2015-10-27 04:04:29 -07:00

39 lines
1.2 KiB

import numpy as np
from .util import lament, count_channels
# TODO: don't use wavfile, it breaks on perfectly good files
import scipy.io.wavfile as wav
import ewave
def wav_smart_read(fn):
lament('wav_smart_read(): DEPRECATED; use wav_read instead.')
srate, s = wav.read(fn)
if s.dtype != np.float64:
bits = s.dtype.itemsize*8
s = np.asfarray(s)/2**(bits - 1)
return srate, s
def wav_smart_write(fn, srate, s):
lament('wav_smart_write(): DEPRECATED; use ewave instead.')
si = np.zeros_like(s, dtype='int16')
bits = si.dtype.itemsize*8
si += np.clip(s*2**(bits - 1), -32768, 32767)
wav.write(fn, srate, si)
def wav_read(fn):
with ewave.open(fn) as f:
s = f.read()
srate = f.sampling_rate
if s.dtype == np.float32:
s = np.asfarray(s)
elif s.dtype != np.float64:
bits = s.dtype.itemsize*8
s = np.asfarray(s)/2**(bits - 1)
return s, srate
def wav_write(fn, s, srate, dtype='h'):
if dtype in ('b', 'h', 'i', 'l') and np.max(np.abs(s)) > 1:
lament('wav_write(): WARNING; clipping')
with ewave.open(fn, 'w', srate, dtype, count_channels(s)) as f: