# crap connor's rancid audio plugins. LADSPA and VST. alternatively, configuration realizes any personality. ## plugs ### crap Parametric Equalizer __crap\_eq (0x000CAFED)__ multiband parametric EQ. try redefining BANDS. ### crap const Equalizer __crap\_eq\_const (0x0DEFACED)__ simpler code with a static response. edit code as needed. ### crap noise generator __crap\_noise (0xEC57A71C)__ white noise generator. loud, full-range, 0dBFS. don't say i didn't warn you. ### crap Tube Distortion __crap\_tube (0x50F7BA11)__ static waveshaper with 4x oversampling, sounds kinda like a tube I guess? be aware that the oversampling is a bit naive and attenuates the signal past 17kHz, assuming a 44.1kHz sample rate. ### crap delay test __crap\_delay\_test (0xDEDEDEDE)__ experimentation with delay compensation and EQ oversampling, not for use. ## build notes `make` it. a `benchmark` target is included, however it doesn't build on Windows. for speed, try `CFLAGS="-O3 -ffast-math -march=core2 -mfpmath=sse"` and the same for CXXFLAGS. on Linux, you'll need `CFLAGS+=" -fpic" CXXFLAGS+=" -fpic -D__cdecl="` remember to export `VST_SDK_DIR` to the path of your `vstsdk2.4/` ## TODO * rename plugins (fix capitalization consistency and such) * reduce input/output buffers on biquads (shared) * ease up on the preprocessor ifs * polish parameter support * make code style consistent