This commit is contained in:
Connor Olding 2015-11-21 20:01:40 -08:00
parent 051265ea3a
commit 176b8b32b0
3 changed files with 261 additions and 213 deletions

View file

@ -1,212 +1,236 @@
__root__: &t0x6f478 __root__: &t0xfff91348
_VERSION: Lua 5.2 _VERSION: Lua 5.1
add_zeros: f0x73838 add_zeros: f0xfff9bdb8
assert: f0x1fefc assert: fbuiltin#2
collectgarbage: f0x1f930 collectgarbage: fbuiltin#27
dofile: f0x1fe7c copy: f0xfff9be70
dump: f0x78770 dofile: fbuiltin#25
error: f0x1f8c0 dump: f0xfff91308
getaddr: f0x74c40 error: fbuiltin#19
getmetatable: f0x1fe2c gcinfo: fbuiltin#26
ipairs: f0x1fd24 getaddr: f0xfff9be58
load: f0x1ff54 getfenv: fbuiltin#10
loadfile: f0x1fd80 getmetatable: fbuiltin#8
loadstring: f0x1ff54 ipairs: fbuiltin#7
mixed_sorter: f0x76c28 load: fbuiltin#23
module: f0x6fe20 loadfile: fbuiltin#22
next: f0x1f7ac loadstring: fbuiltin#24
opairs: f0x74c88 mixed_sorter: f0xfff9bdd0
order_keys: f0x74cd0 module: f0xfff93598
pairs: f0x1fd04 newproxy: fbuiltin#28
pcall: f0x1fb50 next: fbuiltin#4
print: f0x1f66c opairs: f0xfff9be00
rawequal: f0x1f62c order_keys: f0xfff9bde8
rawget: f0x1f598 pairs: fbuiltin#5
rawlen: f0x1f5d8 pcall: fbuiltin#20
rawset: f0x1f54c print: fbuiltin#29
rawstr: f0x76460 rawequal: fbuiltin#14
require: f0x70b00 rawget: fbuiltin#12
select: f0x1f444 rawset: fbuiltin#13
setmetatable: f0x1fbc0 rawstr: f0xfff9be40
strpad: f0x73e60 require: f0xfff935d8
tonumber: f0x1f25c select: fbuiltin#16
tostring: f0x1f234 setfenv: fbuiltin#11
type: f0x1f1f8 setmetatable: fbuiltin#9
unpack: f0x26598 strpad: f0xfff9bda0
xpcall: f0x1fa84 tonumber: fbuiltin#17
_G: *t0x6f478 tostring: fbuiltin#18
arg: &t0x736b8 type: fbuiltin#3
"-1": /usr/bin/lua unpack: fbuiltin#15
0: ./run.lua xpcall: fbuiltin#21
bit32: &t0x70190 _G: *t0xfff91348
arshift: f0x2022c arg: &t0xfff93728
band: f0x20458 "-1": luajit
bnot: f0x20208 0: run.lua
bor: f0x204c4 bit: &t0xfff962c0
btest: f0x20434 arshift: fbuiltin#68
bxor: f0x20478 band: fbuiltin#71
extract: f0x203a4 bnot: fbuiltin#64
lrotate: f0x20510 bor: fbuiltin#72
lshift: f0x20190 bswap: fbuiltin#65
replace: f0x20338 bxor: fbuiltin#73
rrotate: f0x201c4 lshift: fbuiltin#66
rshift: f0x2015c rol: fbuiltin#69
coroutine: &t0x6f998 ror: fbuiltin#70
create: f0x20844 rshift: fbuiltin#67
resume: f0x20934 tobit: fbuiltin#63
running: f0x20824 tohex: fbuiltin#74
status: f0x206cc coroutine: &t0xfff92f38
wrap: f0x20888 create: fbuiltin#32
yield: f0x20584 resume: fbuiltin#34
debug: &t0x717c8 running: fbuiltin#31
debug: f0x20e44 status: fbuiltin#30
gethook: f0x21470 wrap: fbuiltin#36
getinfo: f0x21674 yield: fbuiltin#33
getlocal: f0x2132c debug: &t0xfff95d78
getmetatable: f0x20d88 debug: fbuiltin#140
getregistry: f0x209fc getfenv: fbuiltin#129
getupvalue: f0x20aac gethook: fbuiltin#139
getuservalue: f0x20e0c getinfo: fbuiltin#131
sethook: f0x2118c getlocal: fbuiltin#132
