# Based on uCON64's N64 checksum algorithm by Andreas Sterbenz ctypedef unsigned long ulong ctypedef unsigned char uchar # ulong must be 32 bits since we expect them to overflow as such # TODO: test on different machines assert(sizeof(ulong) == 4) from zlib import crc32 crc_seeds = { 6101: 0xF8CA4DDC, 6102: 0xF8CA4DDC, 6103: 0xA3886759, 6105: 0xDF26F436, 6106: 0x1FEA617A, } bootcode_crcs = { 0x6170A4A1: 6101, 0x90BB6CB5: 6102, 0x0B050EE0: 6103, 0x98BC2C86: 6105, 0xACC8580A: 6106, } cdef ulong ROL(ulong i, ulong b): return (i << b) | (i >> (32 - b)) cdef ulong R4(uchar *b): return b[0]*0x1000000 + b[1]*0x10000 + b[2]*0x100 + b[3] cdef object _crc(uchar *data, ulong bootcode, uchar *lookup): cdef: ulong seed = crc_seeds[bootcode] ulong t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6 ulong i, d, b, r, o ulong crc1, crc2 t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = t5 = t6 = seed for i in range(0x1000, 0x101000, 4): d = R4(data + i) if t6 + d < t6: t4 += 1 t6 += d t3 ^= d r = ROL(d, d & 0x1F) t5 += r if t2 > d: t2 ^= r else: t2 ^= t6 ^ d if bootcode == 6105: o = i & 0xFF t1 += R4(lookup + o)^ d else: t1 += t5 if bootcode == 6103: crc1 = (t6 ^ t4) + t3 crc2 = (t5 ^ t2) + t1 elif bootcode == 6106: crc1 = t6*t4 + t3 crc2 = t5*t2 + t1 else: crc1 = t6 ^ t4 ^ t3 crc2 = t5 ^ t2 ^ t1 return crc1, crc2 def crc(f, bootcode=6105): f.seek(0) data = f.read() lookup = data[0x750:0x850] return _crc(data, bootcode, lookup) def bootcode_version(f): f.seek(0x40) return bootcode_crcs[crc32(f.read(0x1000 - 0x40)) & 0xFFFFFFFF]