-- version-agnostic addresses function Actor(addr) local function AA(a, s) return A(addr+a, s) end return { num = AA(0x0, 2), type = AA(0x2, 1), room_number = AA(0x3, 1), -- -1 = always loaded flags = AA(0x4, 4), x_copy = AA(0x8, 'f'), y_copy = AA(0xC, 'f'), z_copy = AA(0x10, 'f'), x_rot_init = AA(0x14, 2), -- verify somehow? y_rot_init = AA(0x16, 2), z_rot_init = AA(0x18, 2), unk_1A = AA(0x1A, 2), -- padding? var = AA(0x1C, 2), unk_1E = AA(0x1E, 1), -- actor type? set to -1 to unload actor unk_1F = AA(0x1F, 1), -- link: 0x03 unk_20 = AA(0x20, 4), -- link: 0x03FF unk_22 = AA(0x22, 2), x = AA(0x24, 'f'), y = AA(0x28, 'f'), z = AA(0x2C, 'f'), unnamed_x_rot = AA(0x30, 2), -- LERPed model facing angle? unnamed_y_rot = AA(0x32, 2), unnamed_z_rot = AA(0x34, 2), -- unused? unk_36 = AA(0x36, 2), -- padding? unk_38 = AA(0x38, 1), -- enum? whether owls can be hit? unk_39 = AA(0x39, 1), unk_3A = AA(0x3A, 2), target_x = AA(0x3C, 'f'), -- for z-targeting target_y = AA(0x40, 'f'), target_z = AA(0x44, 'f'), fps_vert_angle = AA(0x48, 2), fps_horiz_angle = AA(0x4A, 2), fps_unk_angle = AA(0x4C, 2), unk_4E = AA(0x4E, 2), -- padding? unk_50 = AA(0x50, 2), -- automatically resets to 0? unk_52 = AA(0x52, 2), unk_54 = AA(0x54, 'f'), -- link: 500.0 x_scale = AA(0x58, 'f'), y_scale = AA(0x5C, 'f'), z_scale = AA(0x60, 'f'), x_vel = AA(0x64, 'f'), y_vel = AA(0x68, 'f'), z_vel = AA(0x6C, 'f'), lin_vel_old = AA(0x70, 'f'), unk_74 = AA(0x74, 'f'), -- an offset perhaps? unk_78 = AA(0x78, 'f'), unk_7C = AA(0x7C, 4), unk_80 = AA(0x80, 4), -- pointer to ground? unk_84 = AA(0x84, 4), ground_y = AA(0x88, 'f'), unk_8C = AA(0x8C, 4), unk_90 = AA(0x90, 4), -- collision flags? unk_94 = AA(0x94, 4), unk_98 = AA(0x98, 4), unk_9C = AA(0x9C, 4), damage_table = AA(0xA0, 4), unk_A4 = AA(0xA4, 4), unk_A8 = AA(0xA8, 4), unk_AC = AA(0xAC, 4), unk_B0 = AA(0xB0, 4), unk_B4 = AA(0xB4, 1), unk_B5 = AA(0xB5, 1), unk_B6 = AA(0xB6, 1), hp = AA(0xB7, 1), unk_B8 = AA(0xB8, 4), unk_BC = AA(0xBC, 2), angle = AA(0xBE, 2), -- part of rotation struct? unk_C0 = AA(0xC0, 4), -- enum? unk_C4 = AA(0xC4, 'f'), -- float? unk_C8 = AA(0xC8, 4), -- pointer? unk_CC = AA(0xCC, 'f'), -- float? unk_D0 = AA(0xD0, 1), -- single byte? unk_D1 = AA(0xD1, 1), -- single byte? unk_D2 = AA(0xD2, 1), -- single byte? unk_D3 = AA(0xD3, 1), -- single byte? foot_left_x = AA(0xD4, 'f'), -- tested on Link, may be other things foot_left_y = AA(0xD8, 'f'), foot_left_z = AA(0xDC, 'f'), foot_right_x = AA(0xE0, 'f'), -- tested on Link, may be other things foot_right_y = AA(0xE4, 'f'), foot_right_z = AA(0xE8, 'f'), camera_rel_x = AA(0xEC, 'f'), camera_rel_y = AA(0xF0, 'f'), camera_rel_z = AA(0xF4, 'f'), unknown_z = AA(0xF8, 'f'), unk_FC = AA(0xFC, 4), unk_100 = AA(0x100, 4), unk_104 = AA(0x104, 4), x_old = AA(0x108, 'f'), y_old = AA(0x10C, 'f'), z_old = AA(0x110, 'f'), -- somewhere in here is u8 runActor? prev = AA(0x128, 4), next = AA(0x12C, 4), } end return { link = AL(0x00, 0x3CA0), exit_value = AL(0x02, 2), mask_worn = AL(0x04, 1), intro_completed = AL(0x05, 1), anti_mash_timer = AL(0x06, 1), cutscene_status = AL(0x0A, 2), time = AL(0x0C, 2), owl_id = AL(0x0E, 2), day_night = AL(0x10, 4), time_speed = AL(0x14, 4), day = AL(0x18, 4), days_elapsed = AL(0x1C, 4), transformation = AL(0x20, 1), have_tatl = AL(0x22, 1), owl_save = AL(0x23, 1), -- "zeroth day" effect ZELDA3 = AL(0x24, 6), sot_count = AL(0x2A, 2), name = AL(0x2C, 8), max_hearts = AL(0x34, 2), hearts = AL(0x36, 2), magic_level = AL(0x38, 1), magic = AL(0x39, 1), rupees = AL(0x3A, 2), navi_timer = AL(0x3C, 4), -- ? has_normal_magic = AL(0x40, 1), has_double_magic = AL(0x41, 1), owls_hit = AL(0x46, 2), tunic_boots = AL(0x6C, 1), sword_shield = AL(0x6D, 1), inventory_items = AL(0x70, 24), inventory_masks = AL(0x88, 24), inventory_quantities= AL(0xA0, 24), upgrades = AL(0xB8, 4), quest_items = AL(0xBC, 4), items_wft = AL(0xC0, 1), items_sht = AL(0xC1, 1), items_gbt = AL(0xC2, 1), items_stt = AL(0xC3, 1), keys_wft = AL(0xCA, 1), keys_sht = AL(0xCB, 1), keys_gbt = AL(0xCC, 1), keys_stt = AL(0xCD, 1), doubled_hearts = AL(0xD3, 1), -- set to 20 by the game fairies_wft = AL(0xD4, 1), fairies_sht = AL(0xD5, 1), fairies_gbt = AL(0xD6, 1), fairies_stt = AL(0xD7, 1), strange_string = AL(0xDE, 6), scene_flags_save = AL(0xF8, 0xD20), -- 0x1C per scene instead of 0x14! --clock_town_map = AL(0xEB2, 1), slulltula_count_wf = AL(0xEC0, 2), slulltula_count_gb = AL(0xEC2, 2), banked_rupees = AL(0xEDE, 2), week_event_reg = AL(0xEF8, 100), archery = AL(0xF00, 1), chateau_romani = AL(0xF06, 1), -- 8 disable_c_buttons = AL(0xF4A, 1), -- 8 sword_disable_c = AL(0xF52, 1), -- 32 map_visited = AL(0xF5E, 2), map_visible = AL(0xF62, 2), bombers_caught = AL(0xFE6, 1), bombers_order = { AL(0xFE7, 1), AL(0xFE8, 1), AL(0xFE9, 1), AL(0xFEA, 1), AL(0xFEB, 1), }, lottery_numbers = { { AL(0xFEC, 1), AL(0xFED, 1), AL(0xFEE, 1), }, { AL(0xFEF, 1), AL(0xFF0, 1), AL(0xFF1, 1), }, { AL(0xFF2, 1), AL(0xFF3, 1), AL(0xFF4, 1), }, }, spider_mask_order = { AL(0xFF5, 1), -- 0: red; 1: blue; 2: green; 3: yellow AL(0xFF6, 1), AL(0xFF7, 1), AL(0xFF8, 1), AL(0xFF9, 1), AL(0xFFA, 1), }, bombers_code = { AL(0xFFB, 1), AL(0xFFC, 1), AL(0xFFD, 1), AL(0xFFE, 1), AL(0xFFF, 1), }, -- note: these addresses are invalid for JP10, JP11. epona_scene = AL(0x1000, 2), -- this is where you left epona epona_x = AL(0x1002, 2), -- NOT where she currently is epona_y = AL(0x1004, 2), epona_z = AL(0x1006, 2), epona_angle = AL(0x1008, 