address: 80400A0C JP 1.0 (note: bytes here in backwards order?) 00000001 - can't control link, time stops 00000002 - frozen world (time still passes, sword works, don't try jumping) 00000004 - camera pans above link, can't c-up, walk through actors, getting hurt causes you to get thrown 00000008 - ??? pulling out bombs resets it 00000010 - using zora magic 00000020 - take away control, hud goes into cutscene mode 00000040 - bombs stick in air? 00000080 - link is dead (can only walk, walk through actors, time stops) 00000100 - putting mask on effect appears sometimes 00000200 - freeze everything (tatl still flies around, camera pans) 00000400 - tatl flies to where the camera is 00000800 - holding something (ground jump if nothing) 00001000 - can't untarget 00002000 - same as 00000004 00004000 - similar to above 00008000 - am z-targeting (again) 00010000 - am z-targeting? (locked on?) 00020000 - am z-targeting (persists angle) 00040000 - am in air/jumping 00080000 - janky camera (z-targeting?) 00100000 - am c-uping? (stops camera from changing when talking) 00200000 - spinny camera 00400000 - shield enemy attacks 00800000 - crash 01000000 - ??? 02000000 - z-targeting (locked camera) 04000000 - can't take damage (mostly) 08000000 - strange immobile/sliding state (c-up related?) 10000000 - freeze actors 20000000 - freeze link 40000000 - disable z targetting? 80000000 - falling into grotto (loads mayor's) combinations: 00000003 - set when using ocarina A0000000 - fall into floor (grotto + frozen link = doesn't load mayor's) 00018000 - set when z-targetting with target 00028000 - set when z-targetting 7F000000 - can't do anything 5F000000 - slidey link, locked camera 20010040 - talking state FF7FFFFF - the most you can have on without crashing 01000008 - all unknown flags at once address: 80400A10 JP 1.0 (note: bytes here in backwards order?) 00000001 - ??? 00000002 - set when a target is available 00000004 - ??? 00000008 - sometimes set when you're walking 00000010 - link won't get pushed back by explosions 00000020 - set when you're walking 00000040 - set when deku spinning 00000080 - ??? 00000100 - ??? sometimes causes a z target 00000200 - ??? 00000400 - play surfacing water animation 00000800 - displays dive timer on A button 00001000 - ??? 00002000 - can't un-Z-target? 00004000 - ??? 00008000 - freeze link in place (can still pause) 00010000 - ??? 00020000 - screen pulsating? 00040000 - ??? doesn't reset 00080000 - ??? 00100000 - whether tatl is flying around link 00200000 - tatl has something to say 00400000 - ??? 00800000 - semi-fixed camera (can still rotate) 01000000 - graphical error? 02000000 - disables items, sword 04000000 - causes weird model flipping on z axis? 08000000 - disables actors and some loading (set when link is using ocarina) 10000000 - link is doing an idle animation 20000000 - link goes invisible and leaves his body (seriously this is silly) 40000000 - ??? set when attacking sometimes 80000000 - instant void out (crushed?) combinations: 404D52C5 - all unknown flags at once (one of those causes an ice effect to appear at link's feet) address: 80400A14 JP 1.0 (note: bytes here in backwards order?) 00000001 - fall through floor 00000002 - ??? 00000004 - freeze link in place 00000008 - camera doesn't rotate (and lags behind a little?) 00000010 - ??? 00000020 - ??? 00000040 - set when charging up a shot (arrows, bubbles, etc) 00000080 - link pull out an item. forever. 00000100 - deku inside flower 00000200 - deku firing out of flower (reduces descent, gravity?) 00000400 - ??? 00000800 - ??? 00001000 - goron roll state 00002000 - deku flying camera/angle 00004000 - ??? 00008000 - distant camera (used for what?) 00010000 - ??? 00020000 - set when changing masks 00040000 - major graphical errors? 00080000 - goron magic roll state (camera zooms out) 00100000 - set when deku spinning (again) (gives the damage effect?) 00200000 - puts a 6 on the A button? 00400000 - ??? 00800000 - usually set after using boomerangs? 01000000 - deku nuts on B (deku flying state) 02000000 - set when link uses sword 04000000 - ??? 08000000 - set when rolling (does not give invulnerability) 10000000 - ??? 20000000 - disables items, sword (again) 40000000 - link won't stop attacking (fierce deity related?) 80000000 - allows third-person aiming items (arrows, bubbles, etc) combinations: 01002200 - firing from deku flower state (rocket deku farts) 14410C32 - all unknown flags at once