function wrap(x, around) return (x - 1) % around + 1 end MenuItem = Class() Text = Class(MenuItem) Back = Class(Text) Close = Back -- FIXME Active = Class(Text) Toggle = Class(Active) Hold = Class(Active) Oneshot = Class(Active) Flags = Class(Active) Screen = Class() Menu = Class() Callbacks = Class() function Callbacks:init() self.state = false end function Callbacks:on() self.state = true end function Callbacks:off() self.state = false end function Callbacks:hold() end function Callbacks:release() end function MenuItem:init() self.focused = false end function MenuItem:run() return self end function MenuItem:hold() self:release() end function MenuItem:focus() self.focused = true end function MenuItem:unfocus() self.focused = false end function MenuItem:release() end function MenuItem:draw(brush, y) end function Text:init(text) MenuItem.init(self) self.text = text end function Text:draw(brush, y) local color = self.focused and 'yellow' or 'white' brush(0, y, color, self.text) end function Back:init() Text.init(self, 'back') end function Back:run() return nil -- FIXME end function Active:init(text, callbacks) self.text = text self.callbacks = callbacks or {} end function Toggle:init(text, callbacks) Active.init(self, text, callbacks) self.state = false end function Toggle:run() self.state = not self.state if self.state then self.callbacks:on(true) else self.callbacks:off(false) end return self end function Toggle:draw(brush, y) local color = self.focused and 'yellow' or 'white' brush(0, y, 'cyan', '[ ]') if self.state then brush(1, y, color, 'x') end brush(4, y, color, self.text) end function Oneshot:run() self.callbacks:on() return self end function Hold:run() self:hold() return self end function Hold:hold() self.callbacks:hold() end function Hold:release() self.callbacks:release() end --function Flags:init function Screen:init(items) self.items = items self.item_sel = 1 end function Screen:focus() self.items[self.item_sel]:focus() end function Screen:unfocus() self.items[self.item_sel]:unfocus() end function Screen:navigate(ctrl, pressed) local i = self.item_sel local old = self.items[i] if pressed.down then i = i + 1 end if pressed.up then i = i - 1 end i = wrap(i, #self.items) self.item_sel = i local item = self.items[i] if item ~= old then old:unfocus() old:release() item:focus() end local focus = self if pressed.enter then focus = item:run() elseif ctrl.enter then item:hold() else item:release() end if focus == item then focus = self end return focus end function Screen:draw(brush, y) for i, item in ipairs(self.items) do item:draw(brush, y + i - 1) end end function Menu:init(screens) self.screens = screens self.screen_sel = 1 end function Menu:focus() self.screens[self.screen_sel]:focus() end function Menu:unfocus() self.screens[self.screen_sel]:unfocus() end function Menu:navigate(ctrl, pressed) local s = self.screen_sel local old = self.screens[s] if pressed.left then s = s - 1 end if pressed.right then s = s + 1 end s = wrap(s, #self.screens) self.screen_sel = s local screen = self.screens[s] if screen ~= old then old:unfocus() screen:focus() end local focus = screen:navigate(ctrl, pressed) if focus == screen then focus = self end return focus end function Menu:draw(brush, y) self.screens[self.screen_sel]:draw(brush, y) end