local floor = math.floor local format = string.format local insert = table.insert local remove = table.remove local path = string.gsub(..., "[^.]+$", "") local data = require(path.."data") local util = require(path.."util") local Token = require(path.."Token") local Statement = require(path.."Statement") local Reader = require(path.."Reader") local bitrange = util.bitrange local Dumper = Reader:extend() function Dumper:init(writer, options) self.writer = writer self.options = options or {} self.labels = setmetatable({}, {__index=options.labels}) self.commands = {} self.lastcommand = nil self.pos = 0 self.base = 0 end function Dumper:export_labels(t) for k, v in pairs(self.labels) do -- only return valid labels; those that don't begin with a number -- (relative labels are invalid) if not tostring(k):sub(1, 1):find('%d') then t[k] = v end end return t end function Dumper:label_delta(from, to) from = from % 0x80000000 to = to % 0x80000000 local rel = floor(to/4) - 1 - floor(from/4) if rel > 0x8000 or rel <= -0x8000 then self:error('branch too far', rel) end return rel % 0x10000 end function Dumper:desym(t) -- note: don't run t:compute() here; let valvar handle that if t.tt == 'REL' and not t.fixed then return self:label_delta(self:pc(), t.tok) elseif type(t.tok) == 'number' then return t.tok elseif t.tt == 'REG' then assert(data.all_registers[t.tok], 'Internal Error: unknown register') return data.registers[t.tok] or data.fpu_registers[t.tok] or data.sys_registers[t.tok] elseif t.tt == 'LABELSYM' or t.tt == 'LABELREL' then local label = self.labels[t.tok] if label == nil then self:error('undefined label', t.tok) end if t.tt == 'LABELSYM' then return label end return self:label_delta(self:pc(), label) end error('Internal Error: failed to desym') end function Dumper:validate(n, bits) local max = 2^bits if n == nil then error('Internal Error: number to validate is nil', 2) end if n > max or n < 0 then self:error('value out of range', ("%X"):format(n)) end return n end function Dumper:valvar(t, bits) local val = t local err if type(val) ~= 'number' then t.tok = self:desym(t) t.tt = 'NUM' val, err = t:compute() if err then self:error(err, val) end end return self:validate(val, bits) end function Dumper:write(t) for _, b in ipairs(t) do self.writer(self.pos, b) self.pos = self.pos + 1 end end function Dumper:assemble_j(first, out) local w = 0 w = w + self:valvar(first, 6) * 0x04000000 w = w + self:valvar(out[1], 26) * 0x00000001 local t = Token(self.fn, self.line, 'WORDS', {w}) local s = Statement(self.fn, self.line, '!DATA', t) return s end function Dumper:assemble_i(first, out) local w = 0 w = w + self:valvar(first, 6) * 0x04000000 w = w + self:valvar(out[1], 5) * 0x00200000 w = w + self:valvar(out[2], 5) * 0x00010000 w = w + self:valvar(out[3], 16) * 0x00000001 local t = Token(self.fn, self.line, 'WORDS', {w}) local s = Statement(self.fn, self.line, '!DATA', t) return s end function Dumper:assemble_r(first, out) local w = 0 w = w + self:valvar(first, 6) * 0x04000000 w = w + self:valvar(out[1], 5) * 0x00200000 w = w + self:valvar(out[2], 5) * 0x00010000 w = w + self:valvar(out[3], 5) * 0x00000800 w = w + self:valvar(out[4], 5) * 0x00000040 w = w + self:valvar(out[5], 6) * 0x00000001 local t = Token(self.fn, self.line, 'WORDS', {w}) local s = Statement(self.fn, self.line, '!DATA', t) return s end function Dumper:format_in(informat) -- see data.lua for a guide on what all these mean local args = {} --if #informat ~= #s then error('mismatch') end self.i = 0 for i=1, #informat do self.i = i local c = informat:sub(i, i) if c == 'd' then args.rd = self:register(data.registers) elseif c == 's' then args.rs = self:register(data.registers) elseif c == 't' then