function lerp(x0, x1, t) return x0*(1-t) + x1*t end function blendExp(x0, x1, t) return x0^(1-t)*x1^t end local sw = 640 local sh = 480 local font local fs = 12 local coordsA = {} local coordsB = {} local coordsAL = {} local coordsBL = {} local input = { [0]=0.9013, [60]=1.3685, [120]=1.1046, [180]=1.1633, [240]=0.7332, [300]=0.8603, [360]=0.9013, } local xPrecision = 60/20 local win = { T = 1.5, B = -0.5, L = 0, R = 360, stepX = 30, stepY = 0.25, } win.scaleX = 1/(win.L - win.R) win.scaleY = 1/(win.T - win.B) function screenX(x) return sw*(win.L-x)*win.scaleX end function screenY(y) return sh*(win.T-y)*win.scaleY end function addPoint(coords, x, y) coords[#coords+1] = screenX(x) coords[#coords+1] = screenY(y) end function index(t, x) if type(x) ~= type(0) then return nil end local x0 local x1 for tx, ty in pairs(t) do -- we can't guarantee the order the key/values come in if tx ~= "interpolator" then -- x0 = largest tx that doesn't go over x if tx <= x and (x0 == nil or tx > x0) then x0 = tx end -- x1 = smallest tx that doesn't go under x if tx > x and (x1 == nil or tx < x1) then x1 = tx end end end x1 = x1 or x0 local y0 = rawget(t, x0) local y1 = rawget(t, x1) local f = rawget(t, "interpolator") local y = f(y0, y1, (x - x0)/(x1 - x0)) return y end function love.load() if not, sh) then error("couldn't setMode ("..sw.." by "")") end"hey it's a graph") --font ="DejaVuSansMono.ttf", fs) setmetatable(input, {__index = index}) input.interpolator = lerp for x=win.L, win.R, xPrecision do local y = input[x] addPoint(coordsA, x, y) addPoint(coordsAL, x, math.log(y)) end input.interpolator = blendExp for x=win.L, win.R, xPrecision do local y = input[x] addPoint(coordsB, x, y) addPoint(coordsBL, x, math.log(y)) end end function love.keypressed(key) if key == "escape" then love.event.push("quit") end end local drawCoords = local drawText = function color(hex) local r = tonumber(string.sub(hex, 1,2), 16) local g = tonumber(string.sub(hex, 3,4), 16) local b = tonumber(string.sub(hex, 5,6), 16),g,b) end function drawVert(x) drawCoords(x, 0, x, sh) end function drawHoriz(y) drawCoords(0, y, sw, y) end function love.draw(),255,255) for x=win.L, win.R, win.stepX do color("d3e2e7") local rx = screenX(x) drawVert(rx) color("808080") drawText(tostring(x), rx, sh - fs) end for y=win.B, win.T, win.stepY do color("c6cce3") local ry = screenY(y) drawHoriz(ry) color("808080") drawText(tostring(y), 0, ry) end color("404040") drawVert(screenX(0)) drawHoriz(screenY(0)) color("57C1BB") drawCoords(coordsA) drawCoords(coordsAL) color("9F65C5") drawCoords(coordsB) drawCoords(coordsBL) end