-- it's simple, dumb, unsafe, incomplete, and it gets the damn job done local type = type local extra = require "extra" local opairs = extra.opairs local tostring = tostring local open = io.open local strfmt = string.format local strrep = string.rep local function kill_bom(s) if #s >= 3 and s:byte(1)==0xEF and s:byte(2)==0xBB and s:byte(3)==0xBF then return s:sub(4) end return s end local function sanitize(v) local force = type(v) == 'string' and v:sub(1, 1):match('%d') force = force and true or false return type(v) == 'string' and strfmt('%q', v) or tostring(v), force end local function _serialize(value, writer, level) level = level or 1 if type(value) == 'table' then local indent = strrep('\t', level) writer('{\n') for key,value in opairs(value) do local sane, force = sanitize(key) local keyval = (sane == '"'..key..'"' and not force) and key or '['..sane..']' writer(indent..keyval..' = ') _serialize(value, writer, level + 1) writer(',\n') end writer(strrep('\t', level - 1)..'}') else local sane, force = sanitize(value) writer(sane) end end local function _deserialize(script) local f = loadstring(kill_bom(script)) if f ~= nil then return f() else print('WARNING: no function to deserialize with') return nil end end local function serialize(path, value) local file = open(path, 'w') if not file then return end file:write("return ") _serialize(value, function(...) file:write(...) end) file:write("\n") file:close() end local function deserialize(path) local file = open(path, 'r') if not file then return end local script = file:read('*a') local value = _deserialize(script) file:close() return value end return globalize{ serialize = serialize, deserialize = deserialize, }