args.rt = self:register(data.registers) elseif c == 'D' then args.fd = self:register(data.fpu_registers) elseif c == 'S' then args.fs = self:register(data.fpu_registers) elseif c == 'T' then args.ft = self:register(data.fpu_registers) elseif c == 'X' then args.rd = self:register(data.sys_registers) elseif c == 'Y' then args.rs = self:register(data.sys_registers) elseif c == 'Z' then args.rt = self:register(data.sys_registers) elseif c == 'o' then args.offset = self:const():set('signed') elseif c == 'r' then args.offset = self:const('relative'):set('signed') elseif c == 'i' then args.immediate = self:const(nil, 'no label') elseif c == 'I' then args.index = self:const():set('index') elseif c == 'k' then args.immediate = self:const(nil, 'no label'):set('signed'):set('negate') elseif c == 'K' then args.immediate = self:const(nil, 'no label'):set('signed') elseif c == 'b' then args.base = self:deref():set('tt', 'REG') else error('Internal Error: invalid input formatting string') end end return args end function Dumper:format_out_raw(outformat, first, args, const, formatconst) -- see data.lua for a guide on what all these mean local lookup = { [1]=self.assemble_j, [3]=self.assemble_i, [5]=self.assemble_r, } local out = {} for i=1, #outformat do local c = outformat:sub(i, i) if c == 'd' then insert(out, args.rd) elseif c == 's' then insert(out, args.rs) elseif c == 't' then insert(out, args.rt) elseif c == 'D' then insert(out, args.fd) elseif c == 'S' then insert(out, args.fs) elseif c == 'T' then insert(out, args.ft) elseif c == 'o' then insert(out, args.offset) elseif c == 'i' then insert(out, args.immediate) elseif c == 'I' then insert(out, args.index) elseif c == 'b' then insert(out, args.base) elseif c == '0' then insert(out, 0) elseif c == 'C' then insert(out, const) elseif c == 'F' then insert(out, formatconst) end end local f = lookup[#outformat] assert(f, 'Internal Error: invalid output formatting string') return f(self, first, out) end function Dumper:format_out(t, args) return self:format_out_raw(t[3], t[1], args, t[4], t[5]) end function Dumper:assemble(s) local name = s.type local h = data.instructions[name] self.s = s if h[2] ~= nil then local args = self:format_in(h[2]) if self.i ~= #s then self:error('expected EOL; too many arguments') end return self:format_out(h, args) else self:error('unimplemented instruction', name) end end function Dumper:fill(length, content) self:validate(content, 8) local bytes = {} for i=1, length do insert(bytes, content) end local t = Token(self.fn, self.line, 'BYTES', bytes) local s = Statement(self.fn, self.line, '!DATA', t) return s end function Dumper:pc() --[[ work around a potential overflow issue. consider the assembly: .base 0x80000000 ; possibly by default and not explicitly written .org 0x80001000 mylabel: la a0, mylabel ; BUG: this would load 0x1000 instead of 0x80001000 --]] if self.pos >= 0x80000000 and self.base >= 0x80000000 then return self.pos - 0x80000000 + self.base end return self.pos + self.base end function Dumper:load(statements) local valstack = {} -- for .push/.pop directives local new_statements = {} self.pos = 0 self.base = 0 for i=1, #statements do local s = statements[i] self.fn = s.fn self.line = s.line if s.type:sub(1, 1) == '!' then if s[1] and s[1].tt == 'EXPR' then self:error('unevaluated expression') end if s.type == '!LABEL' then self.labels[s[1].tok] = self:pc() elseif s.type == '!DATA' then s.length = util.measure_data(s) -- cache for next pass self.pos = self.pos + s.length insert(new_statements, s) elseif s.type == '!ORG' then self.pos = s[1].tok insert(new_statements, s) elseif s.type == '!BASE' then self.base = s[1].tok insert(new_statements, s) elseif s.type == '!PUSH' or