local floor = math.floor local format = string.format local insert = table.insert local data = require "lips.data" local util = require "lips.util" local bitrange = util.bitrange local Dumper = util.Class() function Dumper:init(writer, fn, options) self.writer = writer self.fn = fn or '(string)' self.options = options or {} self.labels = setmetatable({}, {__index=options.labels}) self.commands = {} self.pos = options.offset or 0 self.lastcommand = nil end function Dumper:error(msg) error(format('%s:%d: Error: %s', self.fn, self.line, msg), 2) end function Dumper:export_labels(t) for k, v in pairs(self.labels) do -- only return valid labels; those that don't begin with a number -- (relative labels are invalid) if not tostring(k):sub(1, 1):find('%d') then t[k] = v end end return t end function Dumper:advance(by) self.pos = self.pos + by end function Dumper:push_instruction(t) t.kind = 'instruction' insert(self.commands, t) self:advance(4) end function Dumper:add_instruction_j(fn, line, o, T) self:push_instruction{fn=fn, line=line, o, T} end function Dumper:add_instruction_i(fn, line, o, s, t, i) self:push_instruction{fn=fn, line=line, o, s, t, i} end function Dumper:add_instruction_r(fn, line, o, s, t, d, f, c) self:push_instruction{fn=fn, line=line, o, s, t, d, f, c} end function Dumper:add_label(name) self.labels[name] = self.pos end function Dumper:add_bytes(line, ...) local use_last = self.lastcommand and self.lastcommand.kind == 'bytes' local t if use_last then t = self.lastcommand else t = {} t.kind = 'bytes' t.size = 0 t.fn = self.fn t.line = self.line end t.line = line for _, b in ipairs{...} do t.size = t.size + 1 t[t.size] = b end if not use_last then insert(self.commands, t) end self:advance(t.size) end function Dumper:add_directive(fn, line, name, a, b) self.fn = fn self.line = line local t = {} t.fn = self.fn t.line = self.line if name == 'BYTE' then self:add_bytes(line, a % 0x100) elseif name == 'HALFWORD' then local b0 = bitrange(a, 0, 7) local b1 = bitrange(a, 8, 15) self:add_bytes(line, b1, b0) elseif name == 'WORD' then if type(a) == 'string' then t.kind = 'label' t.name = a insert(self.commands, t) self:advance(4) else local b0 = bitrange(a, 0, 7) local b1 = bitrange(a, 8, 15) local b2 = bitrange(a, 16, 23) local b3 = bitrange(a, 24, 31) self:add_bytes(line, b3, b2, b1, b0) end elseif name == 'ORG' then t.kind = 'goto' t.addr = a insert(self.commands, t) self.pos = a self:advance(0) elseif name == 'ALIGN' then t.kind = 'ahead' local align if a == 0 then align = 4 elseif a < 0 then self:error('negative alignment') else align = 2^a end local temp = self.pos + align - 1 t.skip = temp - (temp % align) - self.pos t.fill = t.fill or 0 insert(self.commands, t) self:advance(t.skip) elseif name == 'SKIP' then t.kind = 'ahead' t.skip = a t.fill = b insert(self.commands, t) self:advance(t.skip) else self:error('unimplemented directive') end end function Dumper:desym(t) if t.tt == 'REL' then local target = t.tok % 0x80000000 local pos = self.pos % 0x80000000 local rel = floor(target/4) - 1 - floor(pos/4) if rel > 0x8000 or rel <= -0x8000 then self:error('branch too far') end return rel % 0x10000 elseif type(t.tok) == 'number' then if t.offset then return t.tok + t.offset end return t.tok elseif t.tt == 'REG' then assert(data.all_registers[t.tok], 'Internal Error: unknown register') return data.registers[t.tok] or data.fpu_registers[t.tok] or data.sys_registers[t.tok] elseif t.tt == 'LABELSYM' or t.tt == 'LABELREL' then local label = self.labels[t.tok] if label == nil then self:error('undefined label') end if t.offset then label = label + t.offset end if t.tt == 'LABELSYM' then return label end label = label % 0x80000000 local pos = self.pos % 0x80000000 local rel = floor(label/4) - 1 - floor(pos/4) if rel > 0x8000 or rel <= -0x8000 then self:error('branch too far') end return rel % 0x10000 end error('Internal Error: failed to desym') end function Dumper:toval(t) assert(type(t) == 'table', 'Internal Error: invalid value') local val = self:desym(t) if t.index then val = val % 0x80000000 val = floor(val/4) end if t.negate then val = -val end if t.negate or t.signed then if val >= 0x10000 or val < -0x8000 then self:error('value out of range') end val = val % 0x10000 end if t.portion == 'upper' then val = bitrange(val, 16, 31) elseif t.portion == 'lower' then val = bitrange(val, 0, 15) elseif t.portion == 'upperoff' then local upper = bitrange(val, 16, 31) local lower = bitrange(val, 0, 15) if lower >= 0x8000 then -- accommodate for offsets being signed upper = (upper + 1) % 0x10000 end val = upper end return val end function Dumper:validate(n, bits) local max = 2^bits if n == nil then self:error('value is nil') -- internal error? end if n > max or n < 0 then self:error('value out of range') end end function Dumper:valvar(t, bits) local val = self:toval(t) self:validate(val, bits) return val end function Dumper:write(t) for _, b in ipairs(t) do local s = ('%02X'):format(b) self.writer(self.pos, s) self.pos = self.pos + 1 end end function Dumper:dump_instruction(t) local uw = 0 local lw = 0 local o = t[1] uw = uw + o*0x400 if #t == 2 then local val = self:valvar(t[2], 26) uw = uw + bitrange(val, 16, 25) lw = lw + bitrange(val, 0, 15) elseif #t == 4 then uw = uw + self:valvar(t[2], 5)*0x20 uw = uw + self:valvar(t[3], 5) lw = lw + self:valvar(t[4], 16) elseif #t == 6 then uw = uw + self:valvar(t[2], 5)*0x20 uw = uw + self:valvar(t[3], 5) lw = lw + self:valvar(t[4], 5)*0x800 lw = lw + self:valvar(t[5], 5)*0x40 lw = lw + self:valvar(t[6], 6) else error('Internal Error: unknown n-size') end return uw, lw end function Dumper:dump() self.pos = self.options.offset or 0 for i, t in ipairs(self.commands) do assert(t.fn, 'Internal Error: no file name available') assert(t.line, 'Internal Error: no line number available') self.fn = t.fn self.line = t.line if t.kind == 'instruction' then local uw, lw = self:dump_instruction(t) local b0 = bitrange(lw, 0, 7) local b1 = bitrange(lw, 8, 15) local b2 = bitrange(uw, 0, 7) local b3 = bitrange(uw, 8, 15) self:write{b3, b2, b1, b0} elseif t.kind == 'bytes' then self:write(t) elseif t.kind == 'goto' then self.pos = t.addr elseif t.kind == 'ahead' then if t.fill then for i=1, t.skip do self:write{t.fill} end else self.pos = self.pos + t.skip end elseif t.kind == 'label' then local val = self:desym{tt='LABELSYM', tok=t.name} val = (val % 0x80000000) + 0x80000000 local b0 = bitrange(val, 0, 7) local b1 = bitrange(val, 8, 15) local b2 = bitrange(val, 16, 23) local b3 = bitrange(val, 24, 31) self:write{b3, b2, b1, b0} else error('Internal Error: unknown command') end end end return Dumper