]=unset, [0x106]="Water Spout", [0x107]="Postman", [0x108]=unset, [0x109]=unset, [0x10A]=unset, [0x10B]=unset, [0x10C]=unset, [0x10D]=unset, [0x10E]=unset, [0x10F]="Swordsman", [0x110]="Bombers & Jim", [0x111]=unset, [0x112]=unset, [0x113]="SOLD OUT Texture", [0x114]=unset, [0x115]="Title Logo", [0x116]=unset, [0x117]=unset, [0x118]=unset, [0x119]="Goron Mask", [0x11A]="Zora Mask", [0x11B]=unset, [0x11C]=unset, [0x11D]="Pierre the Scarecrow", [0x11E]=unset, [0x11F]="Red-Tipped Iron Bars", [0x120]=unset, [0x121]="Fire Arrow/Ice Arrow/Light Arrow", [0x122]="Potion Shop Owner - Ocarina of Time", [0x123]=unset, [0x124]="Fishing Pond Objects", [0x125]="Gold Skulltula Token", [0x126]=unset, [0x127]="Cursed Man", [0x128]="Gekko Miniboss/Mad Jelly/Jelly Droplets", [0x129]="Treasure Chest Game Employee & Mayor's Receptionist", [0x12A]="Bombable Rock & Boulder Blocking Goron Racetrack", [0x12B]="Sleeping Deku Scrub", [0x12C]="Bomb Shop Owner", [0x12D]=unset, [0x12E]="Patrolling Pirate Guard", [0x12F]=unset, [0x130]="Aveil", [0x131]=unset, [0x132]="Dog", [0x133]="Large Wooden Crate", [0x134]="Deku Guard - Deku King's Chamber", [0x135]="Deku Guard - Deku Palace Entrance & Grounds", [0x136]=unset, [0x137]="Bug in Bottle", [0x138]=unset, [0x139]="Hot Spring Water", [0x13A]="Rupees", [0x13B]=unset, [0x13C]=unset, [0x13D]=unset, [0x13E]=unset, [0x13F]="Rupees", [0x140]="Honey & Darling", [0x141]="Wolfos", [0x142]="Stalchild", [0x143]="Gossip Stone", [0x144]="Ghost Hut Owner", [0x145]="Barn Roof", [0x146]="Cow", [0x147]=unset, [0x148]="Kokiri Sword", [0x149]=unset, [0x14A]=unset, [0x14B]="Child Zelda - Song of Time Cutscene", [0x14C]="Goron Link", [0x14D]="Zora Link", [0x14E]="Dragonfly", [0x14F]="Green Bumper", [0x150]=unset, [0x151]=unset, [0x152]=unset, [0x153]="Proximity-Activated Fire Wall", [0x154]="Deku Link", [0x155]="Garo Master", [0x156]="Igos du Ikana", [0x157]="Blue Icicle (Verify ???)", [0x158]="Spiderweb", [0x159]=unset, [0x15A]="Odolwa", [0x15B]="Twinmold (Verify ???)", [0x15C]="Gyorg", [0x15D]="Wart", [0x15E]="Bio Deku Baba", [0x15F]=unset, [0x160]="Majora", [0x161]="Carnivorous Lilypad", [0x162]="Plume of Smoke Rising High Into the Sky", [0x163]="Various Elevators Deku Palace/Woodfall, Triforce, Deku Scrub Playground, ???", [0x164]="Wooden Flower - Woodfall Temple", [0x165]="Breakable Pot With Grass", [0x166]="Spike-Covered Log", [0x167]="Ice Platform Created by Freezing Enemy", [0x168]=unset, [0x169]="Opening Cutscene Objects", [0x16A]="Chuchu", [0x16B]="Desbreko & Skullfish", [0x16C]="Stock Pot Inn Bell", [0x16D]="Clock Tower Spotlight/Chimney Smoke/2D Chimney Backdrop/Bank Shutter", [0x16E]=unset, [0x16F]="Small Wooden Crate", [0x170]="Owl Statue", [0x171]="Nejiron", [0x172]="Bad Bat", [0x173]="Triforce Song Pedestal", [0x174]="Goron Song Pedestal", [0x175]="Kokiri Song Pedestal", [0x176]="Song of Soaring Pedestal", [0x177]=unset, [0x178]="Wizzrobe", [0x179]="Ladder", [0x17A]="Black Boe", [0x17B]=unset, [0x17C]=unset, [0x17D]=unset, [0x17E]="Fountain