local path = string.gsub(..., "[^.]+$", "") local Base = require(path.."Base") local Token = require(path.."Token") local Reader = Base:extend() -- no base init method -- Reader expects self.s to be set to a statement, and self.i to a token index function Reader:error(msg, got) if got ~= nil then msg = msg..', got '..tostring(got) end error(('%s:%d: Error: %s'):format(self.fn, self.line, msg), 2) end function Reader:token(t, ...) local new if type(t) == 'table' then new = Token(t, ...) else new = Token(self.fn, self.line, t, ...) end return new end function Reader:expect(tts) local t = self.s[self.i] if t == nil then self:error("expected another argument") -- TODO: more verbose end self.fn = t.fn self.line = t.line for _, tt in pairs(tts) do if t.tt == tt then return t.ok end end --local err = ("argument %i of %s expected type %s"):format(self.i, self.s.type, tt) local err = ("unexpected type for argument %i of %s"):format(self.i, self.s.type) self:error(err, t.tt) end function Reader:register(registers) self:expect{'REG'} local t = self.s[self.i] local numeric = registers[t.tok] if not numeric then self:error('wrong type of register') end local new = Token(t) return new end function Reader:const(relative, no_label) self:expect{'NUM', 'LABELSYM', 'LABELREL'} local t = self.s[self.i] -- overrides will want to LUI a label; let portioned labels pass if no_label and not t.portion then self:expect{'NUM', 'LABELREL'} end local new = Token(t) if relative then if t.tt == 'LABELSYM' then new.tt = 'LABELREL' elseif t.tt == 'NUM' then new.tt = 'REL' end end return new end function Reader:deref() self:expect{'DEREF'} local t = self.s[self.i] local new = Token(t) --new.tt = 'REG' return new end function Reader:peek(tt) local t = self.s[self.i] local seen = t and t.tt or nil if tt ~= nil then return seen == tt end return t end return Reader