import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.signal as sig # optionally, use an alternate style for plotting. # this reconfigures colors, fonts, padding, etc. # i personally prefer the look of ggplot, but the contrast is generally worse.'ggplot') # create log-spaced points from 20 to 20480 Hz. # we'll compute our y values using these later. # increasing precision will result in a smoother plot. precision = 4096 xs = np.arange(0, precision) / precision xs = 20 * 1024**xs # decide on a sample-rate and a center-frequency (the -3dB point). fs = 44100 fc = 1000 def response_setup(ax, ymin=-24, ymax=24, major_ticks_every=6, minor_ticks_split=2): """configure axes for magnitude plotting within the range of human hearing.""" ax.set_xlim(20, 20000) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.grid(True, 'both') # enable major and minor gridlines on both axes ax.set_xlabel('frequency (Hz)') ax.set_ylabel('magnitude (dB)') # manually set y tick positions. # this is usually better than relying on matplotlib to choose good values. from matplotlib import ticker ax.set_yticks(tuple(range(ymin, ymax + 1, major_ticks_every))) minor_ticker = ticker.AutoMinorLocator(minor_ticks_split) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(minor_ticker) def modified_bilinear(b, a, w0): """ the modified bilinear transform defers specifying the center frequency of an analog filter to the conversion to a digital filter: this s-plane to z-plane transformation. it also compensates for the frequency-warping effect. b and a are the normalized numerator and denominator coefficients (respectively) of the polynomial in the s-plane, and w0 is the angular center frequency. effectively, w0 = 2 * pi * fc / fs. the modified bilinear transform is specified by RBJ [1] as: s := (1 - z^-1) / (1 + z^-1) / tan(w0 / 2) as opposed to the traditional bilinear transform: s := (1 - z^-1) / (1 + z^-1) [1]: """ # in my opinion, this is a more convenient way of creating digital filters. # scipy doesn't implement the modified bilinear transform, # so i'll just write the expanded form for second-order filters here. # TODO: include the equation that expanded/simplified to this # use padding to allow for first-order filters. # untested if len(b) == 2: b = (b[0], b[1], 0) if len(a) == 2: a = (a[0], a[1], 0) assert len(b) == 3 and len(a) == 3, "unsupported order of filter" cw = np.cos(w0) sw = np.sin(w0) zb = np.array(( b[0]*(1 - cw) + b[2]*(1 + cw) - b[1]*sw, 2*(b[0]*(1 - cw) - b[2]*(1 + cw)), b[0]*(1 - cw) + b[2]*(1 + cw) + b[1]*sw, )) za = np.array(( a[0]*(1 - cw) + a[2]*(1 + cw) - a[1]*sw, 2*(a[0]*(1 - cw) - a[2]*(1 + cw)), a[0]*(1 - cw) + a[2]*(1 + cw) + a[1]*sw, )) return zb, za def digital_magnitude(xs, cascade, fc, fs, decibels=True): """ compute the digital magnitude response of an analog SOS filter (cascade) at the points given at xs and the center frequency fc for the sampling rate of fs. """ to_magnitude_decibels = lambda x: np.real(np.log10(np.abs(x)**2) * 10) # compute angular frequencies ws = 2 * np.pi * xs / fs w0 = 2 * np.pi * fc / fs digital_cascade = [modified_bilinear(*ba, w0=w0) for ba in cascade] # we don't need the first result freqz returns # because it'll just be the worN we're passing. responses = [sig.freqz(*ba, worN=ws)[1] for ba in digital_cascade] if decibels: mags = [to_magnitude_decibels(response) for response in responses] mags = np.array(mags) composite = np.sum(mags, axis=0) else: # untested mags = [np.abs(response) for response in responses] mags = np.array(mags) composite =, axis=0) # we could also compute phase using (untested): # -np.arctan2(np.imag(response), np.real(response)) return composite, mags # compute the butterworth coefficients for later. # we'll request them in SOS format: second-order sections. # that means