setlocal: f0x21094 getmetatable: fbuiltin#127
setmetatable: f0x20ab4 getregistry: fbuiltin#126
setupvalue: f0x20a8c getupvalue: fbuiltin#134
setuservalue: f0x20b58 setfenv: fbuiltin#130
traceback: f0x20ff8 sethook: fbuiltin#138
upvalueid: f0x20ca0 setlocal: fbuiltin#133
upvaluejoin: f0x20cd8 setmetatable: fbuiltin#128
io: &t0x70fe8 setupvalue: fbuiltin#135
close: f0x21c94 traceback: fbuiltin#141
flush: f0x22328 upvalueid: fbuiltin#136
input: f0x22a28 upvaluejoin: fbuiltin#137
lines: f0x22a44 io: &t0xfff942b0
open: f0x22b64 close: fbuiltin#107
output: f0x22a0c flush: fbuiltin#110
popen: f0x2238c input: fbuiltin#111
read: f0x222dc lines: fbuiltin#113
stderr: file (0x76e4f9d8) open: fbuiltin#104
stdin: file (0x76e4fc98) output: fbuiltin#112
stdout: file (0x76e4fb38) popen: fbuiltin#105
tmpfile: f0x22c70 read: fbuiltin#108
type: f0x22890 stderr: file (0x611a2cf0)
write: f0x21ba8 stdin: file (0x611a2c10)
math: &t0x72a10 stdout: file (0x611a2c80)
abs: f0x22e48 tmpfile: fbuiltin#106
acos: f0x234c8 type: fbuiltin#114
asin: f0x234a4 write: fbuiltin#109
atan: f0x2343c jit: &t0xfff967f0
atan2: f0x23460 arch: x86
ceil: f0x23418 attach: fbuiltin#146
cos: f0x233d0 flush: fbuiltin#144
cosh: f0x233f4 off: fbuiltin#143
deg: f0x22e18 on: fbuiltin#142
exp: f0x233ac os: POSIX
floor: f0x23030 status: fbuiltin#145
fmod: f0x23368 version: LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta1
frexp: f0x2332c version_num: 20100
opt: &t0xfff96ba8
start: fbuiltin#158
math: &t0xfff95250
abs: fbuiltin#37
acos: fbuiltin#47
asin: fbuiltin#46
atan: fbuiltin#48
atan2: fbuiltin#55
ceil: fbuiltin#39
cos: fbuiltin#44
cosh: fbuiltin#50
deg: f0xfff95a48
exp: fbuiltin#42
floor: fbuiltin#38
fmod: fbuiltin#57
frexp: fbuiltin#52
huge: inf huge: inf
ldexp: f0x232ec ldexp: fbuiltin#58
log: f0x2323c log: fbuiltin#54
log10: f0x232c8 log10: fbuiltin#41
max: f0x22fc4 max: fbuiltin#60
min: f0x22f58 min: fbuiltin#59
modf: f0x231f0 mod: fbuiltin#57
modf: fbuiltin#53
pi: 3.1415926535898 pi: 3.1415926535898
pow: f0x231ac pow: fbuiltin#56
rad: f0x22de8 rad: f0xfff95ad8
random: f0x23054 random: fbuiltin#61
randomseed: f0x22f3c randomseed: fbuiltin#62
sin: f0x22ef4 sin: fbuiltin#43
sinh: f0x22f18 sinh: fbuiltin#49
sqrt: f0x22eb4 sqrt: fbuiltin#40
tan: f0x22e6c tan: fbuiltin#45
tanh: f0x22e90 tanh: fbuiltin#51
os: &t0x70d90 os: &t0xfff94770
clock: f0x237d8 clock: fbuiltin#121
date: f0x23ac0 date: fbuiltin#122
difftime: f0x23758 difftime: fbuiltin#124
execute: f0x23714 execute: fbuiltin#115
exit: f0x2369c exit: fbuiltin#120
getenv: f0x23670 getenv: fbuiltin#119
remove: f0x2363c remove: fbuiltin#116
rename: f0x235ec rename: fbuiltin#117
setlocale: f0x23580 setlocale: fbuiltin#125
time: f0x23930 time: fbuiltin#123
tmpname: f0x23810 tmpname: fbuiltin#118
package: &t0x6fe90 package: &t0xfff93288
config: "\ config:
/\ /
;\ ;
?\ ?
