# lips An assembler for the MIPS R4300i architecture, written in Lua. This is not a 'true' assembler; it won't produce executable binary files. This was intended to assist in hacking N64 games. It does little more than output hex. Not for production. Much of the code and syntax is untested and likely to change. Even this README is incomplete. ## Integer Precision **Please note:** some builds of Lua cannot precisely handle integers larger than 24 bits. This can cause errorenous instructions to be assembled. LuaJIT and Lua 5.3 shouldn't have this issue by default. Just to be safe, try running the following script: ``` local precise = 0x1000000 + 1 ~= 0x1000000 if precise then print("You're all set!") else print("You will have a bad time.") end ``` ## Syntax (TODO) A derivative of [CajeASM's][caje] syntax. [caje]: https://github.com/Tarek701/CajeASM/ ## Instructions Instructions were primarily referenced from [the N64 Toolkit: Opcodes.][n64op] A more in-depth look at instructions for MIPS IV processors in general is given by [the MIPS IV Instruction Set manual.][mipsiv] [The MIPS64 Instruction Set manual][mips64] is sometimes useful. Much of it doesn't apply to our older MIPS IV architecture, but it's a little cleaner than the older manual. There's also a brief and incomplete [overview of MIPS instructions.][overview] First-time writers of MIPS assembly may find this the most useful. [n64op]: https://github.com/mikeryan/n64dev/tree/master/docs/n64ops [mipsiv]: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15740-f97/public/doc/mips-isa.pdf [mips64]: http://scc.ustc.edu.cn/zlsc/lxwycj/200910/W020100308600769158777.pdf [overview]: http://www.mrc.uidaho.edu/mrc/people/jff/digital/MIPSir.html ### Unimplemented As far as I know, all native R4300i instructions have been implemented. Whether or not they output the proper machine code is another thing. ### Unimplemented Pseudo-Instructions Besides implicit arguments for existing instructions, there are: * ABS, MUL, DIV, REM * SEQ, SEQI, SEQIU, SEQU * SGE, SGEI, SGEIU, SGEU * SGT, SGTI, SGTIU, SGTU * SLE, SLEI, SLEIU, SLEU * SNE, SNEI, SNEIU, SNEU * BEQI, BNEI, BGE, BGEI, BLE, BLEI, BLT, BLTI, BGT, BGTI ## Registers In order of numerical value, with intended usage: * R0: always zero; cannot be written to. 'zero' is an acceptable alias. * AT: assembler temporary. used by various pseudo-instructions. user may use freely if they're wary. * V0, V1: subroutine return values. * A0 A1 A2 A3: subroutine arguments. * T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7: temporary registers. * S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7: saved registers. * T8 T9: more temporary registers. * K0 K1: kernel registers. not recommended to use outside of kernel code. * GP: global pointer. * SP: stack pointer. * FP: frame pointer. 'S8' is an acceptable alias. * RA: subroutine return address. * REG#: whereas # is a decimal number from 0 to 31. aliased to the appropriate register. eg: REG0 is R0, REG1 is at, REG2 is V0. * F#: coproccesor 1 registers, whereas # is a decimal number from 0 to 31. ### Unimplemented all coprocessor 0 registers: ``` Index, Random, EntryLo0, EntryLo1, Context, PageMask, Wired, RESERVED, BadVAddr, Count, EntryHi, Compare, Status, Cause, ExceptionPC, PRId, Config, LLAddr, WatchLo, WatchHi, XContext, RESERVED, RESERVED, RESERVED, RESERVED, RESERVED, RESERVED, CacheErr, TagLo, TagHi, ErrorEPC, RESERVED ``` ## Directives * `.byte {numbers...}` writes a series of 8-bit numbers until end-of-line. be wary of potential alignment issues. * `.halfword {numbers...}` writes a series of 16-bit numbers until end-of-line. be wary of potential alignment issues. * `.word {numbers...}` writes a series of 32-bit numbers until end-of-line. * `.align [n] [fill]` aligns the next datum to a `n*2` boundary using `fill` for spacing. if `n` is not given, 2 is implied. if `fill` is not given, 0 is implied. * `.skip {n} [fill]` skips the next `n` bytes using `fill` for spacing. if `fill` is not given, no bytes are overwritten, and only the position is changed. * `.org {address}` set the current address for writing to; seek. until lips is a little more optimized, be cautious of seeking to large addresses. * `HEX { ... }` write a series of bytes given in hexadecimal. all numbers must be given in hex — no prefix is required. ``` butts: HEX { F0 0D DE AD BE EF } .align ``` ### Unimplemented * FLOAT: writes a list of 32-bit floating point numbers until end-of-line. this may not get implemented due to a lack of aliasing in vanilla Lua, and thus accuracy issues. * ASCII: writes a string using its characters' ASCII values. * ASCIIZ: same as ASCII, but with a null byte added to the end. * INC, INCASM, INCLUDE: include an external assembly file as-is at this position. * INCBIN: write an external binary file as-is at this position.