require = require "depend" require "boilerplate" require "addrs.init" require "classes" require "menu classes" require "menu input handlers" require "messages" require "flag manager" -- TODO: make OoT versions for most of these menus --[[ control schemes: normal: (alt_input = false; eat_input = false) L opens the menu L selects menu items D-Pad navigates up/down items and left/right through pages alternate: (alt_input = true; eat_input = false) L+R opens/closes the menu L goes back a menu (or closes) R selects menu items L+Z hides the menu without closing (FIXME: interferes with back button) D-Pad navigates greedy: (alt_input = false; eat_input = true) L opens/closes the menu while the menu is open, the game receives no inputs D-Pad/Joystick/C-Buttons navigate through items and pages A select menu items B/R go back a menu (or closes) Z hides the menu without closing TODO: joystick, a/b button etc greedy alt: (alt_input = true; eat_input = true) same as greedy but pauses the game while in menu (enables run_while_paused) --]] local run_while_paused = true local alt_input = true local eat_input = true local fn = 'cheat' local saved = deserialize('cheat') or {} local function save() serialize(fn, saved) end dummy = Callbacks() function Setter(t) local cb = Callbacks() function cb:on() for addr, value in pairs(t) do addr(value) end end cb.hold = cb.on return cb end local passives = {} Passive = Class(Callbacks) function Passive:init(...) Callbacks.init(self, ...) table.insert(passives, self) end function Passive:tick() if self.state then self:tick_on() end end function Passive:tick_on() end local levitate = Passive() function levitate:tick_on() if, 0x800) > 0 then self:hold() end end function levitate:hold() addrs.link_actor.y_vel(10) end local supersonic = Passive() function supersonic:tick_on() if, 0x8000) > 0 then self:hold() end end function supersonic:hold() addrs.link_actor.lin_vel(20) end local infinite_items = Passive() function infinite_items:tick_on() for k, v in pairs(addrs.quantities) do v(69) end end local any_item = Passive() function any_item:tick_on() addrs.buttons_enabled(0) end local everything = Callbacks() function everything:on() dofile("oneshot.lua") end local escape_cutscene = Callbacks() function escape_cutscene:on() addrs.cutscene_status_2(3) end local soft_reset = Callbacks() function soft_reset:on() addrs.warp_begin(0x14) addrs.warp_destination(0x1C00) addrs.fade_type(0x0B) addrs.entrance_mod_setter(0xFFFA) end local save_pos = Callbacks() function save_pos:on() local la = addrs.link_actor saved.pos = {} local pos = saved.pos pos.x = la.x() pos.y = la.y() pos.z = la.z() pos.a = la.angle() -- also save ISG for glitch testers ;) pos.isg = la.sword_active() save() end local load_pos = Callbacks() function load_pos:on() local la = addrs.link_actor local pos = saved.pos if pos == nil then return end la.x(pos.x) la.y(pos.y) la.z(pos.z) -- also set xyz copies so collision detection doesn't interfere la.x_copy(pos.x) la.y_copy(pos.y) la.z_copy(pos.z) la.angle(pos.a) la.sword_active(pos.isg) end reload_scene = Callbacks() function reload_scene:on() local ev = addrs.exit_value() addrs.warp_begin(0x14) addrs.warp_destination(ev) end local save_scene = Callbacks() function save_scene:on() saved.scene = addrs.exit_value() save() end local load_scene = Callbacks() function load_scene:on() if saved.scene == nil then return end addrs.warp_begin(0x14) addrs.warp_destination(saved.scene) end local save_scene_pos = Callbacks() function save_scene_pos:on() saved.scenepos = {} local sp = saved.scenepos sp.scene = addrs.exit_value() local la = addrs.link_actor sp.x = la.x() sp.y = la.y() sp.z = la.z() sp.a = la.angle() = la.room_number() save() end local load_scene_pos = Callbacks() function load_scene_pos:on() local sp = saved.scenepos if sp == nil then return end addrs.warp_begin(0x14) addrs.warp_destination(sp.scene) local