s.type == '!POP' then local thistype = s.type:sub(2):lower() for i, t in ipairs(s) do local name = t.tok if type(name) ~= 'string' then self:error('expected state to '..thistype, name) end name = name:lower() local pushing = s.type == '!PUSH' if name == 'org' then if pushing then insert(valstack, self.pos) else self.pos = remove(valstack) end elseif name == 'base' then if pushing then insert(valstack, self.base) else self.base = remove(valstack) end elseif name == 'pc' then if pushing then insert(valstack, self.pos) insert(valstack, self.base) else self.base = remove(valstack) self.pos = remove(valstack) end else self:error('unknown state to '..thistype, name) end if self.pos == nil or self.base == nil then self:error('ran out of values to pop') end if not pushing then local s = Statement(self.fn, self.line, '!ORG', self.pos) insert(new_statements, s) local s = Statement(self.fn, self.line, '!BASE', self.base) insert(new_statements, s) end end elseif s.type == '!ALIGN' or s.type == '!SKIP' then local length, content if s.type == '!ALIGN' then local align = s[1] and s[1].tok or 2 content = s[2] and s[2].tok or 0 if align < 0 then self:error('negative alignment', align) else align = 2^align end local temp = self:pc() + align - 1 length = temp - (temp % align) - self:pc() else length = s[1] and s[1].tok or 0 content = s[2] and s[2].tok or nil end self.pos = self.pos + length if content == nil then local new = Statement(self.fn, self.line, '!ORG', self.pos) insert(new_statements, new) elseif length > 0 then insert(new_statements, self:fill(length, content)) elseif length < 0 then local new = Statement(self.fn, self.line, '!ORG', self.pos) insert(new_statements, new) insert(new_statements, self:fill(length, content)) local new = Statement(self.fn, self.line, '!ORG', self.pos) insert(new_statements, new) else -- length is 0, noop end else error('Internal Error: unknown statement, got '..s.type) end else self.pos = self.pos + 4 insert(new_statements, s) end end statements = new_statements new_statements = {} self.pos = 0 self.base = 0 for i=1, #statements do local s = statements[i] self.fn = s.fn self.line = s.line if s.type:sub(1, 1) ~= '!' then local new = self:assemble(s) self.pos = self.pos + 4 insert(new_statements, new) elseif s.type == '!DATA' then for i, t in ipairs(s) do if t.tt == 'LABELSYM' then local label = self.labels[t.tok] if label == nil then self:error('undefined label', t.tok) end t.tt = 'WORDS' t.tok = {label} elseif t.tt == 'NUM' then t.tt = t.size..'S' t.tok = {t.tok} t.size = nil end end self.pos = self.pos + (s.length or util.measure_data(s)) insert(new_statements, s) elseif s.type == '!ORG' then self.pos = s[1].tok insert(new_statements, s) elseif s.type == '!BASE' then self.base = s[1].tok elseif s.type == '!LABEL' then -- noop else error('Internal Error: unknown statement, got '..s.type) end end self.statements = new_statements return self.statements end function Dumper:dump() self.pos = 0 self.base = nil for i, s in ipairs(self.statements) do if s.type == '!DATA' then for j, t in ipairs(s) do if t.tt == 'WORDS' then for _, w in ipairs(t.tok) do local b0 = bitrange(w, 0, 7) local b1 = bitrange(w, 8, 15) local b2 = bitrange(w, 16, 23) local b3 = bitrange(w, 24, 31) self:write{b3, b2, b1, b0} end elseif t.tt == 'HALFWORDS' then for _, h in ipairs(t.tok) do local b0 = bitrange(h, 0, 7) local b1 = bitrange(h, 8, 15) self:write{b1, b0} end elseif t.tt == 'BYTES' then for _, b in ipairs(t.tok) do local b0 = bitrange(b, 0, 7) self:write{b0} end else error('Internal Error: unknown !DATA token') end end elseif s.type == '!ORG' then self.pos = s[1].tok else error('Internal Error: cannot dump unassembled statement') end end end return Dumper