Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/notwa/lips synced 2025-03-09 03:32:49 -07:00

a bit of refactoring and cleanup

update copyright
use more locals
store an empty table (__) to save memory
reorder instructions table
add a few comments
This commit is contained in:
Connor Olding 2016-01-13 06:30:58 -08:00
parent f630990c6e
commit fe947fecb6
2 changed files with 86 additions and 71 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (C) 2015 Connor Olding
Copyright (C) 2015,2016 Connor Olding
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local assembler = {
_DESCRIPTION = 'Assembles MIPS assembly files for the R4300i CPU.',
_URL = 'https://github.com/notwa/lips/',
Copyright (C) 2015 Connor Olding
Copyright (C) 2015,2016 Connor Olding
This program is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, and
is distributed without any warranty. You should have received a
@ -12,14 +12,26 @@ local assembler = {
local __ = {}
local byte = string.byte
local char = string.char
local coroutine = coroutine
local error = error
local find = string.find
local format = string.format
local floor = math.floor
local format = string.format
local insert = table.insert
local ipairs = ipairs
local open = io.open
local pairs = pairs
local pcall = pcall
local print = print
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local tonumber = tonumber
local tostring = tostring
local type = type
local Class = function(inherit)
local function Class(inherit)
local class = {}
local mt_obj = {__index = class}
local mt_class = {
@ -39,7 +51,7 @@ local function bitrange(x, lower, upper)
local function readfile(fn)
local f = io.open(fn, 'r')
local f = open(fn, 'r')
if not f then
error('could not open assembly file for reading: '..tostring(fn), 2)
@ -110,6 +122,7 @@ revtable(fpu_registers)
-- alternate register names
registers['ZERO'] = 0
all_registers['ZERO'] = 0
registers['S8'] = 30
@ -178,8 +191,6 @@ local instructions = {
JALR = {0, 'ds', 's0d0C', 9},
MTHI = {0, 's', 's000C', 17},
MTLO = {0, 's', 's000C', 19},
JR = {0, 's', 's000C', 8},
BREAK = {0, '', '0000C', 13},
@ -216,6 +227,9 @@ local instructions = {
MFHI = {0, 'd', '00d0C', 16},
MFLO = {0, 'd', '00d0C', 18},
MTHI = {0, 's', 's000C', 17},
MTLO = {0, 's', 's000C', 19},
ADDI = { 8, 'tsK', 'sti'},
ADDIU = { 9, 'tsK', 'sti'},
ANDI = {12, 'tsK', 'sti'},
@ -284,6 +298,8 @@ local instructions = {
BLTZALL = { 1, 'sr', 'sCo', 18},
BLTZL = { 1, 'sr', 'sCo', 2},
-- coprocessor-related instructions
TEQ = {0, 'st', 'st00C', 52},
TGE = {0, 'st', 'st00C', 48},
TGEU = {0, 'st', 'st00C', 49},
@ -291,14 +307,12 @@ local instructions = {
TLTU = {0, 'st', 'st00C', 51},
TNE = {0, 'st', 'st00C', 54},
ADD_D = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 0, fmt_double},
ADD_S = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 0, fmt_single},
DIV_D = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 3, fmt_double},
DIV_S = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 3, fmt_single},
MUL_D = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 2, fmt_double},
MUL_S = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 2, fmt_single},
SUB_D = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 1, fmt_double},
SUB_S = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 1, fmt_single},
TEQI = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 12},
TGEI = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 8},
TGEIU = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 9},
TLTI = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 10},
TLTIU = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 11},
TNEI = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 14},
CFC1 = {17, 'tS', 'CtS00', 2},
CTC1 = {17, 'tS', 'CtS00', 6},
@ -314,6 +328,31 @@ local instructions = {
SDC1 = {61, 'Tob', 'bTo'},
SWC1 = {57, 'Tob', 'bTo'},
-- immediate limited to 3 bits?
CACHE = {47, 'iob', 'bio'},
-- misuses 'F' to write the initial bit
ERET = {16, '', 'F000C', 24, 16},
TLBP = {16, '', 'F000C', 8, 16},
TLBR = {16, '', 'F000C', 1, 16},
TLBWI = {16, '', 'F000C', 2, 16},
TLBWR = {16, '', 'F000C', 6, 16},
-- only one condition code on the R4300i?
BC1F = {17, 'r', 'FCo', 0, 8},
BC1FL = {17, 'r', 'FCo', 2, 8},
BC1T = {17, 'r', 'FCo', 1, 8},
BC1TL = {17, 'r', 'FCo', 3, 8},
ADD_D = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 0, fmt_double},
ADD_S = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 0, fmt_single},
DIV_D = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 3, fmt_double},
DIV_S = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 3, fmt_single},
MUL_D = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 2, fmt_double},
MUL_S = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 2, fmt_single},
SUB_D = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 1, fmt_double},
SUB_S = {17, 'DST', 'FTSDC', 1, fmt_single},
C_EQ_D = {17, 'ST', 'FTS0C', 50, fmt_double},
C_EQ_S = {17, 'ST', 'FTS0C', 50, fmt_single},
C_F_D = {17, 'ST', 'FTS0C', 48, fmt_double},
@ -383,30 +422,8 @@ local instructions = {
TRUNC_W_D={17, 'DS', 'F0SDC', 13, fmt_double},
TRUNC_W_S={17, 'DS', 'F0SDC', 13, fmt_double},
TEQI = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 12},
TGEI = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 8},
TGEIU = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 9},
TLTI = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 10},
TLTIU = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 11},
TNEI = {1, 'si', 'sCi', 14},
-- immediate limited to 3 bits?
