function strpad(num, count, pad) num = tostring(num) return (pad:rep(count)..num):sub(#num) end function add_zeros(num, count) return strpad(num, count - 1, '0') end function mixed_sorter(a, b) a = type(a) == 'number' and add_zeros(a, 16) or tostring(a) b = type(b) == 'number' and add_zeros(b, 16) or tostring(b) return a < b end -- loosely based on -- the original didn't make use of closures for who knows why function order_keys(t) local oi = {} for key in pairs(t) do table.insert(oi, key) end table.sort(oi, mixed_sorter) return oi end function opairs(t, cache) local oi = cache and cache[t] or order_keys(t) if cache then cache[t] = oi end local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 local key = oi[i] if key then return key, t[key] end end end