local abs = math.abs local insert = table.insert local path = string.gsub(..., "[^.]+$", "") local Base = require(path.."Base") local Expression = require(path.."Expression") local util = require(path.."util") local signs = util.signs local Preproc = Base:extend() function Preproc:init(options) self.options = options or {} end function Preproc:iter(statements) assert(statements) local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 local s = statements[i] if s == nil then return end self.i = i self.s = s self.fn = s.fn self.line = s.line return s end end function Preproc:lookup(t) if t.tt == 'VARSYM' then local name = t.tok t.tt = 'NUM' t.tok = self.variables[name] if t.tok == nil then self:error('undefined variable', name) end elseif self.do_labels and t.tt == 'RELLABELSYM' or t.tt == 'RELLABEL' then if t.tt == 'RELLABEL' then t.tt = 'LABEL' -- exploits the fact that user labels can't begin with a number local name = t.tok:sub(2) t.tok = tostring(self.i)..name elseif t.tt == 'RELLABELSYM' then local i = self.i t.tt = 'LABELSYM' local rel = signs(t.tok) assert(rel ~= 0, 'Internal Error: relative label without signs') local name = t.tok:sub(abs(rel) + 1) local seen = 0 -- TODO: don't iterate over *every* label, just the ones nearby. -- we could do this by popping labels as we pass over them. -- (would need to iterate once forwards and once backwards -- for plus and minus labels respectively) if rel > 0 then for _, rl in ipairs(self.plus_labels) do if rl.name == name and rl.index > i then seen = seen + 1 if seen == rel then t.tok = tostring(rl.index)..name break end end end else for _, rl in ipairs(self.minus_labels) do if rl.name == name and rl.index < i then seen = seen - 1 if seen == rel then t.tok = tostring(rl.index)..name break end end end end if seen ~= rel then self:error('could not find appropriate relative label', t.tok) end end else return false end return true end function Preproc:check(s, i, tt) s = s or self.s i = i or self.i local t = s[i] if t == nil then local err = ("expected another argument for %s at position %i"):format(self.s.type, self.i) self:error(err) end self.fn = t.fn self.line = t.line if t.tt ~= tt then self:lookup(t) end if t.tt ~= tt then local err = ("argument %i of %s expected type %s"):format(i, s.type, tt) self:error(err, t.tt) end return t.tok end function Preproc:process(statements) self.variables = {} self.plus_labels = {} -- constructed forwards self.minus_labels = {} -- constructed backwards self.do_labels = false -- first pass: resolve variables and collect relative labels local new_statements = {} for s in self:iter(statements) do -- directive, label, etc. if s.type == '!VAR' then local a = self:check(s, 1, 'VAR') local b = self:check(s, 2, 'NUM') self.variables[a] = b elseif s.type == '!LABEL' then if s[1].tt == 'RELLABEL' then local label = s[1].tok local rl = { index = #new_statements + 1, name = label:sub(2) } local c = label:sub(1, 1) if c == '+' then insert(self.plus_labels, rl) elseif c == '-' then insert(self.minus_labels, 1, rl) -- remember, it's backwards else error('Internal Error: unexpected token for relative label') end end insert(new_statements, s) else -- regular instruction for j, t in ipairs(s) do self:lookup(t) end insert(new_statements, s) end end -- second pass: resolve relative labels self.do_labels = true for s in self:iter(new_statements) do for j, t in ipairs(s) do self:lookup(t) end end -- third pass: evaluate constant expressions for s in self:iter(new_statements) do for j, t in ipairs(s) do if t.tt == 'EXPR' then local expr = Expression() local result, err = expr:eval(t.tok) if err then self:error('failed to evaulate ('..t.tok..')', err) end t.tt = 'NUM' t.tok = result end end end return new_statements end return Preproc