#ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327 #endif #ifndef M_LN2 #define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 #endif /* ln(2)/2 */ #define LN_2_2 0.3465735902799726547086 #define SQR(x) ((x)*(x)) #define DB2LIN(x) ((x) > -90 ? pow(10, (x) * 0.05) : 0) /* branchless, supposedly kills denormals when l=1 u=1 */ #define CLIP(v,l,u) (fabs(v-l)+(l+u)-fabs(v-u))*0.5; /* branches, but smaller and generic with no side effects */ #define LIMIT(v,l,u) ((v)<(l)?(l):((v)>(u)?(u):(v))) /* frequency to rads/sec (angular frequency) */ #define ANGULAR(fc, fs) (2 * M_PI / (fs) * (fc)) #define ANGULAR_LIM(fc, fs) (2 * M_PI / (fs) * LIMIT((fc), 1, (fs)/2)) /* http://musicdsp.org/showone.php?id=51 */ /* http://musicdsp.org/files/denormal.pdf */ /* this is pretty gross; * it's too easy to define BIQUAD_DOUBLE in one file and not another */ #ifdef BIQUAD_DOUBLE typedef double bq_t; #define IS_DENORMAL(f) (((*(uint64_t *)&f)&0x7FF0000000000000)==0) #else typedef float bq_t; #define IS_DENORMAL(f) (((*(uint32_t *)&f)&0x7F800000)==0) #endif typedef struct { bq_t a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, x1, x2, y1, y2; } biquad; typedef struct { double b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2; } biquad_interim; void biquad_init(biquad *bq); /* types: TODO: enum 0: peaking 1: lowshelf 2: highshelf 3: lowpass 4: highpass 5: allpass 6: bandpass 1 7: bandpass 2 8: notch 9: gain */ biquad biquad_gen(int type, double fc, double gain, double bw, double fs); /* s-plane to z-plane */ biquad_interim design(double cw, double sw, double num0, double num1, double num2, double den0, double den1, double den2); bq_t biquad_run(biquad *bq, bq_t x);