-- boilerplate convenience functions require "extra" local ram = 0x80000000 R1 = function(addr) return m64p.memory:read(addr+ram, 'u8') end R2 = function(addr) return m64p.memory:read(addr+ram, 'u16') end R3 = function() error('unimplemented', 2) end R4 = function(addr) return m64p.memory:read(addr+ram, 'u32') end RF = function(addr) return m64p.memory.read(addr+ram, 'float') end W1 = function(addr, value) m64p.memory:write(addr+ram, 'u8', value) end W2 = function(addr, value) m64p.memory:write(addr+ram, 'u16', value) end W3 = function() error('unimplemented', 2) end W4 = function(addr, value) m64p.memory:write(addr+ram, 'u32', value) end WF = function(addr, value) m64p.memory.write(addr+ram, 'float', value) end --[[ X1 = m.readbyte X2 = m.read_u16_be X3 = m.read_u24_be X4 = m.read_u32_be XF = function(addr) return m.readfloat(addr, true) end --]] local H1 = function(self, value) return value and W1(self.addr, value) or R1(self.addr) end local H2 = function(self, value) return value and W2(self.addr, value) or R2(self.addr) end local H3 = function(self, value) return value and W3(self.addr, value) or R3(self.addr) end local H4 = function(self, value) return value and W4(self.addr, value) or R4(self.addr) end local HF = function(self, value) return value and WF(self.addr, value) or RF(self.addr) end local mts = { [1] = {__call = H1}, [2] = {__call = H2}, [3] = {__call = H3}, [4] = {__call = H4}, ['f'] = {__call = HF}, } function A(addr, atype) local mt = mts[atype] return setmetatable({ addr=addr, type=atype, }, mt) end Class = function(inherit) local class = {} local mt_obj = {__index = class} local mt_class = { __call = function(self, ...) local obj = setmetatable({}, mt_obj) obj:init(...) return obj end, __index = inherit, } return setmetatable(class, mt_class) end function getindex(obj) local gm = getmetatable(obj) if not gm then return end return gm.__index end function printf(fmt, ...) print(fmt:format(...)) end function is_ptr(ptr) return bit.band(0xFF800000, ptr) == 0x80000000 end function deref(ptr) return is_ptr(ptr) and ptr - 0x80000000 end function asciize(bytes) local str = "" local seq = false for i, v in ipairs(bytes) do local c = type(v) == 'number' and v or tonumber(v, 16) if c == 9 or c == 10 or c == 13 or (c >= 32 and c < 127) then str = str..string.char(c) seq = false elseif seq == false then str = str..' ' seq = true end end return str end function hex(i) -- convenience function for use in console if i > 0xFFFFFFFF then print('warning: truncated') end printf("%08X", i) end --[[ -- now we can just write: handle = A(0x123456, 1) print(handle()) -- get 1 byte at address handle(0xFF) -- set 1 byte at address -- or just: A(0x123456, 1)(0xFF) -- set address value -- and taking advantage of A returning a table and not just a function: A(handle.addr + 1, handle.type)(0x00) -- set the byte after our address -- this doesn't limit us to just the type we initially specified. eg: A(handle.addr, 2)(0x1234) -- set 2 bytes as opposed to our original 1 --]] return A