#!/usr/bin/env python3 from hashlib import sha1 from io import BytesIO import argparse import os import os.path import sys from util import * DEBUG = False lament = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) heresay = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0] # TODO: don't hardcode this? look into how the game handles it. blocks = ( (0x120000, 0x20000), (0x140000, 0x20000), (0x160000, 0x20000), (0x180000, 0x20000), (0x1A0000, 0x20000), (0x1C0000, 0x20000), (0x1E0000, 0x20000), (0x200000, 0x40000), (0x240000, 0x20000), (0x260000, 0x20000), (0x280000, 0x20000), (0x2A0000, 0x20000), (0x2C0000, 0x20000), (0x2E0000, 0x20000), (0x300000, 0x500000), ) def hexdump(data): # for debugging. for i in range((len(data) + 15) // 16): butts = data[i * 16:i * 16 + 16] print(("{:06X} |" + " {:02X}" * len(butts)).format(i * 16, *butts)) def pad_align_data(data): if len(data) % 16 != 0: return data + bytearray(16 - len(data) % 16) else: return data def compress_fast(data, mode="best"): assert mode == "best", "only \"best\" mode is implemented for compress_fast" from poopen import poopen from platform import machine exe = "compressor" exe += "64" if machine().endswith("64") else "32" exe += (".exe" if os.name == "nt" else "") exe = os.path.join(heresay, exe) assert os.path.isfile(exe), "missing executable: " + exe tmp_fn = "compressing.tmp" with open(tmp_fn, "wb") as f: f.write(data) poopen([exe, tmp_fn]) with open(tmp_fn, "rb") as f: new_data = f.read() return new_data def compress(data, mode="greedy"): assert mode in "worst greedy best".split(), f"unknown mode: {mode}" comp = bytearray() comp.extend(W4(len(data))) if len(data) == 0: return comp buf_len = 1024 buf = bytearray(buf_len) buf_i = 0x3BE min_len = 0 + 3 max_len = 0x3F + 3 def find_match(sub): if mode == "worst" or len(sub) < min_len: return None, None best_i, best_len = None, None for i in range(buf_len): match_i, match_len = (buf_i - i) % buf_len, 0 while buf[(match_i + match_len) % buf_len] == sub[match_len]: if (match_i + match_len) % buf_len == buf_i: # TODO: handle pseudo-writes to buffer. break match_len += 1 if match_len == max_len: break if match_len == len(sub): break if match_len < min_len: continue if best_len is None or match_len > best_len: best_i = match_i best_len = match_len if mode == "greedy": break if best_len is not None: assert min_len <= best_len <= max_len return best_i, best_len shift = 0 shifted = 0 last_shift_i = None def push_shift(): nonlocal comp, shift, shifted assert last_shift_i is not None comp[last_shift_i] = shift shift = 0 shifted = 0 def shift_in(x): nonlocal shift, shifted assert 0 <= x <= 1 assert shifted < 8 shift >>= 1 shift |= x << 7 shifted += 1 i = 0 while i < len(data): sub = data[i:i + max_len] match_i, match_len = find_match(sub) if DEBUG: if len(sub) < min_len: print("pos {:06X}: too short to match".format(i)) else: match_str = "no match" if match_i is not None: match_str = "{:03X}:{}".format(match_i, match_len) fmt = "pos {:06X}: matching {:02X}{:02X}{:02X}: {}" print(fmt.format(i, sub[0], sub[1], sub[2], match_str)) if last_shift_i is None: last_shift_i = len(comp) comp.append(0) shift = 0 shifted = 0 if match_i is None or match_len is None: shift_in(1) comp.append(sub[0]) buf[buf_i] = sub[0] i += 1 buf_i = (buf_i + 1) % buf_len else: shift_in(0) a = match_i & 0xFF b = ((match_i & 0x300) >> 2) | (match_len - 3) comp.append(a) comp.append(b) for j in range(match_len): buf[buf_i] = sub[j] buf_i = (buf_i + 1) % buf_len i += match_len if shifted == 8: push_shift() last_shift_i = None if last_shift_i is not None: comp[last_shift_i] = shift >> (8 - shifted) if DEBUG: decompress(comp[4:], len(data)) assert i == len(data) return comp def decompress(data, expected_size): decomp = bytearray() if len(data) == 0: return decomp buf = bytearray(1024) buf_i = 0x3BE def write(b): nonlocal decomp, buf, buf_i decomp.append(b) buf[buf_i] = b buf_i += 1 buf_i %= len(buf) def read_buf(o): nonlocal buf o = o % len(buf) return buf[o] i = 0 shift = 0 while i < len(data) and len(decomp) < expected_size: shift >>= 1 if shift & 0x100 == 0: #print(f"comm: {data[i]:02X}") shift = data[i] | 0xFF00 i += 1 if shift & 1 != 0: #print(f"dump: {data[i]:02X}") write(data[i]) i += 1 else: a, b = data[i], data[i + 1] copy_offset = ((b & 0xC0) << 2) | a copy_length = (b & 0x3F) + 3 #print(f"copy: {copy_offset:03X}, {copy_length}") for ci in range(copy_length): write(read_buf(copy_offset + ci)) i += 2 if DEBUG: hexdump(data) print("-" * (6 + 2 + 3 * 16)) hexdump(decomp) if len(decomp) > expected_size: raise Exception("decomp is larger than it said it would be.") return decomp def create_rom(d): root, _, files = next(os.walk(d)) files.sort() dirs = [] for block_meta in blocks: dirs.append([]) rom_size = 8 * 1024 * 1024 base_offset = 0x2008 # TODO: don't hardcode?: skip_14 = [ 32, # sound or music bank? 33, # sound or music bank? 220, # ? 221, # ? 267, # ? ] with open(d + ".z64", "w+b") as f: # initialize with zeros f.write(bytearray(rom_size)) f.seek(0) old_di = -1 old_fi = -1 for i, fn in enumerate(files): if fn == "misc.bin": with open(os.path.join(d, fn), "rb") as f2: data = f2.read() f.seek(0) f.write(data) elif "-" in fn: extless = fn.split(".")[0] di, fi = extless.split("-") di, fi = int(di), int(fi) if di != old_di: old_fi = -1 old_di = di if fi != old_fi + 1: raise Exception("file indices must be consecutive") with open(os.path.join(d, fn), "rb") as f2: data = f2.read() dirs[di].append(data) old_fi = fi else: lament("skipping unknown file:", fn) for di, files in enumerate(dirs): block_offset, block_size = blocks[di] f.seek(block_offset) f.write(W4(base_offset)) f.write(W4(0x400)) offset = 0 for fi, data in enumerate(files): f.write(W4(offset)) if fi == 0 and di != 14 or di == 14 and fi in skip_14: new_data = data else: #new_data = compress(data, "best" if di == 14 else "greedy") new_data = compress_fast(data) fmt = "compressed {:02}-{:03}.bin from {} bytes into {} ({:.2%})" percent = len(new_data) / len(data) if len(data) > 0 else 1 print(fmt.format(di, fi, len(data), len(new_data), percent)) new_data = pad_align_data(new_data) size = len(new_data) f.write(W4(size)) offset += size files[fi] = new_data if DEBUG and fi != 0: break while f.tell() & 0xFFFF < 0x2008: f.write(W4(0xFFFFFFFF)) f.write(W4(0xFFFFFFFF)) assert f.tell() & 0xFFFF == 0x2008 for data in files: f.write(data) assert f.tell() - block_offset < block_size if DEBUG: break def dump_files(f): # TODO: misc = f.read(0x120000) dump_as(misc, "misc.bin") for dir_index, block_meta in enumerate(blocks): block_offset, block_size = block_meta f.seek(block_offset) base_offset = R4(f.read(4)) unknown = R4(f.read(4)) file_index = 0 while True: offset = R4(f.read(4)) size = R4(f.read(4)) if offset == 0xFFFFFFFF or size == 0xFFFFFFFF: break if f.tell() & 0xFFFF > base_offset & 0xFFFF: break header_resume = f.tell() seek_to = offset + base_offset + block_offset #print(f"offset: {offset:08X}") #print(f"base_offset: {base_offset:08X}") #print(f"block_offset: {block_offset:08X}") fn = f"{dir_index:02}-{file_index:03}.bin" print(f"extracting file at {seek_to:06X} to {fn}") f.seek(seek_to) hint = R1(f.read(1)) # TODO: what is this really? if hint == 0: uncompressed_size = R4(b"\0" + f.read(3)) data = decompress(f.read(size - 4), uncompressed_size) else: print("hinted:", fn) data = bytes([hint]) + f.read(size - 1) dump_as(data, fn) f.seek(header_resume) file_index += 1 def dump_rom(fp): with open(fp, "rb") as f: data = f.read() with BytesIO(data) as f: start = f.read(4) if start == b"\x37\x80\x40\x12": swap_order(f) elif start != b"\x80\x37\x12\x40": lament("not a .z64:", fp) return f.seek(0) romhash = sha1(f.read()).hexdigest() if romhash != "8a7648d8105ac4fc1ad942291b2ef89aeca921c9": raise Exception("unknown/unsupported ROM") with SubDir(romhash): f.seek(0) dump_files(f) def run(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="fs: construct and deconstruct Bomberman 64 ROMs") parser.add_argument( "path", metavar="ROM or folder", nargs="+", help="ROM to deconstruct, or folder to construct") a = parser.parse_args(args) for path in a.path: # directories are technically files, so check this first: if os.path.isdir(path): create_rom(path) elif os.path.isfile(path): dump_rom(path) else: lament("no-op:", path) if __name__ == "__main__": try: ret = run(sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(ret) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1)