local lips = { _DESCRIPTION = 'Assembles MIPS assembly files for the R4300i CPU.', _URL = 'https://github.com/notwa/lips/', _LICENSE = [[ Copyright (C) 2015,2016 Connor Olding This program is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, and is distributed without any warranty. You should have received a copy of the license along with this program; see the file LICENSE. ]], } local util = require "lips.util" local Parser = require "lips.Parser" function lips.word_writer() local buff = {} local max = -1 return function(pos, b) if pos then buff[pos] = b if pos > max then max = pos end elseif max >= 0 then for i=0, max, 4 do local a = buff[i+0] or '00' local b = buff[i+1] or '00' local c = buff[i+2] or '00' local d = buff[i+3] or '00' print(a..b..c..d) end end end end function lips.assemble(fn_or_asm, writer, options) -- assemble MIPS R4300i assembly code. -- if fn_or_asm contains a newline; treat as assembly, otherwise load file. -- returns error message on error, or nil on success. fn_or_asm = tostring(fn_or_asm) local default_writer = not writer writer = writer or lips.word_writer() options = options or {} local function main() local fn = nil local asm if fn_or_asm:find('[\r\n]') then asm = fn_or_asm else fn = fn_or_asm asm = util.readfile(fn) options.path = fn:match(".*/") end local parser = Parser(writer, fn, options) parser:parse(asm) if default_writer then writer() end end if options.unsafe then return main() else local ok, err = pcall(main) return err end end return setmetatable(lips, { __call = function(self, ...) return self.assemble(...) end, })