require "boilerplate" local addrs = require "addrs" local close = {text="close", type="close"} local menu = { { close, {text="hey"}, {text="L to levitate", type="toggle", id="levitate"}, {text="levitate", type="hold", call_id="levitate"}, {text="everything", type="oneshot", call_id="everything"}, active = 1, }, { close, {text="kill link", type="oneshot", call_id="kill"}, {text="some flags", type="control"}, -- how to handle this? -- i guess with a function like update_text -- and self_render and handle_input basically -- or call_id="submenu" options={yada yada} {text="k"}, active = 1, }, active = 1, } local active_menu = nil local menu_state = { levitate = false, } local menu_calls = { levitate = function(item, state) addrs.z_vel(16) end, kill = function(item, state) addrs.hearts(0) end, set = function(item, state) A(item.addr, item.type)(item.value) end, everything = function(item, state) local inv = addrs.inventory local masks = addrs.masks local counts = addrs.counts --addrs.target_style (1) --addrs.buttons_enabled (0) --addrs.infinite_sword(1) addrs.zeroth_day (1) addrs.sot_count (0) addrs.bubble_timer (0) -- addrs.sword_shield (0x23) addrs.quiver_bag (0x1B) addrs.hearts (16*20) addrs.max_hearts (16*20) addrs.owls_hit (0xFFFF) addrs.map_visible (0xFFFF) addrs.map_visited (0xFFFF) addrs.rupees (0xFFFF) addrs.magic_1 (0x60) -- fixme addrs.magic_2 (0x101) -- fixme addrs.status_items (0xFFFFFF) inv.b_button (0x4F) inv.ocarina (0x00) inv.bow (0x01) inv.fire_arrows (0x02) inv.ice_arrows (0x03) inv.light_arrows (0x04) inv.bombs (0x06) inv.bombchu (0x07) inv.deku_stick (0x08) inv.deku_nut (0x09) inv.magic_beans (0x0A) inv.powder_keg (0x0C) inv.pictograph (0x0D) inv.lens_of_truth (0x0E) inv.hookshot (0x0F) inv.fairy_sword (0x10) inv.bottle_1 (0x12) inv.bottle_2 (0x1B) inv.bottle_3 (0x1A) inv.bottle_4 (0x18) inv.bottle_5 (0x16) inv.bottle_6 (0x25) --addrs.event_1 (0x05) --addrs.event_2 (0x0B) --addrs.event_3 (0x11) masks.postman (0x3E) masks.all_night (0x38) masks.blast (0x47) masks.stone (0x45) masks.great_fairy (0x40) masks.deku (0x32) masks.keaton (0x3A) masks.bremen (0x46) masks.bunny (0x39) masks.don_gero (0x42) masks.scents (0x48) masks.goron (0x33) masks.romani (0x3C) masks.troupe_leader (0x3D) masks.kafei (0x37) masks.couples (0x3F) masks.truth (0x36) masks.zora (0x34) masks.kamaro (0x43) masks.gibdo (0x41) masks.garos (0x3B) masks.captains (0x44) masks.giants (0x49) masks.fierce_deity (0x35) counts.arrows (69) counts.bombs (69) counts.bombchu (69) counts.sticks (69) counts.nuts (69) counts.beans (69) counts.kegs (69) end, } function T(x, y, s, color) color = color or "white" gui.text(10*x + 2, 16*y + 4, s, nil, color, "bottomright") end function draw_row(row, row_number, is_active) local color = is_active and "cyan" or "white" if row.type == "toggle" then T(4, row_number, row.text, color) T(0, row_number, "[ ]", "yellow") if menu_state[] then T(1, row_number, "x", "cyan") end else T(0, row_number, row.text, color) end end function run_row(row, hold) local rt = row.type if rt == "hold" then if row.call_id then menu_calls[row.call_id](row, menu_state) end if then menu_state[] = true -- TODO: set to false later end end if hold then return end if rt == "toggle" then menu_state[] = not menu_state[] if row.call_id then menu_calls[row.call_id](row, menu_state) end elseif rt == "close" then active_menu = nil elseif rt == "oneshot" then menu_calls[row.call_id](row, menu_state) end end function run_mainmenu(ctrl, pressed) local active_submenu = if pressed.left then active_submenu = active_submenu - 1 end if pressed.right then active_submenu = active_submenu + 1 end active_submenu = (active_submenu - 1) % #menu + 1 = active_submenu local submenu = menu[active_submenu] local active_row = if pressed.down then active_row = active_row - 1 end if pressed.up then active_row = active_row + 1 end active_row = (active_row - 1) % #submenu + 1 = active_row local row = submenu[active_row] if pressed.enter then run_row(row) elseif ctrl.enter then run_row(row, true) end T(0, 0, ("menu %02i/%02i"):format(active_submenu, #menu), "yellow") for i, row in ipairs(submenu) do draw_row(row, i, i == active_row) end end local pressed = {} local old_ctrl = {} while true do local j = joypad.getimmediate() local ctrl = { enter = j["P1 L"], up = j["P1 DPad U"], down = j["P1 DPad D"], left = j["P1 DPad L"], right = j["P1 DPad R"], } for k, v in pairs(ctrl) do pressed[k] = ctrl[k] and not old_ctrl[k] end gui.clearGraphics() if pressed.enter and not active_menu then active_menu = menu pressed.enter = false end if active_menu == menu then run_mainmenu(ctrl, pressed) end old_ctrl = ctrl emu.yield() end