if oot then return Menu{ Screen{ Text("Progress Menu #1/1"), Text("Unimplemented for OoT."), Text("Sorry! Try again later."), Text(""), Back(), }, } end local a = addrs local inv = a.inventory local masks = a.masks local quantities = a.quantities local function set(f, v) -- for addresses that *might* be undefined if f then f(v) end end local iv if version == "M JP10" or version == "M JP11" then iv = require "data.item values early" elseif oot then iv = require "data.item values oot" else iv = require "data.item values" end local function first_cycle() a.warp_begin(0x14) a.warp_destination(0xC000) a.transformation(3) -- deku a.day(0) a.days_elapsed(0) a.time(0x3FD2) -- default time a.day_night(1) a.time_speed(0) a.intro_completed(0) a.have_tatl(1) a.sot_count(0) -- remove ocarina so time passes at first-cycle speed, among other things. -- if really you need your ocarina, just put it on a C button beforehand. a.inventory.ocarina(0xFF) -- happy mask salesman talking at door scene_flag_reset(0x63, 1, 0) -- bombers ladder balloon scene_flag_reset(0x29, 1, 1) -- other things to consider resetting: -- skull kid stuff -- deed trading quest entirely -- bombers stuff (they don't let you do it twice) -- ability to learn song of healing + get deku mask <-- -- "oh no! the great fairy!" -- moon's tear has landed event_flag_reset(74, 5) event_flag_reset(74, 7) -- moon's tear acquired event_flag_reset(74, 6) -- skullkid jumped off clock tower thru telescope event_flag_reset(12, 2) -- clock town fairy acquired event_flag_reset(8, 7) -- deku merchant has landed) event_flag_reset(73, 2) -- Talked to Town Scrub once as Deku event_flag_reset(86, 2) -- similar to above? event_flag_reset(17, 5) -- Obtained Land Title Deed event_flag_reset(17, 7) -- Tatl talks about clock tower entrance event_flag_reset(79, 4) -- Clock Tower is open? event_flag_reset( 8, 6) -- Tatl telling Link to hurry at Clock Tower event_flag_reset(88, 5) end local function all_items() for k, f in pairs(inv) do if iv[k] then f(iv[k]) end end if iv.longshot then inv.hookshot(iv.longshot) end end local function all_bottles() inv.bottle_1 (iv.bottle ) inv.bottle_2 (iv.fairy ) inv.bottle_3 (iv.bugs ) inv.bottle_4 (iv.fish ) set(inv.bottle_5, iv.milk ) set(inv.bottle_6, iv.chateau_romani) end local function all_masks() for k, f in pairs(masks) do f(iv[k]) end end local function max_hearts() a.hearts (16*20) a.max_hearts (16*20) a.doubled_hearts(20) -- TODO: set heart pieces to 0 end local function max_magic() a.magic (0x60) set(a.magic_max, 0x60) set(a.chateau_romani, 8) set(a.magic_level, 2) set(a.has_normal_magic, 1) set(a.has_double_magic, 1) if mm then -- great spin attack -- this one's a bit odd; it goes off an event flag local addr = a.week_event_reg.addr + 23 W1(addr, bit.bor(R1(addr), 0x02)) end end local function max_rupees() a.rupees(500) set(a.banked_rupees, 5000) end local function all_upgrades() -- nuts, sticks, bullets, wallet, Scale, gauntlets, Bombs, quiver (verify?) -- ?????????nnnsssbbbwwSSSgggBBBqqq a.upgrades(tonumber('00000000010101101110010011011011', 2)) end local function all_dungeon() if oot then -- TODO else a.items_wft(7) a.items_sht(7) a.items_gbt(7) a.items_stt(7) a.keys_wft(9) a.keys_sht(9) a.keys_gbt(9) a.keys_stt(9) a.fairies_wft(20) a.fairies_sht(20) a.fairies_gbt(20) a.fairies_stt(20) a.slulltula_count_wf(20) a.slulltula_count_gb(20) end end local function all_map() if oot then -- TODO else a.owls_hit (0xFFFF) a.map_visible (0xFFFF) a.map_visited (0xFFFF) end end local function max_quantity() -- TODO: check upgrade flags for actual maximums for k, f in pairs(quantities) do f(69) end end local function all_quests() a.quest_items(0x00FFFFFF) end local function all_equips() if oot then a.tunic_boots (0xFF) -- normally 0x77 a.sword_shield(0xF7) -- normally 0x77? else a.sword_shield(0x23) end end local function all_notebook() for i=66,72 do W1(a.week_event_reg.addr + i, 0xFF) end end return Menu{ Screen{ -- cheaty stuff Text("Progress Menu #1/2"), Oneshot("All Items", all_items), Oneshot("Max Quantities", max_quantity), Oneshot("All Bottles", all_bottles), Oneshot("All Masks", all_masks), Oneshot("All Equipment", all_equips), Oneshot("Max Hearts", max_hearts), Oneshot("Max Magic", max_magic), Oneshot("Max Rupees", max_rupees), Oneshot("All Upgrades", all_upgrades), Oneshot("All Dungeon Items", all_dungeon), Oneshot("Complete Map", all_map), Oneshot("All Songs", all_quest), -- TODO Oneshot("All Remains", all_quest), -- TODO Oneshot("Complete Notebook", all_notebook), Text(""), Back(), }, Screen{ -- not so cheaty Text("Progress Menu #2/2"), Oneshot("Z Targeting: Switch", Setter{[a.target_style]=0}), Oneshot("Z Targeting: Hold", Setter{[a.target_style]=1}), Text(""), Oneshot("Setup First Cycle", first_cycle), --Oneshot("Setup Race File", race_file), Text(""), Oneshot("Set Bombers Code to 12345", Setter{ [a.bombers_code[1]]=1, [a.bombers_code[2]]=2, [a.bombers_code[3]]=3, [a.bombers_code[4]]=4, [a.bombers_code[5]]=5, }), Oneshot("Set Spider Mask Puzzle to All Red", Setter{ [a.spider_mask_order[1]]=0, [a.spider_mask_order[2]]=0, [a.spider_mask_order[3]]=0, [a.spider_mask_order[4]]=0, [a.spider_mask_order[5]]=0, [a.spider_mask_order[6]]=0, }), Oneshot("Set Lottery Numbers to 123,456,789", Setter{ [a.lottery_numbers[1]]=1*0x10000 + 2*0x100 + 3, [a.lottery_numbers[2]]=4*0x10000 + 5*0x100 + 6, [a.lottery_numbers[3]]=7*0x10000 + 8*0x100 + 9, }), Text(""), Oneshot("Enable Owl Save", Setter{[a.owl_save]=1}), Oneshot("Disable Owl Save", Setter{[a.owl_save]=0}), Oneshot("Reset Song of Time Count", Setter{[a.sot_count]=0}), Text(""), Back(), }, }