local insert = table.insert local path = string.gsub(..., "[^.]+$", "") local Base = require(path.."Base") local Expression = Base:extend() function Expression:init(variables) self.variables = variables or {} end Expression.precedence = { -- python-ish precedence [","] = -1, ["or"] = 0, ["||"] = 0, ["xor"] = 1, ["and"] = 2, ["&&"] = 2, ["unary not"] = 3, ["=="] = 5, ["!="] = 5, ["<"] = 5, [">"] = 5, ["<="] = 5, [">="] = 5, ["|"] = 10, ["^"] = 11, ["&"] = 12, ["<<"] = 13, [">>"] = 13, ["+"] = 20, ["-"] = 20, ["*"] = 21, ["/"] = 21, ["//"] = 21, ["%"] = 21, ["%%"] = 21, ["unary !"] = 30, ["unary ~"] = 30, ["unary +"] = 30, ["unary -"] = 30, -- note: precedence of 40 is hardcoded for right-left association -- TODO: also hardcode unary handling on right-hand side of operator ["**"] = 40, } Expression.unary_ops = { ["not"] = function(a) return a == 0 end, ["!"] = function(a) return a == 0 end, -- ["~"] = function(a) return F(~I(a)) end, ["+"] = function(a) return a end, ["-"] = function(a) return -a end, } Expression.binary_ops = { [","] = function(a, b) return b end, ["or"] = function(a, b) return a or b end, ["||"] = function(a, b) return a or b end, ["xor"] = function(a, b) return (a or b) and not (a and b) end, ["and"] = function(a, b) return a and b end, ["&&"] = function(a, b) return a and b end, ["=="] = function(a, b) return a == b end, ["!="] = function(a, b) return a ~= b end, ["<"] = function(a, b) return a < b end, [">"] = function(a, b) return a > b end, ["<="] = function(a, b) return a <= b end, [">="] = function(a, b) return a >= b end, -- ["|"] = function(a, b) return F(I(a) | I(b)) end, -- ["^"] = function(a, b) return F(I(a) ^ I(b)) end, -- ["&"] = function(a, b) return F(I(a) & I(b)) end, -- ["<<"] = function(a, b) return F(I(a) << I(b)) end, -- [">>"] = function(a, b) return F(I(a) >> I(b)) end, ["+"] = function(a, b) return a + b end, ["-"] = function(a, b) return a - b end, ["*"] = function(a, b) return a * b end, ["/"] = function(a, b) return a / b end, -- ["//"] = function(a, b) return trunc(a / trunc(b)) end, -- ["%"] = function(a, b) return fmod(a, b) end, -- ["%%"] = function(a, b) return trunc(fmod(a, trunc(b))) end, ["**"] = function(a, b) return a^b end, } local operators = {} local operators_maxlen = 0 do -- reorder operators so we can match the longest strings first for k, v in pairs(Expression.precedence) do if operators[#k] == nil then operators[#k] = {} end local op = k:find('^unary ') and k:sub(#'unary ' + 1) or k insert(operators[#k], op) if #k > operators_maxlen then operators_maxlen = #k end end end local function match_operator(str) -- returns the operator at the beginning of a string, or nil for i=operators_maxlen, 1, -1 do if operators[i] ~= nil then local substr = str:sub(1, i) for _, op in ipairs(operators[i]) do if substr == op then return substr end end end end end function Expression:lex1(str, tokens) local pos = 1 local rest = str local function consume(n) pos = pos + n rest = rest:sub(n + 1) end local considered = '' local function consider(pattern) local start, stop = rest:find('^'..pattern) if start == nil then considered = '' return false end considered = rest:sub(start, stop) return true end local function consider_operator() local op = match_operator(rest) if op == nil then considered = '' return false end considered = op return true end while pos <= #str do local old_pos = pos local here = " (#"..tostring(pos)..")" if consider(' +') then consume(#considered) elseif consider('[0-9.]') or consider('[%%$#]') then local num if consider('((0|[1-9][0-9]*)%.[0-9]*|%.[0-9]+)(e0|e[1-9][0-9]*)?') then num = tonumber(considered) elseif consider('(0|[1-9][0-9]*)e(0|[1-9][0-9]*)') then num = tonumber(considered) elseif consider('%%[0-9]+') then if considered:match('[2-9]') then return "bad binary number: "..considered..here end num = tonumber(considered:sub(2), 2) elseif consider('[$][0-9A-Fa-f]+') then num = tonumber(considered:sub(2), 16) elseif consider('0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+') then num = tonumber(considered:sub(3), 16) elseif consider('0o[0-9]+') then if considered:match('[89]') then return "bad octal number: "..considered..here end num = tonumber(considered:sub(3), 8) elseif consider('0b[0-9]+') then if considered:match('[2-9]') then return "bad binary number: "..considered..here end num = tonumber(considered:sub(3), 2) elseif consider('0[0-9]+') then if considered:match('[89]') then return "bad octal number: "..considered..here end num = tonumber(considered:sub(2), 8) elseif consider('#[0-9]+') then num = tonumber(considered:sub(2)) elseif consider('[0-9]+') then num = tonumber(considered) end if num == nil then return "invalid number"..here end insert(tokens, {type='number', value=num}) consume(#considered) elseif consider('[(]') then insert(tokens, {type='opening', value=considered}) consume(#considered) elseif consider('[)]') then insert(tokens, {type='closing', value=considered}) consume(#considered) elseif consider_operator() then insert(tokens, {type='operator', value=considered}) consume(#considered) elseif consider('[%w_]+') then local num = self.variables[considered] if num == nil then return 'undefined variable "'..considered..'"' end insert(tokens, {type='number', value=num}) consume(#considered) else local chr = rest:sub(1, 1) return "unexpected character '"..chr.."'"..here end if pos == old_pos then error("Internal Error: expression parser is stuck") end end end function Expression:lex2(tokens) -- detect unary operators -- TODO: this is probably not the best way to do this local was_numeric = false local was_closing = false for i, t in ipairs(tokens) do if t.type == "operator" and not was_numeric and not was_closing then t.type = "unary"; end was_numeric = t.type == 'number' was_closing = t.type == 'closing' end end function Expression:lex(str) local tokens = {} local err = self:lex1(str, tokens) if err then return tokens, err end err = self:lex2(tokens) return tokens, err end function Expression:shunt(tokens) -- shunting yard algorithm local shunted = {} local stack = {} local operator_types = { unary = true, operator = true, } for _, t in ipairs(tokens) do if t.type == 'number' then insert(shunted, t) elseif t.type == 'opening' then insert(stack, t) elseif t.type == 'closing' then while #stack > 0 and stack[#stack].type ~= 'opening' do insert(shunted, stack[#stack]) stack[#stack] = nil end if #stack == 0 then return shunted, 'missing opening parenthesis' end stack[#stack] = nil elseif t.type == 'operator' or t.type == 'unary' then local fullname = t.type == 'unary' and 'unary '..t.value or t.value local pre = self.precedence[fullname] if pre == nil then return shunted, 'unknown operator' end if pre == 40 then pre = pre + 1 end -- right-associative hack while #stack > 0 do local tail = stack[#stack] if not operator_types[tail.type] then break end local dpre = pre - self.precedence[tail.value] if dpre > 0 then break end insert(shunted, tail) stack[#stack] = nil end insert(stack, t) else error('Internal Error: unknown type of expression token') end end while #stack > 0 do local t = stack[#stack] if t.type == 'opening' then return shunted, 'missing closing parenthesis' end insert(shunted, t) stack[#stack] = nil end return shunted, nil end function Expression:parse(str) local tokens, err = self:lex(str) if err then return tokens, err end tokens, err = self:shunt(tokens) --for i, v in ipairs(tokens) do print(i, v.type, v.value) end return tokens, err end function Expression:eval(tokens_or_str) local tokens, err if type(tokens_or_str) == 'string' then tokens, err = self:parse(tokens_or_str) if err then return 0, err end elseif type(tokens_or_str) == 'table' then tokens = tokens_or_str else return 0, "eval(): argument is neither token table nor string" end local stack = {} local popped local function pop() if #stack == 0 then return true end popped = stack[#stack] stack[#stack] = nil return false end for i, t in ipairs(tokens) do if t.type == 'number' then insert(stack, t.value) elseif t.type == 'unary' then if pop() then return 0, "missing arguments for unary" end local f = self.unary_ops[t.value] if f == nil then return 0, "unknown unary" end insert(stack, f(popped)) elseif t.type == 'operator' then if pop() then return 0, "missing arguments for operator" end local b = popped if pop() then return 0, "missing arguments for operator" end local a = popped local f = self.binary_ops[t.value] if f == nil then return 0, "unknown operator" end insert(stack, f(a, b)) else return 0, "eval(): unknown token" end end if #stack > 1 then return 0, "too many arguments" end if #stack == 0 then return 0, "no arguments" end return stack[1], nil end return Expression