require = require "depend" require "boilerplate" require "addrs.init" require "classes" require "messages" local ignore = { -- every time a scene (un)loads ['92,7=0 (weg)'] = true, ['92,7=1 (weg)'] = true, -- night transition available ['05,2=0 (inf)'] = true, ['05,2=1 (inf)'] = true, -- daily postman crap ['27,6=0 (weg)'] = true, ['27,7=0 (weg)'] = true, ['28,0=0 (weg)'] = true, ['28,1=0 (weg)'] = true, ['28,2=0 (weg)'] = true, ['27,6=1 (weg)'] = true, ['27,7=1 (weg)'] = true, ['28,0=1 (weg)'] = true, ['28,1=1 (weg)'] = true, ['28,2=1 (weg)'] = true, } FlagMonitor = Class(Monitor) function FlagMonitor:mark(i, x, x1) local now = emu.framecount() local diff = bit.bxor(x, x1) for which = 0, 7 do if, 2^which) ~= 0 then local state =, 2^which) ~= 0 and 1 or 0 local str if self.oot then local row = math.floor(i/2) local col = which + (1 - (i % 2))*8 str = ('%02i,%X=%i (%s)'):format(row, col, state, else str = ('%02i,%i=%i (%s)'):format(i, which, state, end local ib = i*8 + which local curious = self.modified[ib] == "curious" if not self.modified[ib] or curious then self.modified[ib] = true self.dirty = true if not curious then str = str..' (NEW!)' else str = str..' (!!!)' end end if not ignore[str] then dprintf('%s @%i', str, now) message(str, 180) end end end end function FlagMonitor:dump(current) local t = current and self:read() or self.modified local size = self.oot and 16 or 8 local rows = math.floor(self.len/size*8) local buff ='\n' buff = buff..' \t' for col = size-1, 0, -1 do buff = buff..('%X'):format(col) if col % 4 == 0 then buff = buff..' ' end end for row = 0, rows-1 do s = ('%02i\t'):format(row) for col = size-1, 0, -1 do local B, b = row, col if size == 16 then B = row*2 + (col < 8 and 1 or 0) b = col % 8 end local ib = B*8 + b local v if current then v =[B], 2^b) > 0 else v = t[ib] end s = s..(v and '1' or '0') if col % 4 == 0 then s = s..' ' end end buff = buff..'\n'..s end return buff end function FlagMonitor:wipe() for i = self.begin, self.begin+self.len-1 do W1(i, 0) end end function FlagMonitor:set_unknowns() = function() end -- no clutter local mod = self.modified_backup if not mod then mod = {} for i, v in pairs(self.modified) do mod[i] = v end self.modified_backup = mod end for i = 0, self.len-1 do local v = R1(self.begin + i) for which = 0, 7 do local ib = i*8 + which if not mod[ib] and, 2^which) == 0 then v = v + 2^which end end --printf("%04X = %02X", self.begin + i, sum) W1(self.begin + i, v) end end if mm then weg = FlagMonitor('weg', addrs.week_event_reg) inf = FlagMonitor('inf', addrs.event_inf) --mmb = FlagMonitor('mmb', addrs.mask_mask_bit) -- 100% known, no point weg:load('data/_weg.lua') inf:load('data/_inf.lua') fms = {weg, inf} elseif oot then eci = FlagMonitor('eci', addrs.event_chk_inf) igi = FlagMonitor('igi', addrs.item_get_inf) it_ = FlagMonitor('it ', addrs.inf_table) ei_ = FlagMonitor('ei ', addrs.event_inf) eci:load('data/_eci.lua') igi:load('data/_igi.lua') it_:load('data/_it.lua') ei_:load('data/_ei.lua') fms = {eci, igi, it_, ei_} for i, fm in ipairs(fms) do fm.oot = true end end function ef_wipe() for _, fm in ipairs(fms) do fm:wipe() end end function ef_unk() for _, fm in ipairs(fms) do fm:set_unknowns() end end while mm or oot do for i, fm in ipairs(fms) do fm:diff() fm:save() end print_deferred() draw_messages() emu.frameadvance() end