#!/usr/bin/env python3 from hashlib import sha1 from io import BytesIO import argparse import os import os.path import sys import zlib from heuristics import detect_format from util import * # check for cython try: import pyximport except ImportError: fast = False else: pyximport.install() fast = True if fast: import Yaz0_fast as Yaz0 import n64_fast as n64 else: import Yaz0 import n64 lament = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) # shoutouts to spinout182 # assume first entry is makerom (0x1060), and second entry begins from makerom dma_sig = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x60\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x60" dma_sig_ique = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x50\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x50" # hacky heresay = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0] oot_filenames_src = os.path.join(heresay, "fn O US10.txt") def dump_wrap(data, fn, size): try: kind = detect_format(BytesIO(data), fn) except Exception as e: lament(fn, e) kind = None if kind is not None: fn += '.' + kind dump_as(data, fn, size) def inflate(compressed): # love you zoinkity decomp = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS) data = bytearray() data.extend(decomp.decompress(compressed)) while decomp.unconsumed_tail: data.extend(decomp.decompress(decomp.unconsumed_tail)) data.extend(decomp.flush()) return data def deflate_headerless(data): wbits = -15 # disable header/trailer by negating windowBits zobj = zlib.compressobj(wbits=wbits) compressed = zobj.compress(data) + zobj.flush() return compressed def z_dump_file(f, i=0, name=None, decompress=True): vs = R4(f.read(4)) # virtual start ve = R4(f.read(4)) # virtual end ps = R4(f.read(4)) # physical start pe = R4(f.read(4)) # physical end here = f.tell() dump = decompress and dump_wrap or dump_as if vs == ve == ps == pe == 0: return False # ve inferred from filesize, and we're making pe be 0 # ps can just be the end of the last file fn = '{:04} V{:08X}'.format(i, vs) if name is not None and name is not '': fn = fn + ' ' + str(name) size = ve - vs if ps == 0xFFFFFFFF or pe == 0xFFFFFFFF: #lament('file does not exist') dump_as(b'', fn, 0) elif pe == 0: #lament('file is uncompressed') pe = ps + size f.seek(ps) data = f.read(pe - ps) dump(data, fn, size) else: #lament('file is compressed') f.seek(ps) compressed = f.read(pe - ps) if compressed[:4] == b'Yaz0': if decompress: data = Yaz0.decode(compressed) dump(data, fn, size) else: dump(compressed, fn+'.Yaz0', len(compressed)) else: if decompress: data = inflate(compressed) if data is None or len(data) == 0: lament('unknown compression; skipping:', fn) lament(compressed[:4]) else: dump(data, fn, size) else: lament('unknown compression:', fn) dump(compressed, fn, len(compressed)) f.seek(here) return True def z_find_dma(f): while True: # assume row alignment data = f.read(16) if len(data) == 0: # EOF break for sig in (dma_sig, dma_sig_ique): if data == sig[:16]: rest = sig[16:] if f.read(len(rest)) == rest: return f.tell() - len(rest) - 16 else: f.seek(len(rest), 1) def z_dump(f, names=None, decompress=True): f.seek(0x1060) # skip header when finding dmatable addr = z_find_dma(f) if addr == None: lament("couldn't find file offset table") return f.seek(addr - 0x30) build = f.read(0x30).strip(b'\x00').replace(b'\x00', b'\n') lament(str(build, 'utf-8')) f.seek(addr) i = 0 if names: for n in names: if z_dump_file(f, i, n, decompress): i += 1 else: lament("ran out of filenames") break while z_dump_file(f, i, None, decompress): i += 1 if names and i > len(names): lament("extraneous filenames") def dump_rom(fn, decompress=True): with open(fn, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() with BytesIO(data) as f: start = f.read(4) if start == b'\x37\x80\x40\x12': swap_order(f) elif start != b'\x80\x37\x12\x40': lament('not a .z64:', fn) return f.seek(0) romhash = sha1(f.read()).hexdigest() names = None if romhash == '50bebedad9e0f10746a52b07239e47fa6c284d03': # OoT debug rom filenames f.seek(0xBE80) names = f.read(0x6490).split(b'\x00') names = [str(n, 'utf-8') for n in names if n != b''] if romhash in ( # NTSC 1.0 (U) and (J) 'ad69c91157f6705e8ab06c79fe08aad47bb57ba7', 'c892bbda3993e66bd0d56a10ecd30b1ee612210f', # NTSC 1.1 (U) and (J) 'd3ecb253776cd847a5aa63d859d8c89a2f37b364', 'dbfc81f655187dc6fefd93fa6798face770d579d', # NTSC 1.2 (U) and (J) '41b3bdc48d98c48529219919015a1af22f5057c2', 'fa5f5942b27480d60243c2d52c0e93e26b9e6b86', ): # filenames inferred from debug rom with open(oot_filenames_src) as f2: names = f2.readlines() names = [n.strip() for n in names] with