Water & Iron Fence", [0x17F]="Swamp Tour Boat", [0x180]="Unknown Texture ???", [0x181]="Real Bombchu", [0x182]="Water Dripping on Ground", [0x183]=unset, [0x184]="Great Bay Temple Objects", [0x185]="Tingle", [0x186]="Pirates' Fortress Telescope", [0x187]="Drifting Ice Platform", [0x188]="Falling Moon", [0x189]="Deku Nut Projectile", [0x18A]="Closing Doors - Deku Shrine", [0x18B]="Deku King", [0x18C]="Clock Tower & Light Beam", [0x18D]="Eyegore & Rubble", [0x18E]="Koume", [0x18F]="Kotake", [0x190]="Snowhead Temple Objects", [0x191]="Arrow, Posts, & Splatter", [0x192]="Skullkid", [0x193]=unset, [0x194]=unset, [0x195]="Monkey", [0x196]="Bottle of Red Potion", [0x197]="Swinging Doors to Clock Tower", [0x198]="Beaver Bros.", [0x199]="Collectable Ring - Beaver Race", [0x19A]="Woodfall Volcano & Deku Palace Water", [0x19B]="Poe Balloon (Romani Ranch)", [0x19C]="Magic Jar (??? DC)", [0x19D]="Donkey", [0x19E]="Big Octo", [0x19F]="Deku Door & Spotlights", [0x1A0]="Rotating Platform (Honey & Darling's Shop)", [0x1A1]="Target/Basket - Honey & Darling's Shop", [0x1A2]="Woodfall Temple Rises Cutscene Objects", [0x1A3]="Happy Mask Salesman", [0x1A4]="Door to Top of Clock Tower", [0x1A5]="Lilypad", [0x1A6]="Snapper - Gekko & Snapper Miniboss", [0x1A7]="Ivy in Deku Jail", [0x1A8]="Invisible Blue Platforms Visible With Lens of Truth", [0x1A9]="Fisherman", [0x1AA]="Updated Potion Shop Owner - Ocarina of Time", [0x1AB]="Curiosity Shop Owner", [0x1AC]="Swamp Tourist Center Guide & Swamp Shooting Gallery Manager", [0x1AD]="Ice Block (Verify ???)", [0x1AE]="Zora Egg in Bottle", [0x1AF]="Dampé", [0x1B0]="West Clocktown Stairs", [0x1B1]="Moon's Tear", [0x1B2]="Title Deeds", [0x1B3]="Block That Dissolves in Sunlight", [0x1B4]="Proximity-Activated Wall - Treasure Chest Game", [0x1B5]="Dexihand", [0x1B6]="Soldier", [0x1B7]="Snow-Covered Tree", [0x1B8]="Giant", [0x1B9]="Honeycomb", [0x1BA]="Graveyard Flower", [0x1BB]="Goht & Rock Debris", [0x1BC]="Ladder & Stone Wall", [0x1BD]="Deku Mask", [0x1BE]="Skullkid Screams to Call Moon Down Effects & ???", [0x1BF]="Gate to Goron Shrine", [0x1C0]="Dampé's House Stairs", [0x1C1]="Dampé's House Facade", [0x1C2]="Gravestone", [0x1C3]="Poe", [0x1C4]="Eeno", [0x1C5]="Poe Sisters", [0x1C6]="Hiploop", [0x1C7]="Goron Link Switch", [0x1C8]="Tatl & Tael - Cutscenes", [0x1C9]="Gatepost (Captain Keeta Race)", [0x1CA]="Powder Keg", [0x1CB]="Postbox", [0x1CC]="Boss Remains - Cutscenes", [0x1CD]="Tent-Shaped Spider Web", [0x1CE]="Zora Egg", [0x1CF]="Zubora", [0x1D0]="Darmani's Ghost", [0x1D1]="Practice Log - Swordsman's School", [0x1D2]="Darmani's Gravestone", [0x1D3]="Goron Hot Spring Water", [0x1D4]="Deku Princess", [0x1D5]="Biggoron & Link the Goron", [0x1D6]="Gabora", [0x1D7]="Fish - Marine Research Lab", [0x1D8]="No Display Lists or Textures to Render ???", [0x1D9]="Mask of Scents - Porcino ???", [0x1DA]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x1DB]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x1DC]="Bunny Hood", [0x1DD]="Blast Mask", [0x1DE]="Mask of Truth", [0x1DF]="Goron Elder's Son", [0x1E0]="Beneath the Grave Objects", [0x1E1]="Goron Link Transformation", [0x1E2]="Zora Link Transformation", [0x1E3]="Deku Link Transformation", [0x1E4]="Fierce Deity Link Transformation", [0x1E5]="Business Scrub & Deku Scrub Playground Employee", [0x1E6]="Mountain Village Unfreezes Cutscene - Mountain (Verify ???)", [0x1E7]="Ice Platform Created by Ice Arrow", [0x1E8]="Gold Dust", [0x1E9]="Gold Dust in Bottle", [0x1EA]="Hylian Loach in Bottle", [0x1EB]="Giant Bee", [0x1EC]="Seahorse", [0x1ED]="Deep Python", [0x1EE]="Swordsman's School Objects", [0x1EF]="Hylian Loach", [0x1F0]="Seahorse", [0x1F1]="Big Poe", [0x1F2]="Cow Figurine", [0x1F3]="Deku Butler", [0x1F4]="Verify ???", [0x1F5]="Oceanside Spider House Objects", [0x1F6]="Rock", [0x1F7]="No Display Lists or Textures to Render ???", [0x1F8]="Goron Elder & Drum", [0x1F9]="Razor Sword", [0x1FA]="Gilded Sword", [0x1FB]="Great Fairy's Sword", [0x1FC]="Cremia's Cart", [0x1FD]="Gibdo Mask", [0x1FE]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x1FF]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x200]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x201]="Leever", [0x202]="Milk Bar - Chair", [0x203]="Ancient Castle of Ikana & Stone Tower Temple Objects", [0x204]="Gerudo Pirate (Verify ???)", [0x205]="String of Flags & Carnival Platform", [0x206]="Mikau & Grave", [0x207]="Spiky Rotating Platform - Deku Moon Dungeon", [0x208]="Postman's Hat/Bag/Curtain - Post Office Closet", [0x209]="Circus Leader's Mask & Garo Mask", [0x20A]="Great Fairy Mask", [0x20B]="Gibdo Mask", [0x20C]="Twinmold's Lair", [0x20D]="Fork-Branched Tree", [0x20E]="Pirates' Fortress Objects", [0x20F]="Room Key", [0x210]="Letter to Kafei", [0x211]="Japas", [0x212]="Indigo-Go's Milk Bar Stage - Cutscenes", [0x213]="Various Masks - Cutscenes", [0x214]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x215]="Pendant of Memories", [0x216]="Tijo", [0x217]="Whirlwind Surrounding Great Bay Temple & Moon Collision (Verify ???)", [0x218]="Palm Tree", [0x219]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x21A]="No Display Lists or Textures to Render ???", [0x21B]="Untextured Bee (Verify ???)", [0x21C]="Untextured Bee (Verify ???)", [0x21D]="Magic Mushroom", [0x21E]="Goron Village Chandelier", [0x21F]="Romani Mask", [0x220]="Evan", [0x221]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x222]="Elegy of Emptiness Switch", [0x223]="Moon", [0x224]="Blue Target Spot - Old Koume's Boat Cruise - Ticket office closed.", [0x225]="Postman's Hat", [0x226]="Giant's Mask", [0x227]="Chateau Romani", [0x228]="Pictograph Box", [0x229]="Turtle & Tsunami", [0x22A]="Pamela's Father", [0x22B]="Lulu", [0x22C]="Music Box House Cupboard Doors", [0x22D]=unset, [0x22E]=unset, [0x22F]=unset, [0x230]="Door to Astral Observatory & Marine Research Lab", [0x231]="Zora Hall Interior Door", [0x232]="Door