2), checksum = AL(0x100A, 2), event_inf = AL(0x100C, 8), disable_pause = AL(0x100D, 1), hookshot_ba = AL(0x100E, 1), disable_c_buttons_2 = AL(0x100F, 1), disable_items = AL(0x1010, 1), rock_sirloin = AL(0x1014, 1), b_button_disabler = AL(0x1015, 1), -- ? bubble_timer = AL(0x1016, 2), rupee_accumulator = AL(0x1018, 2), spring_water_timers = AL(0x1020, 0xC0), pictograph_picture = AL(0x10E0, 0x2BC0), current_save = AL(0x3CA0, 4), title_screen_mod = AL(0x3CA8, 4), entrance_mod = AL(0x3CAC, 4), voidout_type = AL(0x3CB0, 4), voidout_x = AL(0x3CB4, 'f'), voidout_y = AL(0x3CB8, 'f'), voidout_z = AL(0x3CBC, 'f'), voidout_angle = AL(0x3CC0, 2), voidout_var = AL(0x3CC2, 2), voidout_entrance = AL(0x3CC4, 2), voidout_room_number = AL(0x3CC6, 2), dog_spawner = AL(0x3DBC, 2), timer_crap = AL(0x3DD0, 4), postman_timer = AL(0x3DE4, 4), -- minigame majora_timer = AL(0x3DFC, 4), -- atop clock tower? minigame_timer = AL(0x3E04, 4), drown_timer = AL(0x3E0C, 4), timer_x = AL(0x3EFA, 2), timer_y = AL(0x3F08, 2), buttons_enabled = AL(0x3F18, 4), magic_modifier = AL(0x3F28, 4), magic_max = AL(0x3F2E, 2), weird_a_graphic = AL(0x3F42, 1), target_style = AL(0x3F45, 1), music_mod = AL(0x3F46, 2), entrance_mod_setter = AL(0x3F4A, 2), title_screen_thing = AL(0x3F4C, 1), transition_mod = AL(0x3F55, 2), suns_song_effect = AL(0x3F58, 2), health_mod = AL(0x3F5A, 2), screen_scale_enable = AL(0x3F60, 1), screen_scale = AL(0x3F64, 'f'), scene_flags_ingame = AL(0x3F68, 0x960), inventory = { b_button_item = AL(0x4C, 1), c_left_item = AL(0x4D, 1), c_down_item = AL(0x4E, 1), c_right_item = AL(0x4F, 1), b_button_goron = AL(0x50, 1), b_button_zora = AL(0x54, 1), b_button_deku = AL(0x58, 1), b_button_slot = AL(0x5C, 1), -- unused? c_left_slot = AL(0x5D, 1), c_down_slot = AL(0x5E, 1), c_right_slot = AL(0x5F, 1), ocarina = AL(0x70, 1), bow = AL(0x71, 1), fire_arrows = AL(0x72, 1), ice_arrows = AL(0x73, 1), light_arrows = AL(0x74, 1), event_1 = AL(0x75, 1), bombs = AL(0x76, 1), bombchu = AL(0x77, 1), deku_stick = AL(0x78, 1), deku_nut = AL(0x79, 1), magic_beans = AL(0x7A, 1), event_2 = AL(0x7B, 1), powder_keg = AL(0x7C, 1), pictograph = AL(0x7D, 1), lens_of_truth = AL(0x7E, 1), hookshot = AL(0x7F, 1), fairy_sword = AL(0x80, 1), event_3 = AL(0x81, 1), bottle_1 = AL(0x82, 1), bottle_2 = AL(0x83, 1), bottle_3 = AL(0x84, 1), bottle_4 = AL(0x85, 1), bottle_5 = AL(0x86, 1), bottle_6 = AL(0x87, 1), }, masks = { postman = AL(0x88, 1), all_night = AL(0x89, 1), blast = AL(0x8A, 1), stone = AL(0x8B, 1), great_fairy = AL(0x8C, 1), deku = AL(0x8D, 1), keaton = AL(0x8E, 1), bremen = AL(0x8F, 1), bunny = AL(0x90, 1), don_gero = AL(0x91, 1), scents = AL(0x92, 1), goron = AL(0x93, 1), romani = AL(0x94, 1), troupe_leader = AL(0x95, 