-- Random Number Generator reversal script for Bizhawk -- original algorithm by trivial171 (rng, v2, rnginverse functions) -- please refer to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9YLCoK5K6o -- everything else by notwa local abs = math.abs local floor = math.floor local pow = math.pow -- Lua 5.3 is nice and precise and doesn't coerce everything into doubles. local precise = 0xDEADBEEF * 0x12345678 % 0x100000000 == 0x5621CA08 -- constants of the LCG: local m = 1664525 -- 0x0019660D local b = 1013904223 -- 0x3C6EF35F local gcd = 4 -- of m and 2^32 local powers = {} for i = 1, 32 do powers[i] = floor(pow(2, i - 1)) end local big32 = floor(pow(2, 32)) local gamedb = { -- pairs of (RNG state address, display list address): -- Ocarina of Time (J) 1.0 ["C892BBDA3993E66BD0D56A10ECD30B1EE612210F"] = {0x105440, 0x11F290}, -- Ocarina of Time (U) 1.0 ["AD69C91157F6705E8AB06C79FE08AAD47BB57BA7"] = {0x105440, 0x11F290}, -- Ocarina of Time (J) 1.2 ["FA5F5942B27480D60243C2D52C0E93E26B9E6B86"] = {0x105A80, 0x11F958}, -- Ocarina of Time (U) 1.2 ["41B3BDC48D98C48529219919015A1AF22F5057C2"] = {0x105A80, 0x11F958}, -- Majora's Mask (J) 1.0 ["5FB2301AACBF85278AF30DCA3E4194AD48599E36"] = {0x098550, 0x1F9E28}, -- Majora's Mask (J) 1.1 ["41FDB879AB422EC158B4EAFEA69087F255EA8589"] = {0x098490, 0x1FA0D8}, -- Majora's Mask (U) 1.0 ["D6133ACE5AFAA0882CF214CF88DABA39E266C078"] = {0x097530, 0x1F9CB8}, -- Doubutsu no Mori (J) 1.0 ["E106DFF7146F72415337C96DEB14F630E1580EFB"] = {0x03C590, 0x145080}, } local function mulmod(a, b, q) if precise then return a * b % q end -- this needs to be done because old versions of Lua -- store everything as doubles. that means we have 52 bits -- to work with instead of the 64 that Lua 5.3 provides. local limit = 0x10000000000000 local halflimit = 0x4000000 -- half in terms of bits -- assert(abs(a) < limit) -- assert(abs(b) < limit) -- assert(abs(q) <= limit) local L = halflimit -- shorthand local a_lo = a % L local a_hi = floor(a / L) % L local b_lo = b % L local b_hi = floor(b / L) % L return (a_lo * b_lo + (a_lo * b_hi % L + a_hi * b_lo % L) % L * L) % q end local function powmod(b, e, m) -- blatantly lifted from Wikipedia and tweaked for overflows. if m == 1 then return 0 else local r = 1 b = b % m while e > 0 do if e % 2 == 1 then r = mulmod(r, b, m) end e = floor(e / 2) b = mulmod(b, b, m) end return r end end local function mul32(a, b) return mulmod(a, b, big32) end local function inv32(x) -- Modular inverse of x, an odd number. -- via https://lemire.me/blog/2017/09/18/computing-the-inverse-of-odd-integers/ -- assert(x % 2, "inv32(x): x must be odd!") local y = x % big32 for i = 1, 4 do y = mul32(y, (2 - mul32(y, x))) end return y end local const = floor((m - 1) / gcd) local const_inv = inv32(const) local function rng(x) -- The xth RNG value returned by the game. -- Computable by geometric series formula: -- RNG(x) = b * (m^x - 1) / (m - 1) % q -- The denominator (m-1) shares a common factor of 4 with q, -- so we compute the numerator mod 4q. -- We divide by (m-1) by first dividing by 4, -- and then multiplying by the modular inverse of the odd number (m-1)/4. local temp = floor((powmod(m, x, gcd * big32) - 1) / gcd) return mul32(mul32(b, temp), const_inv) end local function v2(a) -- The 2-adic valuation of a; that is, -- the largest integer v such that 2^v divides a. if a == 0 then return 100 end -- a large dummy value local n = a local v = 0 while n % 2 == 0 do n = floor(n / 2) v = v + 1 end return v end local function rnginverse(r) -- Given an RNG value r, compute the unique x in range [0, 2^32) -- such that RNG(x) = r. Note that x is only unique under the assumption -- that the Linear Congruential Generator used has a period of 2^32. -- Recover m^x mod 4q from algebra (inverting steps in RNG function above) local q = big32 * gcd local xpow = (mul32(mul32(r, const), inv32(b)) * gcd + 1) % q local xguess = 0 for _, p in ipairs(powers) do -- Guess binary digits of x one by one -- This technique is based on Mihai's lemma / lifting the exponent local lhs = v2(powmod(m, xguess + p, q) - xpow) local rhs = v2(powmod(m, xguess, q) - xpow) if lhs > rhs then xguess = xguess + p end end return xguess end if m == 1664525 and b == 1013904223 then -- self-tests: assert(inv32(m - 1) == 4211439296) assert(rng(0) == 0) assert(rng(1) == 1013904223) assert(rng(2) == 1196435762) assert(rng(3) == 3519870697) assert(1 == rnginverse(1013904223)) assert(2 == rnginverse(1196435762)) assert(3 == rnginverse(3519870697)) end -- run the remaining code when executed in Bizhawk, otherwise exit. if rawget(_G, "bizstring") == nil then return end local R4 = mainmemory.read_u32_be local hash = gameinfo.getromhash() local addrs = gamedb[hash] if addrs == nil then print("unsupported ROM:") print(hash) return end local ind_prev = nil local dlist_prev = 0 local ind_change = 0 while true do local seed = R4(addrs[1]) local dlist = R4(addrs[2]) local ind = rnginverse(seed) gui.text(8, 8, ("RNG: 0x%08X"):format(seed), nil, "topright") gui.text(8, 24, ("index: 0x%08X"):format(ind), nil, "topright") gui.text(8, 40, ("delta: %+11i"):format(ind_change), nil, "topright") if dlist ~= dlist_prev and ind_prev ~= nil then ind_change = ind - ind_prev end ind_prev = ind dlist_prev = dlist emu.frameadvance() end