#!/usr/bin/env bash SEP=$'\t' curl=(curl -sS -m 32 --connect-timeout 8 --retry 3 --retry-delay 1) URL_SEARCH='http://www.nyaa.se/' URL_DOWNLOAD='http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=' # all timestamps are given in seconds since the epoch declare -A searchquery declare -A searchregex die() { echo -E "$@" >&2 exit 1 } retrieve() { ${curl[@]} -G --data-urlencode "term=[$1]" -d page=rss "$URL_SEARCH" } nullcheck() { # {query} [[ -n "$1" ]] || die "Null search query"; } sanitize() { sed -e 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/_/g' } splittags() { # {tag} awk -v tag="$1" -f "$SRCDIR/splittags.awk" } scrape() { TZ=UTC0 awk -v sep="$SEP" -f "$SRCDIR/scrape.awk" } watch() { # {search query} [regex...] nullcheck "$1" local gs="$(sanitize<<<"$1")" regex= searchquery[$gs]="$1" shift for regex; do searchregex[$gs]+="|($regex)" done } search() { nullcheck "$1" retrieve "$1" | tr -d '\r\n'"$SEP" | splittags item | scrape [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} = 0 ] || die "Failed to search for $1" } searchfilter() { # database regex [timestamp] while read -r; do IFS=$SEP read -r time tid title <<< "$REPLY" [ "$time" -gt "${3:-0}" ] \ && grep -qP "$2" <<< "$title" \ && echo -E "$REPLY" done < "$1" } runfilter() { # {action} [database] declare -A already local action="${1:-echo}" local mark="$action.txt" local db="${2:-db.txt}" touch "$mark" while IFS=$SEP read -r tid time; do already["$tid"]="$time" done < "$mark" now="$(date +%s)" while IFS=$SEP read -r time tid title; do [ -n "${already[$tid]}" ] \ || $action $time $tid "$title" \ || { echo "[meow.sh] failed to run $action" >&2 echo "[meow.sh] torrent title: $title" >&2 echo "[meow.sh] torrent id: $tid" >&2 break } already[$tid]="$now" done < <(for regex in "${searchregex[@]}"; do searchfilter "$db" "${regex:1}" done) rm "$mark" for tid in "${!already[@]}"; do echo "$tid$SEP${already[$tid]}" >> "$mark" done } runsearch() { # [database] local db="${1:-db.txt}" local tmp=`mktemp` touch "$db" for q in "${!searchquery[@]}"; do search "${searchquery[$q]}" \ | while IFS=$SEP read -r title torrent time; do local tid="${torrent##*=}" echo -E "$time$SEP$tid$SEP$title" done done | sort -n -- "$db" - | uniq > $tmp # TODO: don't accidentally overwrite $db with something blank/incomplete # maybe check if filesize has decreased and die if so mv $tmp "$db" }