local floor = math.floor local path = string.gsub(..., "[^.]+$", "") local Base = require(path.."Base") local util = require(path.."util") local bitrange = util.bitrange local Token = Base:extend() function Token:init(...) local args = {...} if #args == 1 then local t = args[1] if type(t) == 'table' then for k, v in pairs(t) do self[k] = v end end elseif #args == 3 then self.fn = args[1] self.line = args[2] local t = args[3] if type(t) == 'table' then self.tt = t[1] self.tok = t[2] elseif type(t) == 'string' then self.tt = 'REG' self.tok = t elseif type(t) == 'number' then self.tt = 'NUM' self.tok = t else error('Internal Error: unknown type to construct', 3) end elseif #args == 4 then self.fn = args[1] self.line = args[2] self.tt = args[3] self.tok = args[4] else error('Internal Error: init takes 1, 3 or 4 arguments', 3) end self:validate(1) return self end function Token:validate(n) n = (n or 0) + 3 -- depth for error message if not self.fn then error('Internal Error: tokens require a filename', n) end if not self.line then error('Internal Error: tokens require a line number', n) end if not self.tt then error('Internal Error: token is missing a type', n) end if not self.tok then error('Internal Error: token is missing a value', n) end end function Token:set(key, value) if value == nil then value = true end self[key] = value return self end function Token:compute() assert(self.tt == 'NUM', 'Internal Error: cannot compute a non-number token') local n = self.tok if self.index then -- TODO: should this still be here now that we have .base? n = n % 0x80000000 n = floor(n/4) end if self.negate then n = -n end if self.portion == 'upper' then n = bitrange(n, 16, 31) elseif self.portion == 'lower' then n = bitrange(n, 0, 15) elseif self.portion == 'upperoff' then local upper = bitrange(n, 16, 31) local lower = bitrange(n, 0, 15) if lower >= 0x8000 then -- accommodate for offsets being signed upper = (upper + 1) % 0x10000 end n = upper end if self.negate or self.signed then if n >= 0x10000 or n < -0x8000 then return n, 'value out of range' end n = n % 0x10000 end return n end return Token