!\ !
-\ -
" cpath: ./?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/
cpath: /usr/lib/lua/5.2/?.so;/usr/lib/lua/5.2/;./?.so loadlib: f0xfff93318
loadlib: f0x27808 path: ./?.lua;/usr/local/share/luajit-2.1.0-beta1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua
path: /usr/share/lua/5.2/?.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.2/?/init.lua;/usr/lib/lua/5.2/?.lua;/usr/lib/lua/5.2/?/init.lua;./?.lua searchpath: f0xfff93358
searchpath: f0x27ad4 seeall: f0xfff93398
seeall: f0x273e0 loaded: &t0xfff92480
searchers: *t0x705b0
loaded: &t0x6f948
extra: true extra: true
_G: *t0x6f478 _G: *t0xfff91348
bit32: *t0x70190 bit: *t0xfff962c0
coroutine: *t0x6f998 coroutine: *t0xfff92f38
debug: *t0x717c8 debug: *t0xfff95d78
io: *t0x70fe8 io: *t0xfff942b0
math: *t0x72a10 jit: *t0xfff967f0
os: *t0x70d90 "jit.opt": *t0xfff96ba8
package: *t0x6fe90 math: *t0xfff95250
string: *t0x70340 os: *t0xfff94770
table: *t0x70b68 package: *t0xfff93288
pt: &t0x78948 string: *t0xfff94be0
__call: f0x75128 table: *t0xfff93638
inner: f0x76d00 pt: &t0xfff9be18
outer: f0x74410 __call: f0xfff9be88
safekey: f0x77de8 inner: f0xfff9bfb0
safeval: f0x6f2d0 outer: f0xfff9bff0
write: f0x6f360 safekey: f0xfff9beb8
__index: *t0x78948 safeval: f0xfff9bed0
__metatable: *t0x78948 write: f0xfff9bea0
loaders: &t0x705b0 __index: *t0xfff9be18
1: f0x70620 __metatable: *t0xfff9be18
2: f0x70648 loaders: &t0xfff933d8
3: f0x70670 1: f0xfff93428
4: f0x70698 2: f0xfff93448
preload: &t0x70720 3: f0xfff93468
string: &t0x70340 4: f0xfff93488
byte: f0x25234 preload: &t0xfff93700
char: f0x24768 ffi: f0xfff96c48
dump: f0x254d4 "jit.profile": f0xfff96af0
find: f0x25db4 "jit.util": f0xfff96b30
format: f0x24890 "table.clear": f0xfff93e68
gmatch: f0x2470c "": f0xfff93e28
gsub: f0x25dbc string: &t0xfff94be0
len: f0x2433c byte: fbuiltin#75
lower: f0x2436c char: fbuiltin#76
match: f0x25dac dump: fbuiltin#82
rep: f0x2416c find: fbuiltin#83
reverse: f0x23fb8 format: fbuiltin#88
sub: f0x2518c gfind: fbuiltin#86
upper: f0x23ed8 gmatch: fbuiltin#86
t: &t0x74a30 gsub: fbuiltin#87
len: f0xfff94e00
lower: fbuiltin#80
match: fbuiltin#84
rep: fbuiltin#78
reverse: fbuiltin#79
sub: fbuiltin#77
upper: fbuiltin#81
t: &t0xfff9a1c0
C: hello C: hello
D: *t0x74a30 D: *t0xfff9a1c0
A: &t0x74b78 A: &t0xfff9a978
a: beep a: beep
b: boop b: boop
c: burp c: burp
d: *t0x786c0 d: *t0xfff9a9a0
B: &t0x786c0 B: &t0xfff9a9a0
a: nude a: nude
b: dude b: dude
c: lewd c: lewd
d: *t0x74b78 d: *t0xfff9a978
table: &t0x70b68 table: &t0xfff93638
concat: f0x2691c concat: fbuiltin#91
insert: f0x26688 foreach: f0xfff93b70
maxn: f0x26818 foreachi: f0xfff93aa8
pack: f0x26778 getn: f0xfff93c00
remove: f0x26498 insert: fbuiltin#90
sort: f0x26dec maxn: fbuiltin#89
unpack: f0x26598 remove: f0xfff93d90
sort: fbuiltin#92

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
require('extra') require 'extra'
local pt = {} local pt = {}
pt.__index = pt pt.__index = pt
@ -19,14 +19,29 @@ function getaddr(t)
return rawstr(t):sub(#type(t) + 3) return rawstr(t):sub(#type(t) + 3)
