# Zelda 64 Lua Scripts These are written for [the latest revision of Bizhawk,][biz] but some compatiblity is provided for [a fork of mupen64plus with Lua support.][m64p-lua] [biz]: https://github.com/TASVideos/bizhawk/ [m64p-lua]: https://github.com/notwa/mupen64plus-core Note that some scripts lack full support for Ocarina of Time. ## Scripts #### main.lua Ignore this for now. This is a rough interfacing script for passing to mupen64plus, and serves no purpose on Bizhawk. #### actor listor.lua Lists actor data onscreen, and focuses the camera on them. Actors may be selected using the D-Pad. #### cheat menu.lua Provides an onscreen UI for many features. Has four different input methods; refer to the comment near the start of the script. Generally, it's opened with L and navigated with the D-Pad. #### count flags.lua Simply counts the number of scene flags globally set. #### exit calculator.lua Dumps information on the current exit value; scene name, entrance, entrance with unused offset; using human-readable English names. Provides the function `dump_all_exits(fn)` which produces [a large csv file.][csv] [csv]: https://eaguru.guru/t/_exits.csv #### movement tests.lua Tests the fastest form of basic movement in Majora's Mask. Run it in the Clock Town Great Fairy's Fountain. #### oneshot.lua Instantly gives you all the items in the game, etc. Does not set scene/event flags, except the one required for the Great Spin Attack. #### race.lua Sets up a race file. A race file is a save in which the first cycle has been completed, the Deku Mask has been acquired, and some other details. #### room debug.lua Parses and dumps the currently loaded room headers. ### Monitors These scripts look for changes in RAM regions and print them in detail. These are mostly used for documenation. #### event flag monitor.lua Monitors event flags, and announces which bits are being changed, and if they have ever been seen changing before. #### scene flag monitor.lua Monitors the current scene's flags, and announces which bits are being changed, and if they have ever been seen changing before. #### misc monitor.lua Monitors unknown regions of memory. Currently, this region is a chunk of save data, ignoring known addresses. #### oot memory editor monitor.lua (Ocarina of Time) Used for determining which values listed by the in-game debug memory editor are constant. #### watch animations.lua Monitors Link's used animations. ## Libraries Or rather, scripts that have no functionality on their own. #### depend.lua Meant to override Lua's native `require` function, to force reloading of the given script. This is useless outside of development. In fact, this could cause bugs in code that depends on `require` yielding the same tables twice. #### boilerplate.lua Provides common functions used in the majority of scripts. This should generally be imported before any other scripts, besides depend.lua. #### addrs/init.lua Using boilerplate.lua's functions, this provides the bulk of the interface to the games. Note that this particular initialization script populates the global namespace with `version`, `oot`, `mm`, and most importantly `addrs`. #### addrs/basics.lua Returns a table of tables of offsetable common addresses between every known version of OoT and MM. **table keys:** * **link:** the bulk of the player's state in the game; not to be confused with Link's actor. most of this is saved to SRAM. * **global:** global context. this is passed as an argument to many functions in the game's code and contains a wealth of miscellaneous game state information. this is actually allocated on heap, but its address never changes — except on the file select screen? * **actor:** Link's actor. this includes position, rotation, animation status, etc. Link's actor is the only actor that has the same address consistently, as it's always the first one loaded. #### addrs/versions.lua Returns a dictionary of md5 and sha1 hashes of every known version of OoT and MM. The format of version strings is `(O|M) (US|JP|EU)(1[0-9]|GC|DE|DB)( MQ)?`, where: * O: Ocarina of Time * M: Majora's Mask * US: American NTSC (United States) * JP: Japanese NTSC * EU: European PAL * [two digits]: version number of a release build for the N64 * GC: Gamecube * DE: Demo (includes Debug features) * DE: Debug * MQ: Master Quest #### pt.lua Dumps Lua tables as pseudo-yaml, complete with references to prevent recursion. Invaluable for debugging. [Its repository is on gist][pt] — look there for basic usage. [pt]: https://gist.github.com/notwa/13fbddf05f654ba48321 #### extra.lua Implements the `opairs` iterator function and its helper functions, providing iteration by sorted keys in alphabetical order. #### serialize.lua Serializes (saves, dumps) Lua tables for later deserialization (loading). unlike `pt`, this dumps as Lua and cannot handle complicated (recursive) tables. #### messages.lua Provides functions for printing onscreen, such as printing for a given number of game frames. Also provides deferred printing, to print to console all at once at the end of a frame, which works around printing being otherwise slow on Bizhawk. #### flag manager.lua Provides basic functions for poking at event flags and scene flags. #### classes.lua For lazy people. Populate the global namespace with all available classes, excluding menu/interface classes. #### menu classes.lua Provides various classes for implementing onscreen menus. #### menu input handlers.lua Provides classes for interfacing user inputs with menus. #### menus/\* Contains various submenus for `cheat menu.lua`. #### classes/\* Contains various classes. Note that the base `Class` function is defined in `boilerplate.lua`. ## Data Any data (that isn't provided by the games themselves) is located in the data directory. Much of this should be self-explanitory. However, files beginning with an underscores contain serialized tables (generally from monitor scripts) and usually won't make sense out of context.