to Swamp Tourist Center & Swamp Shooting Gallery", [0x233]="Door to Magic Hags' Potion Shop", [0x234]="Bombable, Climbable Wall - Moon Trials (Verify ???)", [0x235]="Beneath the Well Interior Door", [0x236]="Ancient Castle of Ikana Objects", [0x237]="Sharp's Cave & Ikana Canyon Objects", [0x238]="Pamela", [0x239]="Hookshotable Tree Stump", [0x23A]="Toto", [0x23B]="Circle of Light (Verify ???)", [0x23C]="Majora Pushblock/Door/Unknown Texture (Verify ???)", [0x23D]="Switch-Activated Geyser (Verify ???)", [0x23E]="Ghost Alien", [0x23F]="Flock of Seagulls", [0x240]="Flock of Giant Bees", [0x241]="Mayor Dotour", [0x242]="Fierce Deity's Mask", [0x243]="Laundry Pool Sign & Bell", [0x244]="Cremia & Romani's 6 pm Dinner", [0x245]="Letter to Mama", [0x246]="Moon Crashing Into Clocktown Effects (Verify ???)", [0x247]="Vissen", [0x248]="Gorman", [0x249]="Igos du Ikana's Henchmen (Verify ???)", [0x24A]="Kamaro", [0x24B]="Rosa Sisters", [0x24C]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x24D]="Tingle's Map", [0x24E]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x24F]="Hand in Toilet", [0x250]="Barrel", [0x251]="Moon's Tear Falling Effects (Verify ???)", [0x252]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x253]="Bomber's Notebook", [0x254]="Stone Mask", [0x255]="Blue Spotlight Effect", [0x256]="Gorman Track Buildings", [0x257]="Thatched Roof of Cow Barn", [0x258]="Kafei's Mask", [0x259]="Circus Leader's Mask", [0x25A]="Bremen Mask", [0x25B]="Deku Butler's Son", [0x25C]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x25D]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x25E]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x25F]="Display List, But No Textures ???", [0x260]="Metal Portcullis", [0x261]="Cart Delivery Bottle of Chateau Romani", [0x262]="Secret Shrine Interior Door", [0x263]="Lottery Shop Kiosk", [0x264]="Keaton", [0x265]="All-Night Mask", [0x266]="Don Gero's Mask", [0x267]="Bombable Wall - Astral Observatory", [0x268]="Captain Keeta", [0x269]="Falling Moon", [0x26A]="Headless Body (Verify ???)", [0x26B]="Sun Mask", [0x26C]="Elegy of Emptiness - Beam of Light When Creating Statue (Verify ???)", [0x26D]="Blast Mask", [0x26E]="Stockpot Inn 2nd Floor Window", [0x26F]="Ikana Canyon - Curse is Lifted Effects", [0x270]="Moon - Ending Cutscene (Verify ???)", [0x271]="Moon Child", [0x272]="Fairy in Bottle", [0x273]="Elevator - ???", [0x274]="Door to Lottery Shop/Curiosity Shop/Mayor's House", [0x275]="Door to Trading Post & Post Office", [0x276]="Door to Stockpot Inn & Swordsman's School", [0x277]="No Display Lists or Textures to Render ???", [0x278]="Swamp Spider House Interior Door", [0x279]="Oceanside Spider House Interior Door", [0x27A]="Brown Bird", [0x27B]="Door to Milk Bar", [0x27C]="Door to Music Box House", [0x27D]="Kamaro's Mask", [0x27E]="Mask of Scents", [0x27F]="Colourful Hookshot Target Pillar", [0x280]="Majora Balloon", [0x281]="Epilogue Cutscene Objects", [0x282]="Couple's Mask", }