satisfy them booleans, solve them integers. `` is a small library for creating formulas in conjunctive normal form, and also for dealing with the eponymous CNF file format. the types used internally and exposed externally are very simple: booleans, integers, and lists of each. `` is a slightly larger library that builds upon ``, mimicing a tiny subset of the [z3]( library's interface. it exposes classes for high-level bitvectors and [unary-encoded integers.]( (unary is sometimes more efficient to solve) `` utilizes z0 to solve a (pretty arbitrary) problem relating to farming sugarcane in Minecraft. you will need to set the environment variable `SOLVER` to (the path of) an external SAT solver. [kissat]( works well. `` creates a hexagon grid with some colored numbers in it. it doesn't really a serve a purpose. `` parses a solution from a SAT solver, given the original yices-generated CNF.