end end
function pt.__call(pt, t, writer, seen) function copy(t)
-- shallow copy
if type(t) ~= 'table' then return end
local new = {}
for key, value in pairs(t) do
new[key] = value
return new
function pt.__call(pt, args)
-- print a table as semi-valid YAML -- print a table as semi-valid YAML
-- with references to prevent recursion/duplication -- with references to prevent recursion/duplication
local t = args.table or args[1]
local self = {} local self = {}
setmetatable(self, pt) setmetatable(self, pt)
self.seen = seen or {} self.seen = copy(args.seen) or {}
self.skipped = copy(args.skipped) or {}
self.seen_elsewhere = args.seen or {}
self.depth = args.depth or 16
self.writer = args.writer or io.write
self.skeleton = args.skeleton or false
self.queued = {} self.queued = {}
self.writer = writer or io.write
self:inner('__root__', t, '') self:inner('__root__', t, '')
return self.seen return self.seen
end end
@ -53,22 +68,31 @@ function pt.safeval(v, indent)
return s return s
end end
s = s:find('[\r\n]') and ('\n'..s):gsub('[\r\n]', '\n'..indent..' ') or s s = s:find('[\r\n]') and ('\n'..s):gsub('[\r\n]', '\n'..indent..' ') or s
local safe = ('%q'):format(s) --local safe = ('%q'):format(s)
return s == safe:sub(2, -2) and s or safe --return s == safe:sub(2, -2) and s or safe
-- TODO: finish matching valid characters
return s:find('[^%w_()[]{}.]') and ('%q'):format(s) or s
end end
function pt:inner(k, v, indent) function pt:inner(k, v, indent)
if type(v) ~= 'table' then if type(v) ~= 'table' then
if self.skeleton then return end
self:write(indent, pt.safekey(k), ': ') self:write(indent, pt.safekey(k), ': ')
self:write(pt.safeval(v, indent), '\n') self:write(pt.safeval(v, indent), '\n')
return return
end end
local addr = getaddr(v) local addr = getaddr(v)
self:write(indent, pt.safekey(k)) self:write(indent, pt.safekey(k))
if #indent > self.depth or self.skipped[addr] then
--self.skipped[addr] = true -- TODO: extra logics
self:write(': #t', addr, '\n')
if self.seen[addr] or self.queued[addr] then if self.seen[addr] or self.queued[addr] then
self:write(': *t', addr, '\n') self:write(': *t', addr, self.seen_elsewhere[addr] and ' #\n' or '\n')
return return
end end
@ -90,7 +114,7 @@ function pt:outer(t, indent)
for k,v in opairs(t) do for k,v in opairs(t) do
if type(v) == 'table' then if type(v) == 'table' then
local addr = getaddr(v) local addr = getaddr(v)
if not self.queued[addr] and not self.seen[addr] then if not self.queued[addr] and not self.seen[addr] and not self.skipped[addr] then
self.queued[addr] = true self.queued[addr] = true
ours[k] = v ours[k] = v
else else

View file

@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ function dump(t, fn, seen)
local writer = function(...) local writer = function(...)
file:write(...) file:write(...)
end end
seen = pt(t, writer, seen) seen = pt{t, writer=writer, seen=seen}
file:close() file:close()
return seen return seen
end end
pt(t) pt{t}
dump(_G, '_G.yml') dump(_G, '_G.yml')