we'll get an array of second-order filters # that combine to produce one higher-order filter. # note that we specify 1 as the frequency; we'll give the actual frequency # later, when we transform it to a digital filter. butterworth_2 = sig.butter(N=2, Wn=1, analog=True, output='sos') butterworth_6 = sig.butter(N=6, Wn=1, analog=True, output='sos') # scipy returns the b and a coefficients in a flat array, # but we need them separate. butterworth_2 = butterworth_2.reshape(-1, 2, 3) butterworth_6 = butterworth_6.reshape(-1, 2, 3) butterworth_2_times3 = butterworth_2.repeat(3, axis=0) # set up our first plot. fig, ax = plt.subplots() response_setup(ax, -30, 3) ax.set_title("comparison of digital butterworth filters (fc=1kHz, fs=44.1kHz)") # compute the magnitude of the filters at our x positions. # we don't want the individual magnitudes here, # so assign them to the dummy variable _. ys1, _ = digital_magnitude(xs, butterworth_2, fc, fs) ys2, _ = digital_magnitude(xs, butterworth_2_times3, fc, fs) ys3, _ = digital_magnitude(xs, butterworth_6, fc, fs) # our x axis is frequency, so it should be spaced logarithmically. # our y axis is decibels, which is already a logarithmic unit. # thus, semilogx is the plotting function to use here. ax.semilogx(xs, ys1, label="second order") ax.semilogx(xs, ys2, label="second order, three times") ax.semilogx(xs, ys3, label="sixth order") ax.legend() # display the legend, given by labels when plotting. fig.savefig('butterworth_comparison.png') # set up our second plot. fig, ax = plt.subplots() response_setup(ax, -12, 12) ax.set_title("digital butterworth decomposition (fc=1kHz, fs=44.1kHz)") cascade = butterworth_6 composite, mags = digital_magnitude(xs, cascade, fc, fs) for i, mag in enumerate(mags): # Q has an inverse relation to the 1st-degree coefficient # of the analog filter's denominator, so we can compute it that way. Q = 1 / cascade[i][1][1] ax.semilogx(xs, mag, label="second order (Q = {:.6f})".format(Q)) ax.semilogx(xs, composite, label="composite") ax.legend() fig.savefig('butterworth_composite.png') # as a bonus, here's how the modified bilinear transform is especially useful: # we can specify all the basic second-order analog filter types # with minimal code! lowpass2 = lambda A, Q: ((1, 0, 0), (1, 1/Q, 1)) highpass2 = lambda A, Q: ((0, 0, 1), (1, 1/Q, 1)) allpass2 = lambda A, Q: ((1, 1/Q, 1), (1, 1/Q, 1)) # peaking filters are also (perhaps for the better) known as bell filters. peaking2 = lambda A, Q: ((1, A/Q, 1), (1, 1/A/Q, 1)) # TODO: add classical "analog" peaking filter, where bandwidth and amplitude are interlinked # there are two common bandpass variants: # one where the bandwidth and amplitude are interlinked, bandpass2a = lambda A, Q: ((0, -A/Q, 0), (1, 1/A/Q, 1)) # and one where they aren't. bandpass2b = lambda A, Q: ((0,-A*A/Q, 0), (1, 1/Q, 1)) notch2 = lambda A, Q: ((1, 0, 1), (1, 1/Q, 1)) lowshelf2 = lambda A, Q: (( A, np.sqrt(A)/Q, 1), (1/A, 1/np.sqrt(A)/Q, 1)) highshelf2 = lambda A, Q: ((1, np.sqrt(A)/Q, A), (1, 1/np.sqrt(A)/Q, 1/A)) # here's an example of how to plot these. # we specify the gain in decibels and bandwidth in octaves, # then convert these to A and Q. fig, ax = plt.subplots() response_setup(ax, -30, 30) invsqrt2 = 1 / np.sqrt(2) # for bandwidth <-> Q calculation # note that A is squared, so the decibel math here is a little different. designer = lambda f, decibels, bandwidth: f(10**(decibels / 40.), invsqrt2 / bandwidth) ax.set_title("example of interlinked bandpass amplitude/bandwidth") cascade = [ designer(bandpass2a, 0, 2), designer(bandpass2a, -18, 2), designer(bandpass2a, 18, 2), ] composite, mags = digital_magnitude(xs, cascade, fc, fs) for mag in mags: ax.semilogx(xs, mag) #ax.semilogx(xs, composite) #ax.legend() fig.savefig('filter_example.png')