CACHE = {47, 'iob', 'bio'},
-- misuses 'F' to write the initial bit
ERET = {16, '', 'F000C', 24, 16},
TLBP = {16, '', 'F000C', 8, 16},
TLBR = {16, '', 'F000C', 1, 16},
TLBWI = {16, '', 'F000C', 2, 16},
TLBWR = {16, '', 'F000C', 6, 16},
-- only one condition code on the R4300i?
BC1F = {17, 'r', 'FCo', 0, 8},
BC1FL = {17, 'r', 'FCo', 2, 8},
BC1T = {17, 'r', 'FCo', 1, 8},
BC1TL = {17, 'r', 'FCo', 3, 8},
-- pseudo-instructions
B = {4, 'r', '00o'}, -- BEQ R0, R0, offset
BAL = {1, 'r', '0Co', 17}, -- BGEZAL R0, offset
BEQZ = {4, 'sr', 's0o'}, -- BEQ RS, R0, offset
@ -420,37 +437,37 @@ local instructions = {
SUBIU = {9, 'tsk', 'sti'}, -- ADDIU RT, RS, -immediate
-- ...that expand to multiple instructions
LI = {}, -- only one instruction for values < 0x10000
LA = {},
LI = __, -- only one instruction for values < 0x10000
LA = __,
-- variable arguments
PUSH = {},
POP = {},
JPOP = {},
PUSH = __,
POP = __,
JPOP = __,
MUL = {}, -- MULT MFLO
--DIV = {}, -- 3 arguments
REM = {}, -- 3 arguments
MUL = __, -- MULT MFLO
--DIV = __, -- 3 arguments
REM = __, -- 3 arguments
NAND = {}, -- AND, NOT
NANDI = {}, -- ANDI, NOT
NORI = {}, -- ORI, NOT
ROL = {}, -- SLL, SRL, OR
ROR = {}, -- SRL, SLL, OR
NAND = __, -- AND, NOT
NANDI = __, -- ANDI, NOT
NORI = __, -- ORI, NOT
ROL = __, -- SLL, SRL, OR
ROR = __, -- SRL, SLL, OR
SEQ = {}, SEQI = {}, SEQIU = {}, SEQU = {},
SGE = {}, SGEI = {}, SGEIU = {}, SGEU = {},
SGT = {}, SGTI = {}, SGTIU = {}, SGTU = {},
SLE = {}, SLEI = {}, SLEIU = {}, SLEU = {},
SNE = {}, SNEI = {}, SNEIU = {}, SNEU = {},
SEQ = __, SEQI = __, SEQIU = __, SEQU = __,
SGE = __, SGEI = __, SGEIU = __, SGEU = __,
SGT = __, SGTI = __, SGTIU = __, SGTU = __,
SLE = __, SLEI = __, SLEIU = __, SLEU = __,
SNE = __, SNEI = __, SNEIU = __, SNEU = __,
BEQI = {},
BNEI = {},
BGE = {}, BGEI = {},
BLE = {}, BLEI = {},
BLT = {}, BLTI = {},
BGT = {}, BGTI = {},
BEQI = __,
BNEI = __,
BGE = __, BGEI = __,
BLE = __, BLEI = __,
BLT = __, BLTI = __,
BGT = __, BGTI = __,
local all_instructions = {}
@ -1550,9 +1567,8 @@ function Dumper:add_label(name)
function Dumper:add_bytes(line, ...)
local bs = {...}
local t
local use_last = self.lastcommand and self.lastcommand.kind == 'bytes'
local t
if use_last then
t = self.lastcommand
@ -1561,7 +1577,7 @@ function Dumper:add_bytes(line, ...)
t.size = 0
t.line = line
for _, b in ipairs(bs) do
for _, b in ipairs{...} do
t.size = t.size + 1
t[t.size] = b
@ -1639,7 +1655,7 @@ function Dumper:desym(tok)
return rel % 0x10000
self:error('failed to desym')
self:error('failed to desym') -- internal error?
function Dumper:toval(tok)
@ -1689,13 +1705,13 @@ function Dumper:toval(tok)
return self:desym(tok)
self:error('invalid value')
self:error('invalid value') -- internal error?
function Dumper:validate(n, bits)
local max = 2^bits
if n == nil then
self:error('value is nil')
self:error('value is nil') -- internal error?
if n > max or n < 0 then
self:error('value out of range')
@ -1785,8 +1801,7 @@ function assembler.word_writer()
if pos > max then
max = pos
if max == -1 then return end
elseif max >= 0 then
for i=0, max, 4 do
local a = buff[i+0] or '00'
local b = buff[i+1] or '00'