SubDir(romhash): f.seek(0) z_dump(f, names, decompress) def z_read_file(path, fn=None): if fn == None: fn = os.path.basename(path) if len(fn) < 14: return False, None, None fn = str(fn[:14]) if fn[4:6] != ' V': return False, None, None try: vs = int(fn[ 6: 14], 16) except ValueError: return False, None, None with open(path, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() return True, data, vs def z_write_dma(f, dma): dma.sort(key=lambda vf: vf[0]) # sort by vs assert len(dma) > 2 dma_entry = dma[2] # assumption vs, ve, ps, pe = dma_entry # initialize with zeros dma_size = ve - vs f.seek(ps) f.write(bytearray(dma_size)) f.seek(ps) for vf in dma: vs, ve, ps, pe = vf #lament('{:08X} {:08X} {:08X} {:08X}'.format(vs, ve, ps, pe)) f.write(W4(vs)) f.write(W4(ve)) f.write(W4(ps)) f.write(W4(pe)) assert f.tell() <= (pe or ve) def fix_rom(f): bootcode = n64.bootcode_version(f) lament('bootcode:', bootcode) crc1, crc2 = n64.crc(f, bootcode) lament('crcs: {:08X} {:08X}'.format(crc1, crc2)) f.seek(0x10) f.write(W4(crc1)) f.write(W4(crc2)) def align(x): return (x + 15) // 16 * 16 def create_rom(d, compression=None, nocomplist=None): root, _, files = next(os.walk(d)) files.sort() if nocomplist is None: nocomplist = [] rom_size = 64*1024*1024 with open(d+'.z64', 'w+b') as f: dma = [] # initialize with zeros f.write(bytearray(rom_size)) f.seek(0) start_v = 0 start_p = 0 for i, fn in enumerate(files): path = os.path.join(root, fn) success, data, vs = z_read_file(path, fn) if not success: lament('skipping:', fn) continue size_v = len(data) size_p = size_v unempty = size_v > 0 compressed = size_v >= 4 and data[:4] == b'Yaz0' if i <= 2: # makerom, boot, dmadata need to be exactly where they were start_v = vs start_p = start_v else: start_v = align(start_v) start_p = align(start_p) if compression and unempty and i not in nocomplist: lament('Comp…: {}'.format(fn)) if compression == 'yaz': data = Yaz0.encode(data) elif compression == 'zlib': data = deflate_headerless(data) else: raise Exception("unsupported compression: " + compression) size_p = len(data) lament("Ratio: {:3.0%}".format(size_p / size_v)) compressed = True if unempty: ps = start_p if compressed: pe = align(start_p + size_p) if compression == 'yaz': ve = vs + int.from_bytes(data[4:8], 'big') else: ve = vs + size_v else: pe = 0 ve = vs + size_v else: ps = 0xFFFFFFFF pe = 0xFFFFFFFF ve = vs assert start_v <= rom_size assert start_v + size_v <= rom_size assert vs < rom_size assert ve <= rom_size # TODO: do we really want to do any of this? # i'm not sure how picky the game is with the dmatable. #ve = align(ve) #print(fn) assert vs % 0x10 == 0 assert ve % 0x10 == 0 if unempty: f.seek(start_p) f.write(data) dma.append([vs, ve, ps, pe]) start_v += size_v start_p += size_p z_write_dma(f, dma) fix_rom(f) class StoreIntList(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): ints = getattr(namespace, self.dest, None) if ints is None: ints = [] # TODO: iterate over a pretty lenient regexp matcher. for v in values.split(','): if v == '': continue n = int(v) ints.append(n) setattr(namespace, self.dest, ints) def run(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="z64dump: construct and deconstruct Zelda N64 ROMs") parser.add_argument( 'path', metavar='ROM or folder', nargs='+', help="ROM to deconstruct, or folder to construct") parser.add_argument( '-f', '--fix', action='store_true', help="only update CIC checksums") parser.add_argument( '-D', '--no-decompress', action='store_true', help="(deconstruction) do not decompress files") parser.add_argument( '-C', '--no-compress', action='store_const', const=None, dest='compression', help="(construction) do not compress files") parser.add_argument( '-y', '--yaz', action='store_const', const='yaz', dest='compression', help="(construction) use yaz (Yaz0) compression") parser.add_argument( '-z', '--zlib', action='store_const', const='zlib', dest='compression', help="(construction) use deflate (zlib) compression") parser.add_argument( '-s', '--skip', default=None, action=StoreIntList, help="skip compression for the given comma-delimited file indices") a = parser.parse_args(args) for path in a.path: if a.fix: if os.path.isdir(path): lament("only ROM files are fixable:", path) else: with open(path, 'r+b') as f: fix_rom(f) continue # directories are technically files, so check this first if os.path.isdir(path): create_rom(path, a.compression, a.skip) elif os.path.isfile(path): dump_rom(path, not a.no_decompress) else: lament('no-op:', path) if __name__ == '__main__': try: ret = run(sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(ret) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1)