require "boilerplate" function Butts(name, begin, len) return {name=name, begin=begin, len=len, once = false, old_bytes = {}} end local ignore = { -- every time a scene (un)loads ['92,7=0 (weg)'] = true, ['92,7=1 (weg)'] = true, -- night transition available ['05,2=0 (inf)'] = true, ['05,2=1 (inf)'] = true, -- daily postman crap ['27,6=0 (weg)'] = true, ['27,7=0 (weg)'] = true, ['28,0=0 (weg)'] = true, ['28,1=0 (weg)'] = true, ['28,2=0 (weg)'] = true, ['27,6=1 (weg)'] = true, ['27,7=1 (weg)'] = true, ['28,0=1 (weg)'] = true, ['28,1=1 (weg)'] = true, ['28,2=1 (weg)'] = true, } function poop(x, x1, i, name) local now = emu.framecount() local diff = bit.bxor(x, x1) for which = 0, 7 do if, 2^which) ~= 0 then local state =, 2^which) ~= 0 and 1 or 0 local str = ('%02i,%i=%i (%s)'):format(i, which, state, name) if not ignore[str] then printf('%s @%i', str, now) gui.addmessage(str) end end end end -- obvious todo: use actual classes/objects function diff(self) local bytes = mainmemory.readbyterange(self.begin, self.len) local old_bytes = self.old_bytes if self.once then for k, v in pairs(bytes) do local i = tonumber(k) - self.begin local x = tonumber(v) local x1 = tonumber(old_bytes[k]) if x ~= x1 then poop(x, x1, i, end end end self.old_bytes = bytes self.once = true end -- US 1.0 addresses for the time being local region1 = Butts('weg', 0x1F0568, 100) -- week_event_reg local region2 = Butts('inf', 0x1F067C, 8) -- event_inf local region3 = Butts('mmb', 0x1F3F3A, 8) -- mask_mask_bit (bad address?) while true do diff(region1) diff(region2) diff(region3) emu.frameadvance() end