1), kafei = AL(0x96, 1), couples = AL(0x97, 1), truth = AL(0x98, 1), zora = AL(0x99, 1), kamaro = AL(0x9A, 1), gibdo = AL(0x9B, 1), garos = AL(0x9C, 1), captains = AL(0x9D, 1), giants = AL(0x9E, 1), fierce_deity = AL(0x9F, 1), }, quantities = { arrows = AL(0xA1, 1), bombs = AL(0xA6, 1), bombchu = AL(0xA7, 1), sticks = AL(0xA8, 1), nuts = AL(0xA9, 1), beans = AL(0xAA, 1), kegs = AL(0xAC, 1), }, buttons = AG(0x1A, 2), framerate_limiter = AG(0xA2, 1), scene_number = AG(0xA4, 2), screen_T = AG(0xC0, 4), screen_B = AG(0xC4, 4), screen_L = AG(0xC8, 4), screen_R = AG(0xCC, 4), camera_fov = AG(0xD0, 'f'), camera_e_x = AG(0xE0, 'f'), camera_e_y = AG(0xE4, 'f'), camera_e_z = AG(0xE8, 'f'), camera_c_x = AG(0xEC, 'f'), camera_c_y = AG(0xF0, 'f'), camera_c_z = AG(0xF4, 'f'), --camera_rot_x = AG(0xF8, 'f'), --camera_rot_y = AG(0xFC, 'f'), --camera_rot_z = AG(0x100, 'f'), camera_target = AG(0x2B0, 4), camera_mode = AG(0x362, 2), unk_lens = AG(0x1CA0, 4), lens_radius = AG(0x1CA4, 1), actor_count = AG(0x1CAE, 1), actor_counts = { [0]=AG(0x1CB0, 4), AG(0x1CBC, 4), AG(0x1CC8, 4), AG(0x1CD4, 4), AG(0x1CE0, 4), AG(0x1CEC, 4), AG(0x1CF8, 4), AG(0x1D04, 4), AG(0x1D10, 4), AG(0x1D1C, 4), AG(0x1D28, 4), AG(0x1D34, 4), }, actor_firsts = { [0]=AG(0x1CB4, 4), AG(0x1CC0, 4), AG(0x1CCC, 4), AG(0x1CD8, 4), AG(0x1CE4, 4), AG(0x1CF0, 4), AG(0x1CFC, 4), AG(0x1D08, 4), AG(0x1D14, 4), AG(0x1D20, 4), AG(0x1D2C, 4), AG(0x1D38, 4), }, bomb_counter = AG(0x1CD4, 1), z_cursor_actor = AG(0x1DF8, 4), z_target_actor = AG(0x1DFC, 4), current_scene_flags_2 = AG(0x1E58, 4), -- note: I use SRAM ordering here current_scene_flags_3 = AG(0x1E5C, 4), current_scene_flags_1 = AG(0x1E68, 4), current_scene_flags_4 = AG(0x1E6C, 4), current_scene_flags_5 = AG(0x1E74, 4), cutscene_pointer = AG(0x1F28, 4), cutscene_status_2 = AG(0x1F2C, 1), -- needs a rename text_active = AG(0x1681B, 1), text_status = AG(0x1682A, 1), -- offset by -0x20 on JP10/JP11 wind_x = AG(0x170B0, 2), wind_y = AG(0x170B2, 2), wind_z = AG(0x170B4, 2), wind_power = AG(0x170B8, 'f'), room_number = AG(0x186E0, 1), room_pointer = AG(0x186EC, 4), frames_in_scene = AG(0x18840, 4), actor_disable = AG(0x18846, 2), warp_begin = AG(0x18875, 1), screen_dim = AG(0x18877, 1), warp_destination = AG(0x18878, 4), fade_type = AG(0x1887F, 1), entrance_entered = AG(0x18B48, 1), fade_timer = AG(0x18C01, 1), link_actor = setmetatable({ item_in_hand = AA(0x148, 1), animation_id = AA(0x24A, 2), unk_collision = AA(0xA68, 4), -- pointer link_flags = AA(0xA6C, 0xC), misc_actions = AA(0xAA5, 1), lin_vel = AA(0xAD0, 'f'), movement_angle = AA(0xAD4, 2), sword_active = AA(0xADB, 1), sword_succession= AA(0xADD, 1), blast_mask_timer= AA(0xB60, 2), }, {__index = Actor(AA(0,0).addr)}), }