require = require "depend" require "boilerplate" require "addrs.init" local scene_names = require "data.scene names" local entrance_names = require "data.entrance names" local open = function sdata(i) local a = addrs.scene_table.addr + i*4*3 -- entrance count, entrance table (ptr), name (ptr) return {R4(a), R4(a + 4), R4(a + 8)} end function mirror(scene_id) if scene_id > 0x80 then return 0x100 - scene_id end return scene_id end function calc_dump(a, writer) if type(a) ~= "number" then writer('[crash]') return end a = deref(R4(a)) or a local scene_id = mirror(R1(a)) local entrance = R1(a + 1) local t = entrance_names[scene_id] if t == nil then writer("err") return end writer(scene_names[scene_id]) if t[entrance] then writer(t[entrance]) else writer("[unknown entrance]") end end function split_exit(exit) return bit.rshift(exit, 9),, 4), 0x1F),, 0xF) end function calc(exit) console.clear() local scene, entrance, offset = split_exit(exit) printf("%i, %i, %i", scene, entrance, offset) local sd = sdata(scene) local first_entrance = deref(sd[2]) print("# Scene:") calc_dump(first_entrance, print) if not first_entrance then return end local orig_entrance = first_entrance + entrance*4 local entr_before_offset = deref(R4(orig_entrance)) print("# Scene + Entrance:") calc_dump(entr_before_offset, print) if not entr_before_offset then return end local final_entrance = entr_before_offset + offset*4 print("# Scene + Entrance + Offset:") calc_dump(final_entrance, print) -- TODO: read until \x00 --print('internal name:') --print(asciize(mainmemory.readbyterange(deref(sd[3]), 8))) end function dump_all_exits(fn) local f = open(fn or 'data/_exits.csv', 'w') if f == nil then print("couldn't open file for writing") return end f:write('ID,Scene,Entrance,Offset,Scene + Entrance + Offset,(entrance),Scene + Entrance,(entrance),Original Scene,(entrance)\n') for i = 0, 0xFFFF do local scene, entrance, offset = split_exit(i) f:write(('0x%04X,%i,%i,%i'):format(i, scene, entrance, offset)) local fail = function() f:write(',,,,,,\n') end for _ = 1, 1 do -- "continue" hack local sd = sdata(scene) local first_entrance = deref(sd[2]) if not first_entrance then fail(); break end local orig_entrance = first_entrance + entrance*4 local entr_before_offset = deref(R4(orig_entrance)) if not entr_before_offset then fail(); break end local final_entrance = entr_before_offset + offset*4 local writer = function(...) return f:write(',"') and f:write(...) and f:write('"') end calc_dump(final_entrance, writer) calc_dump(entr_before_offset, writer) calc_dump(first_entrance, writer) f:write("\n") end end f:close() end local old_value = -1 while true do local exit_value = addrs.exit_value() if exit_value and exit_value ~= old_value then console.clear() calc(exit_value) end old_value = exit_value emu.frameadvance() end