fade = fades_killed and 0x0B or 0x01 addrs.fade_type(fade) -- TODO: add these to address list -- probably the same struct for both MM and OoT AL(0x3CB0, 4)(-4) -- void out type: reload area AL(0x3CB4, 'f')(sp.x) AL(0x3CB8, 'f')(sp.y) AL(0x3CBC, 'f')(sp.z) AL(0x3CC0, 2)(sp.a) AL(0x3CC2, 2)(0x0BFF) -- puts camera behind link instead of at entrance --AL(0x3CC6, 2)( end local kill_fades = Callbacks() function kill_fades:on() local et = addrs.entrance_table if et == nil then return end local et_size = 1244 local new_fade = 0x0B -- instant local fades = new_fade*0x80 + new_fade for i=0, et_size*4 - 1, 4 do local a = et.addr + i if R1(a) ~= 0x80 then -- don't mess up the pointers -- the lower word works like this: -- mmIIIIIIIOOOOOOO -- m = mode; I = fade in; O = fade out (probably). local mode =, 0xC000) W2(a+2, mode + fades) end end fades_killed = true end local time_menu = Menu{ Screen{ Text("Day/Time Menu #1/1"), Oneshot("Set Day to Zeroth", Setter{[]=0, [addrs.days_elapsed]=0}), Oneshot("Set Day to First", Setter{[]=1, [addrs.days_elapsed]=1}), Oneshot("Set Day to Second", Setter{[]=2, [addrs.days_elapsed]=2}), Oneshot("Set Day to Final", Setter{[]=3, [addrs.days_elapsed]=3}), Oneshot("Set Day to New", Setter{[]=4, [addrs.days_elapsed]=4}), Oneshot("Set Time to 06:00", Setter{[addrs.time]=0x4000}), Oneshot("Set Time to 12:00", Setter{[addrs.time]=0x8000}), Oneshot("Set Time to 18:00", Setter{[addrs.time]=0xC000}), Oneshot("Set Time to 00:00", Setter{[addrs.time]=0x0000}), Text(""), Oneshot("Time flow: Fast", Setter{[addrs.time_speed]=2}), Oneshot("Time flow: Normal", Setter{[addrs.time_speed]=0}), Oneshot("Time flow: Slow (iSoT)", Setter{[addrs.time_speed]=-2}), Oneshot("Time flow: Stopped", Setter{[addrs.time_speed]=-3}), Oneshot("Time flow: Backwards", Setter{[addrs.time_speed]=-5}), Oneshot("Disable time flow (Scene)", Setter{[addrs.scene_time_speed]=0}), --Oneshot("Stop time glitch", stop_time), Text(""), Back(), }, } local warp_menu = require "menus.warp" local progress_menu = require "menus.progress" local playas_menu = require "menus.playas" local main_menu = Menu{ Screen{ Text("Main Menu #1/2"), Toggle("D-Up to Levitate", levitate), Toggle("A to Run Fast", supersonic), Toggle("Infinite Items", infinite_items), Toggle("Use Any Item", any_item), Text(""), Oneshot("100% Items", everything), LinkTo("Set Progress...", progress_menu), Text(""), Oneshot("Escape Cutscene", escape_cutscene), Text(""), LinkTo("Play as...", playas_menu), Oneshot("Kill Link", Setter{[addrs.hearts]=0}), Text(""), Back(), }, Screen{ Text("Main Menu #2/2"), LinkTo("Warp to...", warp_menu), LinkTo("Set Day/Time...", time_menu), Text(""), Oneshot("Store Position", save_pos), Oneshot("Restore Position", load_pos), Text(""), Oneshot("Reload Scene", reload_scene), Oneshot("Store Scene", save_scene), Oneshot("Restore Scene", load_scene), Text(""), Oneshot("Store Scene & Position", save_scene_pos), Oneshot("Restore Scene & Position", load_scene_pos), Text(""), Oneshot("Kill Transitions", kill_fades), Text(""), Oneshot("Soft Reset (Warp to Title)", soft_reset), Text(""), Back(), }, } local input = InputHandler() input = JoyWrapper(input) local handle = MenuHandler(main_menu, T_TL) while mm or oot do local ctrl, pressed = input:update() if eat_input then local old_menu = handle_eat_input(handle, ctrl, pressed) if alt_input and ~= old_menu then run_while_paused = true if then client.pause() else client.unpause() end end elseif alt_input then handle_alt_input(handle, ctrl, pressed) else for _, v in ipairs{'left', 'right', 'up', 'down'} do ctrl[v] = ctrl['d_'..v] pressed[v] = pressed['d_'..v] end ctrl.enter = ctrl.L pressed.enter = pressed.L handle:update(ctrl, pressed) end for i, passive in ipairs(passives) do passive:tick() end if run_while_paused then emu.yield() gui.cleartext() else emu.frameadvance() end end